The luxurious home-16

Flying like this felt so much different than in an aeroplane or even parachuting- it felt so free and boundless. Huntress wanted it to last a bit longer but it seemed as if they had arrived at their location as Raxdos started slowing down.

She looked towards the ground and was surprised to find herself in the wealthiest neighbourhood in Gotham, where houses are acres of land apart and at least three stories high.

They descended in the front of one such house where instead of fitting in like the rest, the house took a much more modern, luxurious design. It implemented a lot of glass and stone in its structure and the use of brick was minimal, giving it a youthful atmosphere.

"I'll head over to the garage, although the house is large it's quite easy to navigate around it. Bathroom is up the stairs and first door to your right, there are a bunch of unused bath robes in the wardrobe."

Raxdos picked up the bike and carried it over his shoulder as he walked to his underground garage, which is more like a motorbike exposition than anything.

The Huntress didn't reply and entered the house, surprised to see it in such pristine condition. The interior was also designed extremely well with every piece of furniture arranged perfectly.

*Bruce might need to take some notes...* she thought as she recalled her rich acquaintance/ex.

Once she walked up the stairs to the second floor it felt she entered a sacred place. Not just the towels but also the bathrobes were scented, as before the bathroom there exists a walk-in wardrobe.

The bathroom itself is extremely spacious with a stone bathtub big enough to fit six people. Once Huntress laid her eyes upon it she forgot her self control and flung her clothes off, ready to enjoy the next hour of complete relaxation.

-3 hours later-

Raxdos lost himself when working on the bike and fixed other things wrong with it such as the breaks. There were also some areas where the paint was scratched off which he took care of.

Now finished and proud with his work he made his way upstairs to get the troublesome woman out of his house. She was beautiful, he can't lie, but how many beautiful women did he have to hunt down in the past?

Once inside he found her on his couch watching TV, her mask no longer on and wearing only a bathrobe.

"Your bike's ready, get changed and come to the garage." Raxdos said.

Huntress turned off the TV, got up and when she saw him she frowned.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?" She asked, only now realising that since they met he never took them off.

"That's just my style, now hurry up. You've already been here for three hours, shouldn't you be in a hurry to leave?" He replied.

"Well I honestly didn't think your house would look like this, guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover." She answered with a surprised look on her face.

"I'm not even going to ask what that's supposed to mean." Raxdos said while shaking his head.

"You know on Earth we have a custom to entertain guests, such as with food."

Raxdos heard the Earth part and raised an eyebrow which she could tell what he meant.

"Flight and super strength, I mean it's kind of obvious you're not from around here." She said.

"Right, right..."Raxdos said and rolled his eyes behind the sunglasses.

"What about the food part though? I'm actually starving..." Huntress spoke with a hand on her hip and the other on her stomach.

"Wasn't it just a few hours ago that you looked at me as though I'm some monster? What happened to that?" He retorted.

"That was all in the past, don't worry about it. You learn a lot about someone just from the state of their house." She said.

"Yeah? And what exactly did you learn about me?" He asked with a scoff.

"From the fact that everything looks so neat and there is nothing that suggests 'personal' means that you most likely never had a place to call home." She said, her smile disappearing.

Raxdos's sarcastic smile also disappeared and is now replaced by a serious expression.

"Do you want me to continue?" She asked.

"No... you don't have to." He answered and turned his back to her. "There should be some food in the kitchen, cook yourself something and meet me downstairs."

-30 minutes later-

Raxdos was playing around with one of his bikes to replace the sour taste left by that woman's words.


The more he thought about it the angrier he became until he snapped and threw the wrench in his hand, which embedded itself in the garage's wall.

"You need to get that anger checked out."

That annoying feminine voice came from behind him making him sigh and get up.

"Quite an impressive collection you have." Huntress said admiring the perfectly arranged bikes in his garage.

"Thank you. You're bike's just over there, all fixed up so you can leave." He replied and pointed behind him.

"Damn, you're good." She walked over to her bike which looked brand new. "You know what, you remind me of a lonely friend of mine.

The only difference between you two is that you're funnier and you look like you could use some company. Here's my number if you want to hang out sometime, name's Helena."

"Raxdos." He kept his reply short and caught the little paper aeroplane she threw at him, in his mind he actually considered the offer.


"You didn't react too badly when I mentioned the glasses and I guess the topic isn't so sensitive, but now I'm just too curious." She said after starting the bike.

Raxdos shrugged and didn't see it as an issue so he took off the glasses.

"Satisfied?" He asked after she stared at him for a good five seconds.

She nodded with a smile and sped out of his garage, looking back one last time thinking about how crazy yesterday's been.