Queen and the Dragon

Logan closed his eyes upon entering the chamber, caught in the bliss of a scent.

What was this aroma that smelled so sweet and familiar to him, it filled his senses, it clouded his mind, made him yearn for a taste of the source. Logan has never felt like this before, so intoxicated by a simple smell. He could barely contain himself, instinct made his fangs extend farther, made him lick his lips. He needed to know what it was that made him feel like he was missing something, and with that he opened his now pale gold eyes. Only to have them shift back to honey brown at the sight of the source.

"Does the smell please you newborn." A girl's voice said, but he could not see her, he was too focused, on a girl with scales, horns and a tail chained down to the floor in front of him. Bruised and beaten, her horns were snapped off, they seemed to have curved around the back of her head meeting at it's center, but no longer. Her body was exposed, showing the scales over her thighs, sides, stomach and parts of her back, all of them with a white color to them, but a now red tint as the blood rises from under them. She stared at Logan, blood dripping from her lips, several stabs into muscles in her thighs and arms and two bite marks on her shoulders.

Logan realized what it was giving him such bliss, her blood. He gasped quickly covering his mouth and nose, looking at her with still golden eyes. She stared back, with a intensity he's seen in men prepared to kill. The dravian showed teeth while she snarled, her duel colored eyes pink with white outline her Iris, cat-like pupils stared at him from between stands of long white hair. "Be careful, her kind is rather ferocious." The voice of a girl came again, and he turned his gaze to the direction of it.

It was a girl that didn't appear any older than Logan, she had flawless skin, a loose dress that appeared to large for her exposing her thin pale legs and thighs that hung over the arm rest, her head resting on the other as she seemed to stare up at the ceiling above. Her long blonde hair piling up on the floor, she appeared as pretty as a painting. "So Logan, after three days you've decided to wake. Don't you know it's impolite to keep a lady waiting?" She said in a soft tone, not even turning her head to face him.

He refused to speak, his eyes looking back at the Dravian, still covering his nose attempting to keep the scent of her blood from clouding his mind. "Why does she affect me so?" He said pointing at the tied up female.

In an instance the queen had slammed the dravian down, Logan had barely noticed her change in location. She was now standing on the girl's back, she took steps, placing her bare feet on the dravians head before stepping into the puddle making her way towards him. The chained girl groaned in pain, slowly attempting to rise but her frail limbs, she has been starved and drain she couldn't rise again and simply lay slumped looking at them.

The Queen snapped her fingers in front of Logan "Hey hey, look at me, I can't have you ignoring me for another girl." His gaze shifted back to her, she had gotten closer, her scent was strong but it was pleasant, smelled like roses, she raised a brow at him. "I'm your queen, Dralia von Siren, I expect your attention to be on me, not some random blood pack." She said scornfully.

He nodded, she was faster than him, older, stronger from the looks of it. He couldn't deny her, even if she wouldn't kill him there was a quick way to make her the only female in the room and he wished to not let that come to pass if he could allow it. He's never seen a dravian, and sure he was prepared to be a vampire that feeds on the living but he didn't need to, so why would he want to become this level of cruel. "Of course... My Queen." He said kneeling down before her.

Dralia giggled patting his head "That's a good nephew, only look up at me." He remained kneeling but his gaze was on her. "I'm rather short, I can't have my lesser looking down at me." She said shrugging, a soft laugh escaped her lips.

It was captivating, had he a heart it would flutter before this vampiress presence, her scent, and beautiful blue eyes, soft pink lips and a face that matches the legendary beauty of elves. He could feel his blood protecting her from her charm, but the effects were weighing on him, was this how Brianna seemed to mortals? Dralia leaned forward, exposing her humble chest as her dress fell forward.

"She affects you so, cause their blood is the closest to dragons left in this world. Since they disappeared a thousand years ago and now we are left with these imitations." She said with a soft smile on her face, her blue eyes were deep, ancient and Logan felt her power as it loomed over him. "Arthur would kill me if he knew the things I'd do to you" She whispered seductively, leaning closer gently kissing his cheek.

"But I'm not allowed to touch, he forbade me..." She said in a sad sigh, he knelled there confused. Why did she desire him, why would she listen to Arthur, wasn't she the queen?

"And you listened, my queen?" He said softly, but of course she heard, their hearing was beyond mortals.

"Unfortunately that ungrateful bastard threatens to beat me!" She said in a tone of a defenseless woman "He won't kill me, not that any of us could stop him on our own." She sighed, walking in circles around Logan. "Your line is too skilled..." She said crouching beside him, brushing his long black hair back, her fingers gentle against his scalp. "But there are few, which was my agreement with him to keep a war between us at bay." Logan glanced at her, her soft breath brushing against his cheek.

"So I don't have many brothers?" She shook her head "There's another one here, but all others are gone off somewhere searching, for a challenge, for something worthy." Dralia said softly, her hand slid from his hair to her cheek. "As shall you, I'll only keep you till you are ready, which maybe now however I urge you train with the Blood Dragon and Brianna. Things are difficult in the world as one of us."

He nods at her, trying to create some distance from her. His vampiric blood protected him from her manipulation, but he need not test it's limit against the first vampire.

"What will you do with the Dravian?" He said softly afraid the mentioning of another girl would trigger a nasty reaction.

"Ah, her, I only kept her and others to experiment against our thirst. However failure angered me, and so there she lays, resistant to our control and useless for my needs." She sighed, slowly rising once more turning her attention to the dragon-like girl. "Perhaps I should end the cattle's little misery"

"Could I have her? As a slave?" He said quickly, before Dralia had a chance to strike her down as quickly as before.

"Why would you want one that couldn't be controlled?" Her time sounded amused, she had a smirk she was trying to hide.

"I'll have someone to confide to, who can't be forced by others to spill my woes. I'll have that blood that my body craves even if I don't need it..." He said, a bit disgusted by his own words but Logan said what he thought was necessary.

"Hmm." Dralia thought for a moment, giggling "Alright, have your little blood diary. Be wary of her, her kind would be equal to one of your age darling." She walked over towards the slump dravian who had kept her eyes on Logan. At the touch of Dralias fingers all the chains unlocked.

"Take her and take your leave." Her slant eyes half closed as she stared at Logan, she always loved the Blood Dragons, not driven by the thirst meant their decisions were more human. She knew Logan was clinging to his humanity, but for how long.

Logan had to help the dravian up, walking she stumbled every few steps but she wasn't heavy enough that he'd let her fall.

"Brianna, Mer, get the door." Dralia ordered.

The heavy wooden doors were both opened, Brianna seemed annoyed at the sight of the dravian but Mer seemed only to smile.

"I wish to take her to my room" Logan stated.

"Aye fool." Brianna growled.