
In the past month he's been training with his undead brother Percival von Blood Dragon, he didn't wish to help him with the intricacies of being a vampire but when it came to combat the Percival was more than happy to include him in on the guard group exercises and private lessons. It was the private lessons that had given him the bruises, even with his supernatural abilities Logan could barely keep up with the other blood dragon. Fighting barehanded was tough, even without the use of their claws Logan was getting severely hurt, despite his healing ability and now this damn Dravian attacked him.

"Hey! Calm down!" He screamed out, he was flat on his back against the cold stone floors his hands held both her wrists as her clawed hands tried to reach for his chest. The girl was vicious, growling and even her pink eyes shined with the danger of hate.

Logan wasn't afraid, just feeling how easy his hands held her wrists he could feel how much nourishment she lacked, she was weaker than usual and he was stronger than before but there was something he was worried about. She was in such a weakened state, if he didn't control his strength which he still wasn't accustomed to since fighting Percival meant he needed to give his all; he could kill her.

He was staring up at her with his pale gold eyes, she was trying to use her whole body weight to force her nails against his chest but they wouldn't budge. Logan was comfortable with letting her tire herself out however seems she had a different idea. He felt long spikes pierce his leg; Logan let out a soft yip before biting his lip and glaring at her little smirk, her tail swinging behind her growing new spikes off its spine.

With his uninjured leg he brought it up to her stomach and launched her off before she could stab him again, she slammed against the stone wall. She seemed disoriented by the blow cause the dravian had trouble standing. He sat up and pulled out the long white spikes from his leg, they had gone through the calf muscle, exiting the otherside. He groaned as he yanked them out, ah, the pain of normally life changing wounds was intense, sometimes he wished for death.

He stood up, slowly, leaning on his good left leg while he let the other heal up. The dravian was standing as well, gritting her teeth at him slumped over, it seems her back was in pain. 'Sorry' Logan thought, but he was preparing for another attack from her.

"Dravians respect skill, as we do, Logan. If you wish to have that respect, provoke her and defeat her. That's the best advice I can give" Percival said this during one of their sparring matches, which is why Logan was in this situation.

Logan sighed, letting his body relax for an instance and in that moment the girl dashed at him. He was slow on the reaction, relative to a vampire but quick for a human. He hopped far to his left, still using only one leg, she tried to change directions and jumped at him a bit off course. Logan kneed her in the stomach with his hurt leg as she was flying past him due to her quick but sloppy jump. She rose up into the air a bit more from the impact, then slammed back down on her stomach.

"You have to stop Dravian" He said, tired stepping away from her leaning on the wall. Logan should have chosen a time when he wasn't so tired from Percival.

"I won't, until I'm free." She growled, her body shook, her fingers extended but he could see she was trying to clench her fist. He might have struck her a bit too hard, and she was getting audibly and visibly frustrated at her own weakness despite it not being her fault.

"I am going to beat you Leech." She said looking up at him, a energy of determination radiated from her, the image of a beaten girl was painful, but the view of a defeated woman attempting to stand and face her stronger oppressor without fear was admirable.

"I'll be back tomorrow then." Logan said softly, waving at her as he stepped out of the room.

She watched him go, then laid her down pain consuming her.

Logan stood on the otherside of the door, sighing as he walked down the mage stone illuminated halls. His open wounds closed, though his clothes were stained with blood under his knee.

"Damn girl, I didn't think she'd have that much energy in her though I need her. I can't manipulate mortals like the others, so either I wander alone strict to the night or I have someone I'll trust not to expose me to the sun travel with me. I rather not have to feed for some weak control of some human. I need a companion. A living one." He thought as he walked towards the common rooms where the younger generation vampires slept, these were in the thirties and below, relative to him these were only fierce against mortals.

He laid down in his own bed, no bunkmate above him as he used his rank to remove him. Logan was feeling himself change, he wasn't so teped anymore, he felt like he was more likely to charge than to run, it worried him. If his blood compelled him to be reckless, even at how powerful he was, it could lead to many dangerous situations. Percival even said the same, that's why training is so important, so they could get themselves out safely.

"Tomorrow I'll see the dravian after I train with Brianna, I need to learn about what is happening in the world. The sirens with their fingers so far in asses of the leading men in the world tend to know the most." He closed his eyes, forcing himself into a sleeping state