Justice and Freedom

The Primarchs were surprised when they heard that information, and their eyes glowed with awe and admiration. Who could have imagined that the mightiest monster born in the Prima Universe would have rid of one Core of Existence of Endless Darkness, their universe's Ultimate Enemy?

Just as the Sacred Beast Primarch was about to ask a question about that issue, Salomon and Issac focused on her with sharp eyes. The woman immediately understood her mistake and did not speak a word.

Everybody had their assumption about Zatiel's previous life, and there was no doubt in their minds that he must have been a monstrously powerful individual.

Their best guess was Zatiel being either the reincarnation of the Champion of Justice and Order that fell during the Cataclysmic War or the Incarnation of Death and Destruction. He could also be the avatar of the World Tree, which could explain the presence of that unique sapling feeding from the White Sun.