
Logan looked out at the mage stone lined corridor, the special rocks giving off a soft glow which illuminated the passageway. His vision was superior now, he figured all the other of his kind would have it too so why did they even bother lighting up their home. The further he walked with Brianna, the more he realized why the place was lit up. There were humans, elves and even dwarves walking up and down, some carried steaming buckets of water, flowers, or even carving and painting tools. Whatever they carried was random, they walked with purpose but with a distorted look on their face, a twisted bliss and content. He listened to their hearts, the rushing of blood through their veins, the velvet liquid did not call for him violently but he felt a sickening curiosity to taste them.

"Who are these people?" Logan asked Brianna, his brown hues staring at the elves with wonder, he's never seen any in person, their pale purple skin, sharp ears and beautiful facial features, it was hard to decern the males from the females. They looked similar yet memorable.

"The cattles?" She seemed confused by his question, she only turned her head to glance at him for a moment before continuing her stride. "These people" She said with almost a chuckle "Are our food, servants even playthings. A vampire coven wouldn't survive without the living" She said slowly walking towards one of the dwarves walking by them. She placed her hand on his head, causing him to stop. "They are not people, for they are nothing but our food."

"Not mine." He said disgusted, he looked away from her.

"Aye, but little newborn, they're blood will still heal you, empower you." Brianna said grinning. "You will need em as we do at points" She looked over at Logan, chuckling. "You may defy it, but our nature is the same, the need is simply different."

Logan grit his teeth before looking back at her "Why do they stay?" He asked looking at the dwarf.

Brianna squeezed the man's head "Look at me mortal." She said staring down at the small man, licking her lips in a manner that even with the disgust Logan felt he still found seductive.

"Yes mistress, how may I serve" He said softly, pleading at her with his eyes as he stared up with a soft smile on his face. It was disturbing, he's never known that there existed people who revered the undead like this, at least not the sane.

"You see, when most of us feed, it gives the living a twisted pleasure..." She grinned, softly brushing back his hair "They become enslaved to the feeder craving to be fed upon again; dwarves have nasty blood, but we need them to build our home." Brianna pulled her hand away and the dwarf let out a soft whimper, as she cleaned her finger on his shirt. "I find them disgusting, such ugly creatures. I prefer the elves."

Logan watched with a slight horror, if his maker had wanted he could had made him a slave to his will? The newborn shuddered at the thought of becoming a mere plaything, having his will broken to the point that he longed to be fed on, it felt disgusting, maybe even worse than death. "Most?" He asked her, following behind her as they walked.

"Aye, not all the bloodlines to this extent, you blood dragons are especially bad at it. Arthur's noble nature in life, stripped you of some abilities in death." She said with a wave of her hand, as if it was no important matter. Logan however was concerned, he might have become a vampire who didn't need blood, but did that make him weaker than the other ones? Sure Arthur was a legendary fighter, and that might place him higher amongst them, but Logan wasn't. Would he be vunerable to other creatures? Lycanthropes? Liches? Witches? Hags?

The thought worried him, that even as a vampire he would be relatively as weak as he was when alive. Perhaps another creature will turn him into something else, and he can be the weakest of that too. He teased himself with the thought of always being weak, and with that it brought thought of his dead companion Ferg. His friend had protected him in life, they joined the army together and now he was dead, but so was Logan. A part of him cursed Arthur for not seeing the potential in Ferg, Logan didn't understand why he had been chosen but he was, for what he did not know.

"Where do I rank?" Logan asked.

"Hm?" Brianna grunted, sounding annoyed by his question.

"Where do I place, you said equals before, where do we place?" He responded, trying to move up to be at her side instead of behind.

She hesitated, growling for a moment as she thought. "We are both second generation, if I had turned you, you'd be third generation." Brianna sighed for a moment "So in a sense Blood Dragon, you rank above all others but your cousins, and the originals."

"Cousins? Wait how can we both be second generation if my maker is different from yours?" He was gaining more questions as he got answers.

"The Queen, created all vampires, but she was the first, through a elixir of immortality, which she gave to nine others. Those are all the originals, first generation vampires, and such we are cousins in a way." She gritted her teeth, Logan was about to open his mouth for another question. "Be silent." She said roughly, the man furrowed his brow at her but decided to let it be, he knew she did not have a liking to him. He rather not trigger her anger, while he did not know how to defend himself properly.

They reached two huge wooden doors, like a gate, in front of the entrance was a man in a long black robe. He had violet eyes which glowed in the lightly illuminated corridor, the man irradiated power, Logan felt a pressure that caused him to freeze, however he did not feel much fear, despite knowing he should be.

"Ah cousins..." He said, his voice raspy and words spoken with longer vowels. He gave them both a smile, before he bowed his head as Brianna did, Logan did the same only to not be the odd one out.

They all raised their heads and the vampire spoke "Blood Dragon, I am Mer von Ende. Be courteous once I open these doors, the Queen Dralia is awaiting to meet you." Logan still staring at Mer noticed he was paler than both Brianna and him, almost sickly pale as vampires were often described. His surname was Ende, that's three of the primary vampires he knew of now.

"Brianna you will remain out here, the queen wishes to see the Blood Dragon alone." He grinned, as he watched Brianna's face distort into anger.

"You must jest! You mean me to be a simple delivery girl?! Mother would not insult me!" She growled at the man.

"Mother insists of having a one on one with the newest of our cousins. Says its the best way to get a feel for their true nature. A lack of prying eyes" He said calmly.

Brianna glanced at Logan hatefully, he could feel her hatred radiating from the stare alone. He had remained silent, but he was uncomfortable being spoken about in such a light mannner while he stood there. His life was being controlled, it appeared he had little choice in the matter and there didn't seem any way he could escape. "Do I not get a say?"

"Your not compliance is not a factor." The male vampire said to Logan.

"You are not involved in these decisions Blood Dragon" Brianna retorted.

"I feel pretty involved." Logan sighed, looking away from Brianna to Mer.

"Regardless, it's how things will be. Now if you will Blood Dragon" Mer said as he placed a hand on the door behind him, slowly pushing it open, a slight crack. "Come."

Logan walked, making his way through the gap and entering the chamber of the Queen.