
How Izumi came to life and lived

In the woods it was quiet and peaceful all you can hear is the Animals, birds, and wind, until one day there was this cry that sound like a baby all the animals and birds go and see what is as they go over they see, the wind stopped, and light was on a small naked newborn baby girl and a voice from the sky said "This young child is our in hope for the world she will not be on either side she will go her own path" as a shining bright came from the child and the child looked like she was 4 years old and after a few minutes started to wake up all the animals hind except the birds they were sing and she laughs with a big smile and a random pather came out it was black as the night sky with bright blue and greenish eyes like the ocean "hello Izumi I am your protector I will watch over you I was sent from the greek gods and goddess from above, I will let you call me whatever you want, I will always stay by your side izumi" the panther lays beside izumi and izumi pets him and falls asleep slowly on the panther.

When izumi turned 5 she learned how to hunt and make food she learned how to talk a little during her time with her panther and calls the panther 'daddy' (because she thinks the panther her dad which he does act like it you will see).

when she turns 6 years old

The fell asleep and she meet her first goddess she ever meet was athena the goddess of wisdom, courage, and craft she gave her intelligents, wisest, the ability to invent items, and strategy's fighting which causes her to mumble a lot.

The second goddess she meet was aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty she gave her internal beauty and for people to love me.

The third time was a god named apollo the god of light and destruction he gave her inner illumination and the power of healing she can heal people kissing them on the forehead, medicine she can make any type of medicine and create a new medicine, music she can sing anything with a really beautiful voice and she play any instrument that you throw at her, poetry, prophecy, archery, and can eliminate the negative influences in people's lives but can heal the destructive patterns( I'm going to call it eliminate bad influence for short) and sometimes find ourselves repeating. When she wake up she saw the guy in her dream in front of her "hello apollo" izumi said in a pleat tone of voice "hello izumi, i'm going to show you how to use my powers for a week and your abilities like music come naturally so i won't show you that i will show you how to heal and eliminate the negative influences in people's life and heal the destructive patterns for a week." he says in a calming voice, Izumi nods her head with a smile and he smiled back at her. They find animals around the place and heals them even if they are extremely bad she can heal them and she used her eliminate bad influence and heal the destructive patterns. So when I wake up I made some clothes to where.

After a week pass by

Izumi and apollo finish training her power and he has to leave now "do you have to leave apollo? will I ever see you again" she says in sad tone in voice "yes I do izumi but I will see you again and if you ever want to tell me something just look up to the stars at night and tell me" apollo said with a sweet smile and disappears in thin air izumi had a tear down her face "Daddy why did he go? I want him to stay with us" Izumi said with tears down her face "it's ok izumi i'm her come lay down beside me and I will tell you" the panther said while she made her way to him and lays down laying her head on his body "Apollo is a greek god and has to watch over people and help them that's why he couldn't stay to long he wish he could but he has people to protect and very soon some other god or goddess will come and train you how to use their power" he said calming her down as she falls asleep with red puffy eyes and he smiles at her and puts his head down on the ground.

After she pass out from cry so much she meets a god named ares the god of war and violence he give her superhuman strength, and physicality. When she wake up ares was there "your up now good let's train i'm going to show you fighting techniques and get some muscles on you Izumi i'm going to for a month to train you" Izumi gets up excited and yells "let's do this" she said in a happy tone cause it won't just be her and daddy. he teached her lots of fighting techniques that are really hard and got izumi to punch and kick tree down until she can them down with a tap.

After the tiring month she had training

"it's time for me to leave now izumi I will see you soon make sure to train everyday with this power cause it will make you stronger" ares said as izumi gave him a hug good bye and said "OK, good bye see you later ares" she said with a grin as he vanished in thin a like apollo did she sighed and laid down beside the panther "are you ok izumi?" the panther said worried "I'm alright i understand now thanks to you daddy" she smiled and fell asleep exhausted he smiled as the panther watched her fall asleep and so did he.

as izumi was sleeping she meet a god named eros the god of love(cupid) he gave her beautiful voice sweet and soft like you never heard before like an angel and love magic arrows to make an living creature fall in love with someone but she can't make fall in love with her and it doesn't work if they are in loving relationship with someone, they love, love someone else which is not her, and lasts for 2 hours. When she wake up she practicing archery by summoning her bow are arrows by hitting animals with them and make the animals fall in love with each other as her daddy watched out for her she found out when she hit her target the arrow disappears after she did that made she bow disappear and started working on her strength by doing a 100km run and 100 pushups, situps, and punching and kicking metal items she creative by using the power athena gave her she did that for awhile and then went hunting she caught a deer and she cleaned it, cooked it, and are it with her daddy and slept that was her routine for awhile until another god or goddess appears .

After 2 months later when she was sleeping she meet a god named dionysus the god of wine, theater, and fertility he gave her the power to make vines, was able to make wine, transform into animals, and drive people insane. So when she wake up dionysus was there so izumi stood up "young one i'm staying for 1 month and going to show you how to make vines, show you how to make people go insane, and transform into animal, but first go for your run, exercises, and do archery first you have 3 hours to do so GO!!!" she runs off yelling "YES DIONYSUS" he chuckles as he watches her run really fast. He should her how to turn into a animal all she had to do is think about the animal she cant to be and say the animal in her or say it out loud as for the vines all she has to do is move her hand for the vine if she wants to make the vine and for making people insane they went into this some sort of place and sat down on a bench izumi was excited because she never seen a place like this before and dionysus told her to make eye contact with someone for a second and think of making them go insane so she did and it worked. She promised she won't use it until she was 12 years old and she didn't use until then.

After 1 month of training my new powers dionysus had to go and he said "see you soon young one" fading away but before he did izumi said "bye dionysus" she waved and went back to training except for making people go insane one after a while of training she went to sleep after eating".

when she was sleeping she meet a god named hades the god of the underworld, death, and riches he gives her the power to turn turn self invisible and invincible if she wears her cloak and can call on the dead to do work for her. So when I wake up i saw hades there in front of me smiling it was sort of creepy "hi izu, I'm here for a week to show you how to call the dead to do your work and stuff ok but first do whatever you need to do first" izumi smiled and nodded and ran off doing her training she was tuat to do and hades stands there smiling. He showed her how to call the dead and she started warming up to him, all she had to do to call the dead is say "Come here servant of the underworld" and they will pop up and if you want a specific person just say there name and they with show and if you don't did them anymore more just say "That's all for now" and they leave.

After one week habes was leaving, "bye izu, see you soon!" she said smiling creepily "bye hades" she says smiling as he vanishes she does training, eat, then goes to bed with her daddy and she keeps on doing her physical training and power training until she turned 7 years old she knows how to do and use those powers to the fullest but she still does physical trainingand waiting for the other gods and goddess to come to her again...

After one week habes was leaving, "bye izu, see you soon!" she said smiling creepily "bye hades" she says smiling as he vanishes she does training, eat, then goes to bed with her daddy and she keeps on doing her physical training and power training...

Thanks for reading and next chapter their will be new gods and goddess so stay tuned bye!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!