
The dravian girl laid slump on the bed, weak from the beatings she had received unsure if she should be thankful she didn't meet the same fate as her friends or jealous as now this brown leech has taken her as a slave. She could feel her bruises ache against the silk that covered the sheets, even the simple movement of her breathing caused her muscles to ache. Finally away from the Queen, she had time to think of the pain.

She listened to the vampire known as Logan, who spoke with the female vampire. The blonde woman was angry, calling him stupid for taking a dravian, someone he couldn't control or ever trust. The Queen had acted with more respect towards him, as she had when the other vampire with golden eyes appeared. He claimed she had lost her humanity, that he hadn't, he didn't wish for slaves that he wasn't al like the elves or them. She called him young, behaving like an entitled newborn. Then it became dark.

Opening her pink hues once more opened only to see Logan talking to some elven females, he ordered them to feed the girl, tend and to wash her. Ah, he must not want her to be so weak when he finally started using her? The dravian still couldn't move wanting to oppose as the elves made they're way past him. The girl growled at them, as they walked her out.

She didn't see Logan for a few days after that, each day the elves would show, heal her wounds, feed her a meager amount to keep her weak and wash her. The dravian girl didn't try to fight them anymore, she couldn't blame the elves for having such weak wills and she needed to conserve her strength. If she was to escape.

She was sitting on the bed looking down at her white tail, it was finally healed, her horns still growing, she felt better. It was hard to know what time it was, the cavern did not allow the sun. With no sun, time was irrelevant However there was something nawing at her, she was feeling ignored, she never saw the boy again. The dravian didn't care to see him, but there was the curiosity of knowing, of what he wanted from her, her pride was hurt. Did he not care about what occurred to her? Was she meant to live her long life in captivity in this cycle, that could be thousands of years.

She gritted her teeth, frustrated. She headed towards the door, her long white dress swayed. The dravian tried to turn the crushed knob, it turned but it wouldn't budge of course. It angered her that she didn't know how to combat wards, dravians weren't too adept with magic naturally. She looked down at the knob, something occured to her.

"What if I wasn't the first to be locked in this room? Someone else tried to escape, someone else was here. Was it another dravian, crushing the knob like this, couldn't be anyone else... Has Logan done this before to others?" She thought suddenly concerned, a new concern that hadn't occurred to her. Perhaps he wanted to try to break her himself?

More days passed, she was hungry, so tired of those little meals just enough to keep her from keeling over. She would never have the energy to run from here at this rate, her body was fully healed but she remained weak. There just be some way to get more meals, however the swained elves would never give her more, never acknowledging her requests. Damn mindless fools.

She was trapped in a rut of hunger and boredom. Scratching lines with her sharp nails to count the times the elves came, using their visits as new days. Thirty so far. Unable to determine the time she spent tortured.

"God damnit, I can't spend my whole life here!" She punched the wall, her fist leaving small cracks in the stone walls. Then another, and another as she continued punching it, only to stop when she heard the door click. The elves have already came today, she felt the sensation of fear come. Was it her time?

She looked to see the pale gold eyes of the vampire she knew as Logan opening the door, he gazed at her with a soft smile on his lips. He was attractive for a human despite all the bruises he had, long black hair that framed his face nicely, a light brown skin tone. The dravian growled at him, facing the vampire with open hands prepared to claw at him.

"Finally gracing me with your presence leech?!" She growled, her pink hues staring at him fiercely.

The male closed the door behind him, there goes her exit. His golden eyes were never taken off her, she didn't move and neither did the vampire. She could feel her heartbeat rising, she slowly lowered her body preparing to launch herself. He was called a newborn, he mustn't be too old a vampire and he looked about as old as eighteen for a human. Perhaps she could wound him, maybe beat him.

"I figured you wanted to be alone" Logan said softly, he was exhausted. He knew what she was going to do, it was obvious but still he didn't move.

"Aye, and free, but now I'm neither" She said bitterly, she was feeling a hatred for him she didn't know existed boil. Keeping her in such a trapped state, such a small room, with nothing but herself, and a rumbling stomach.

"That's some tough luck, but it's my room. Lucky you got the time you did." He said without much care.

She lunged at him, enraged.