Gawain and Lavia

The days went by quickly.

Logan would spend some days with Brianna and learn what he could from them, often leaving with headaches. The complexity of situations vampires could find themselves in is alarming, the church of Belona was slowly becoming something he dreaded as their Templar and many other monster hunters are often hunting the creatures of the dark, heretics, witches and vampires. Brianna would teach him shadow and illusion magic, he wasn't too adept but he had time to learn simple things like creating his own shadows, shadow phasing and creating his reflection in the mirror. These are the abilities that come most naturally to creatures of deception.

Other days he'd spend with Percival who had insisted on thrusting Logan into large sparring sessions with often five or more others against him, Logan mainly armed himself with a spear and whenever he wasn't facing Percival he felt pretty competent and calm in combat. As if he belonged on the battlefield, his body was at peace as he blocked, parried and slashed the others in training a part of him longing for more. It surprised him, how quickly he had become a strong warrior, simple proof of the power of his bloodline. Then there were the times when he was against his own brother, his body would shake with excitement, he knew the challenge would bring pain and defeat but he savored it, he longed for it, for someone to challenge him in a test of skill and honor. Every time, Logan ended up on his back, unable to move, unable to continue but he carried a smile on his face, and so did Percival.

"Damn it, I can't seem to win against you..." Logan whined, trying to stand however he saw a hand offered to him, he reached out and grabbed it being pulled up.

"I don't expect you to, you're still a newborn compared to me Gawain." Percival said softly, however there was a name he didn't recognize, Gawain? Logan looked at him raising a brow, and his brother chuckled. "It's Father's chosen name for you, he names us all after a legend he knew in his life." He said softly.

"You're name wasn't always Percival?" Logan asked, patting away the dirt off his clothes.

"No, it was Jer-something. I can't remember it anymore, it's been too long. He told me the name when he left you here." Percival said softly, sheathing his sword. "To give it to you when I deemed you worthy."

Logan stared at him for a moment, as he thought about what it meant that Percival saw him as being worthy? Still no where near being equals however the older Blood Dragon saw fit to gift him with him with his vampiric name. "But I'm still not as strong as you."

"And you never will be stuck here, Gawain. You need to get out of here, its been nearly a year." The vampire said shaking his head at him, arms crossed. "You'll never be able to beat me if I know all you know, let alone Father."

"I suppose not..." Logan said his pale gold eyes gazing at the ground, there wasn't much attached to Logan Crespy, he wasn't the same man that had enlisted to fight Gorbos. He doubted his family would recognize him as a person despite looking the exact same as that night. Was Logan even still alive? No, he died back with Ferg, he died with the others, he died the moment he awoke here. "Very well, brother... I'll take the name and your advice."

"Good." The knight smiled. "Now I need a pint of your blood."

Logan stared at him, his first thought was that he was going to use his blood to turn someone, though that was a far stretch, Percival could do that himself. "What for?" He asked, stepping back from him a bit concerned.

"To make you a weapon." Percival said softly, walking over towards a sword that rested against the wall in a sparring room.

As Percival drew the sword, Gawain watched a beautifully carved black sword, there was a design of a dragon etched into the blackness of its Iron, the hilt of the sword golden with rubies encrusting the very tip of the handle. it had chips in edge, it seemed beat and dirty however Logan understood how great of a sword it was despite its condition. Percival squeezed it tightly and the edges of the sword, the dragon, all began to glow a furious blood red. The black iron darkened becoming like a void, and all the chips, dents and scratches disappeared on the blade. He swung it against the wall, it didn't seep into the stone too deeply however he could see there was a lack of resistance and not a single stain on the sword. It remained perfect, powerful and beautiful.

"I'll make you a Blood Knight's weapon." Percival said with a smile "Vampires, all have arms like this, however ours of course are the most potent able to do what others are incapable of" He swung his sword once more, a crescent moon of red blood seemed to erupt from the tip as he swung it and it propelled itself against the stone wall leaving a huge gash on the wall. The blood slowly returning to the weapon. "Now give me the pint."

He obeyed.

Gawain stared at the door to his room, each day it was another attack, another curse and sometimes another conversation. She's allowed him to sleep in peace in the room as long as he made sure to return every day, he figured it was so she had more chances in defeating him. Gawain had approved of full meals for her, and so she's become a lot more energetic and vicious. If it wasn't for Percival's training he's afraid that she might have ripped his head off his shoulders by now. Shuddering at the thought he slowly pushed the door open, stopping before he had the door completely open so he was still out of view. "We'll be leaving soon, a couple days at most."

He then swung the door open completely to see her standing in the corner with a makeshift stake made out of the bed frame, she was stunned and staring at him. "Are you lying Logan?" She said softly, her pink eyes glaring at him with anticipation.

"Call me Gawain, and no. I have nothing to learn here, and I'm leaving and so are you." He said with a sigh, walking towards her snatching the stake from her hand. She didn't resist him, it seems with the news he had pacified her for the day, she simply looked away from him.

"Its been nearly a year, Logan, a year I've been away from my family." She shook where she stood, tears falling down her face however her voice never wavered. "Will you let me go to see them?"

"Its Gawain and I'll be going with you." He said simply.

"What? Why!" She growled facing him, tears still streaming down his face.

"Remember when I said there was another war brewing?" Gawain said softly.

"Aye, what of it, why are you coming with me." She said still angered however curious.

"The Kyros Empire, has made its expansion into Ishgard. That's the new war, the elves are rumored to be assisting the dravians, however not directly. It seems grim, Lady Lavia Ven." His words came out smoothly, softly as he tried to give the news gently.

Lavia's pupils turned into a thin slight as it seemed every dragon like feature on her was enhanced, her fully grown white horns seemed more prevalent, her scales gave a soft shine, and her tail swung left to right rapidly. Her tears has stopped, she stepped towards him, each footstep echoing in his ears. "I'll refrain from killing you once we step out of this hell, if you promise to help me save my people." She said almost as a whisper.

"I planned on helping you regardless. I need to keep you alive." He said simply.

"Why? Logan?" Her words were still a whisper as if she was afraid if she spoke any louder her anger at the humans would coat her words with hate.

"Because I am no longer Logan, and saving you was the last decision he made. The last mortal decision he made, full of the stupidity of humanity, saving someone who'd be better off killing, to think to defy everything. A very human thing to do, not one of a vampire." He said softly to her.

"So you mean to use me as a symbol of your humanity?" She was inquisitive of him.

"Aye, I do. So call me Gawain." He chuckled.

"Alright Gawain... When do we leave? We must leave soon." She said with earnest, Lavia wanted to fight for her people.

"As soon as I get a weapon. We'll have a horse and cart. I need your word Lavia, that you will not expose me to the sun or other mortals." He said, staring at her, she had spent her time here attempting to kill him. Trying to be free of him.

"I, Lavia Ven, swear upon the blood of dragons, that I will kill you fairly, by my own hands, not of another, not of the suns, only my own, in a dual." She said grinning at him.

Resistant little pests mortals were, but Gawain could only smile at her. "Alright then. Rest. We will ride soon, Ishgard lies about a two week ride from here." He said before turning towards the door.

"Very well, Gawain the leech." She said as she walked towards the bed.

Gawain chuckled, closing the door for the next day.