"Dream Coins are the main currency of the Virtual Dream Universe. It splits in Rank and is upgradable. Physical Realm Dream Coins require ten of the same to upgrade into the following Rank, meaning that ten Rank 0 Dream Coins can upgrade into one Rank 1 Dream Coin and so on until Rank 3. To obtain a Rank 4 Dream Coin using Rank 3 Dream Coins, you will need one hundred of the previous ones. Soul Realm Dream Coin has a higher upgrade requirement. To obtain one Rank 5 Dream Coin using Rank 4's, you will need one hundred. Finally, you will need one thousand Rank 6 Dream Coins to get one Rank 7 Dream Coin. One thousand is also Dream Coins' upgrade requirement at the Law Realm."
After analyzing the Dream Coins' description, some interest appeared in the trio's faces. At their Rank, especially in Issac's case, they did most transactions in the form of barter as there was not a high enough currency in the universe for them to use.