
Logan awoke in a panic, he was gasping for air reaching out for nothing. He breathed heavily, however, there was no comfort that came with each breath, it felt forced, and his body was rejecting the air flowing inside of him. He clutched at his chest, holding his breath he felt no struggle. Did he no longer need to breathe? He would have to come back to that. His honey-brown hues scanned the room he found himself in; there were no windows, no mirrors, just a desk, bed, and a door. Logan slowly stood up from the bed, he was dressed in new garments, a velvet tunic, and brown leather pants, and he put on some boots that lay at the foot of his bed before making his way towards the door. He turned it slowly, but as he began pulling it open it shut suddenly on him.

"What the." He shouted, attempting to pull the door once more with even more force, the metal handle was crunching under his grip but the door did not budge. Logan stood a couple of steps back; he figured he'd ram the door in then. He stopped himself seeing the handle of the door, did he manage that? Was that his newfound strength, then what was keeping this door shut? Magic? He growled at the thought, he wasn't very knowledgeable in the arcane. It seems he was stuck. He couldn't shake something however, why wasn't he hungry? He figured once turned he'd always have lust and hunger for blood, however, he felt full, he felt strong without any urges, no instincts forcing his mind to twist. There was suddenly a light knock on the door.

It slowly opened, revealing a young lady of beauty. She wore a beautiful blue dress that did very little in hiding her cleavage, it was captivating and rather intentional, silk blue gloves covering her dainty hands and blonde hair that was tied in a highborn fashion with a loose bun that seemed to call for attention to her beautiful face. Even as a large strip of hair curved around her brow and down a single cheek, her beautiful blue eyes simply gazed at him, Logan felt flushed looking at such a highborn lady, even back home in Greyjoy he's never seen such a beautiful noble. She only smiled at him, before curtsying towards him.

"Blood Dragon..." Her voice sounded sweet, however, there was a certain ring of resentment in her calling of him. The name she used, it was Sir Arthur's surname, supposed it belonged to him as well now that they shared blood. She looked over to the other side of the door, seeing the knob crushed, she sighed, the wards have alerted her of his awakening. She clicked her tongue before gazing back at him, smiling and slamming the door shut. "You may not leave until I say," She said rather proudly.

Logan found himself glaring at the lady, despite her beauty she was acting rather superior to him. It rubbed him the wrong way, now his escape was blocked by both magic and this woman. He stared at her, she seemed fragile enough, and he was able to injure Arthur as a man, maybe as a vampire, he'd have more than enough. He grinned and dashed forward with a speed he's never experienced before but the moment he was within her range he felt himself get launched back. His back slammed against the wall, and he fell limp on the bed, groaning. His stomach hurt, he wrapped his arms around it as he watched her lower her leg. Still, in the same spot, she stood.

What came over him? Why did he feel so aggressive when talked down too, he's never been lashed out, he fought with thought but he'd resorted to a common bar thug simply attacking at the slightest provocation. As the pain began to subside, he could feel the heat of his blood, urging him to stand but he knew it'd be pointless, he remained seated, both defeated and trapped.

The vampire smiled "You've been undead for a whole day and already you think yourself stronger than me?" A soft laugh escaped her lips, she was mocking him, before lowering herself into a curtsy and returning to her standing position. "I merely acknowledge your blood, not you Blood Dragon." She said before lifting her chin up but a slightly higher, her beauty has been diminished in Logan's eyes, but he said nothing.

"Aye, silence, then you can listen." She said coldly "I'm Brianna von Siren, direct decedent of the Queen, mother to all of us and your sheer luck, and my misfortune I've been assigned to guide you in your new unlife" The girl said, irritated and disgusted by the prospect of needing to be with him it seemed.

"And why is that, why you? Shouldn't another von Dragon teach me?" He asked, bringing his rear closer to the wall behind him so he could sit straighter, his honey-brown eyes never looking away from her blue hues.

She paused for a moment, gritting her teeth "I'm the youngest in all of Lament, and the only other here is busy training the guards. You'll become familiar with him, but he does not have the time to teach you everything as apparently I have." Her tone had calmed down since she spoke about her own standing to everyone she seemed as lowly as him to her. Brianna seems ambitious and power-hungry.

"Does this happen often, have you trained others?" Logan asked, he was familiar with any of the vampire practices, all he knew were the rumors the church of Belona spread.

"No, it's not. Usually, the maker will guide the newborn, however, your Arthur seems to be above the rules due to the Queen's favoritism." She growled, Brianna had remained perfectly still with her hands held together in front of her waist, standing as a proper lady however her tone and expressions were no different than a common whore speaking to a cheap customer. Disgust and disdain. "So now I've been assigned to guide the great bloodline" Her words, cold.

"Great bloodline?" He knew of Arthur's legends, however, wasn't Brianna from the first vampire, mother to all? Her blood shouldn't be lesser to his own.

"Because Sir Arthur, is the only vampire to beat the red thirst, so you do not need to feed on blood to survive, because of course, all the legends on him are true, he is the grand warrior who could hold off an army, the great general, the hero and those skills tend to get passed down. So he's selective because as the hero, he noble and doesn't which to create monsters, which is why you are so special as to have the queen assign someone to you, rather than try and force your maker to teach you." She said; her voice seemed bitter and stung with jealousy. "A random peasant, not even a knight. A fool who somehow managed to wound a better who was holding back." She was getting angrier; her fangs seemed to begin to protrude. "And now I, Brianna von Siren, must look after a child and pretend you are my equal, a potential better" She growled, stomping her way towards him. "I am insulted by both your presence and my queen's orders." Her blue eyes were filled with fury and hatred.

Logan was stunned as he sat on the ground slowly pushing himself against the wall behind him, he has only been undead for to his knowledge was but a single day, and now he has what could be an ancient vampire down his throat. He might be stronger, but he wasn't confident that he could fight someone who could have years on him when it came to understanding their capabilities. "I." He tried to find some words, but once she stood before him he couldn't help but lower his head, which seemed only to enrage her more. "I didn't have much of a choice," He said simply, turning away from her, however, his actions had finally caused something unnatural to stir, a sense of shame was eating away at him as he looked away in fear. His body was telling him to look at her, to stand up, and he did.

She had been so angered when she saw him lower his head, she couldn't help but extend her claws "Raise your-" Suddenly his honey brown eyes had turned golden when he faced her, she watched him rise almost as if to challenge her again. The damn newborn, pushed by the blood of an equal of the queen, Brianna relaxed slightly, she wasn't afraid of him as she would be any other Blood Dragon however she knew she was simply yelling at a child of her world. "You'll do better on your feet, rather than on your arse like a beggar." She said spitefully before placing a hand on the door and opening it. "Now let us walk." Brianna said stepping out, Logan slowly followed.