A world into a lucky chance

Apex frowned as he saw how things progressed, and he was not alone. The Archangel and powerhouses could understand the anger of the Eternal Death and Destruction Supernova Eye and the Infinity Space-Time Supernova Eye. Unfortunately, their timing was awful since they were about to march into war.

And even if that was not the case, the one they were targeting was Venganza. While there was no question that summoning the Incarnation of Death and Destruction came at a high price, that monster would only need a few seconds to destroy Solaris and kill them all.

As for trying to cage Venganza here and keep him away from the Neo-Demon Realm, Apex knew that was virtually impossible. Since the Depravita could make his way into Solaris, ignoring all of Ziru's seals in space-time, it was logical that he could leave whenever he wanted.