The Start

The breeze was gentle against the grass and leaves of the trees, the branches barely shaking from the caress of nature creating a soft noise in the atmosphere which was sung over by the few birds that remained awake as the sun fell over the horizon. The rushing waters of the rivers, the crunching of leaves caused by creatures walking amongst the woods, the sense of freedom. The season of his death was returning, it would soon be followed by snow and lack of food, though he didn't have to worry about it anymore but it would mean traveling would be more treacherous for his living companion and himself. More bandits, longer hunts for food, more need for warmth, more stops as snow covers their paths and some adjustments on their travel. As long as they headed south east, then circled north attempting to stay out of the Empire's range, they should arrive at Ishgard within a few weeks.


"Gawain, are you really going to take her?" Brianna said as she stood behind both him and Lavia, her blue eyes had remained on the dravian, she knew better than to trust someone who did not carry her blood or her control.


"I don't think it a bad idea; she did say she wouldn't let anyone kill him." Percival said with a playful tone, he was carrying the spear made for Gawain; it was wrapped in a cloth simply to keep it from getting dirty before reaching the hands of its user. "I commend him for choosing a challenging path, our kind is made for such things."

"You're not a separate species from the rest of us" She rolled her eyes at Percival, before looking over at the dravian. The captive wore brown leather armor, her tunic fell down further than Gawain's identical set to reach her mid thighs, her tighter to the skin pants and higher boots were the only distinction. They both carried no symbols to draw attention, no banners or liege colors. The dravian carried an axe and a hammer in contrast to Gawain's single sword, her tail was covered by a long brown clock with fur around her shoulders, same as Gawain. Her horns however were hidden by a single piece her vampire companion didn't, a small cap which was made just big enough so it would hook under her dravian features. The scales on her face couldn't be hidden, she had refused to get them covered with dirt or other such thing, damn girl was too proud. Gawain would have to cast some magic to cover her whenever he thought it necessary.


"Stop speaking of me as if I'm not here leeches." The dravian girl growled, Brianna nearly struck her however Gawain had turned to glare at the blonde vampire.

"…Watch your tone mortal, he won't watch you forever." She said bitterly turning her gaze away from them.


"I do not need him to protect me from you." Lavia growled. Percival was simply laughing and Gawain let out a soft sigh.

"Stop it guys." Gawain said shaking his head as he turned towards Percival, he couldn't thank the man enough. He had finally become a competent warrior because of him to the point where Brianna had stopped out right disrespecting him however she still felt comfortable enough to spite him now and then. He wouldn't attack the woman who taught him so much for such a silly reason and she knew that. "Is that for me?" He asked his older brother.


"Aye it is; I had it made as quickly as possible." He said handing over the black clothed weapon to the its rightful owner, Gawain took it and held it feeling its weight, no lighter than a branch he could pick off the ground but that was due to his supernatural strength. 

"Thank you Percival." He said bowing his head, to him before turning towards Brianna. "And you any final words? I may not see you for quite some time."  She glanced at him, for a moment before turning her gaze away once more.


"You were the worse student I've ever had. I did my best however; don't go off dying and making my efforts a waste." She said softly, dishonest with what she wanted to say but Gawain understood. They had spent quite some time together; despite him frustrating her it wasn't surprising she wished him well.


He turned back towards Lavia who was staring off into the woods, he could hear her heartbeat racing as she thought of running, of escaping, he could see her muscles tensing as she did all she could to remain where she stood. Even if she ran off he wouldn't chase her, he trusted that his assistance in her war was enough to keep her where she stood. "We'll have a horse and carriage, during the night I'll drive and you may rest, the day is yours for riding." He said softly, to the female who seemed to be only half paying attention.


"Aye leech." She said bitterly, Gawain was a bit bothered by being referred to as such. She was so prideful despite her weaknesses, despite her need, it was annoying him. The longer he was undead the more it bothered him, the more the mortals in the coven gave him an unpleasant feeling. It was odd, he never felt like this when he was alive, but then again he was weaker in life, he was lesser to others then. At least that's how he had seen himself.


He looked back at his vampire brethren, and bowed his head to them in thanks before heading off, Lavia was in tow behind him however she seemed to trail slowly.


They arrived at the carriage and horse at the edge of the Shade Woods on a barely kempt and traveled trail however it was obvious there was one before, he climbed onto the riders seat at the front before he heard a slam of the carriage door behind him. Lavia had entered, listless to his presence. Gawain let out a soft sigh; she was going to be difficult it seemed, he had nothing to listen to but her methodic heartbeat and the sounds of insects. He clicked his tongue and the horse began trotting, as they made their way south east.