Izumi part 2

Izumi turned 7 today and she was very muscular for her age but still beautiful like an angel her hair has grown to her butt and curly but messy. She now has a small wood cottage that she made having a kitchen and bed inside she goes to the washroom outside so her house won't stick and she made herself a tin bucket for a bathtub.

That morning when she wake up, "Good morning I zumi, Happy Birthday" her panther said with a smile and laying on her bed with her "good morning daddy" she said sleepy, he chuckles "come on get and make some breakfast you need to eat" she got up and rushes to her kitchen counter on the counter there was a bowl of freshly washed fruit she picked yesterday, her eyes sparkeled and she liked her lips and devoured all the fruit when she was doing that her daddy went to hunt his breakfast and came back in time when she was finished he learned how to hunt and eat really fast because she eats really fast after they were done breakfast they went to the lake that was a near there house with her huge bucket as soon as they got her she grabbed her bucket and filled it with water and brought it back and put it in the bath, she went inside and grabbed a dress, towel, and a bar of soap she made with herbs and flowers went outside she placed all the stuff beside the bath she went over to her fireplace and made a fire to keep warm after the bath cause the water was cold. As the fire started she got a serious face she stripped and grabbed her soap and stepped into the bath quickly and she screamed was it was so cold on her once warm skin and any animal or human from 100 meters could hear that scream they would think she was murdered. She washed her body and hair as fast as she could and ran out wrapping her boy with her towel and ran to the fire place and the panther could not help but laugh "it's not funny daddy" she pouted he just chuckled and went inside, once she was toasty warm she got up and changed and went off training with her bow 'n' arrows and called on the dead to help her with her physical exercise like time and count how many push ups and stuff and for company and walked around in her animal forms until dinner, she turned into her loin form and her daddy was by her side and went hunting for dinner they came back with a deer she cooked it on the fire that was still going and her and the panther that blended into the sky said their prayers and ate there dinner and went to bed.

That night when she fell asleep and meet with Hephaestus the god of fire, blacksmiths, craftsman, and volcanoes her gave her the skills in metalworking, stone working, and other greek crafts. He gave her the power to control fire and metal at will.

As she wake up she went hephaestus in her house with a serious face "Good morning izumi" he said with a deep old sounding voice and a small smile "good morning hephaestus" she said with a smile "ok now get up eat and than I will train you how to control fire and metal at will. here's a book on crafting it can help you learn some techniques a will stay for 3 days cause I'm very busy and I will train you tell you drop" he said serious and strenly "ok!" she said nervously she's thinking 'he's a little scary' what he's thinking 'omg she is so cute i want to pinch those cheeks and squeeze her to death 'squealing like a little girl' ok act cool, act COOL'. Training was like hell for her she had to make 100 piece of metal rods by getting the metal from the ground in the soil in one day. the 2 other days she made fire and learned how to control it she could make fireballs, fire whip, change fire color, turn fire into animals, change the fire temperature, and other things now she can have a warm bath by making a fireball in her hand and change the temperature to the right heat to it won't metal the bath and at the same time not turn the water to steam. She found out he had a soft part to him but won't tell him.

After the 3 days with training with hephaestus he had to go "goodbye hephaestus" she said hugging him, she's thinking 'finally he's leaving I can rest but I will miss him', "good bye izumi, I will see you soon" he's thinking 'omg she's hugging me with her small tiny cute body so cute i going to miss herrrrrrrrrr!'crying' I have to leave now to bad' he pulled away from the hug cause he had to go and he vanished as soon as she left she fell to the ground and slept *sigh* "she can't sleep out her silly girl"her panther said as he pulled he into her bed and tucked her in with his teeth "good night daddy" she whispered and went to sleep "good night izumi"while getting on the bed and laying next to her in bed.

After the 3 days with training with hephaestus he had to go "goodbye hephaestus" she said hugging him, she's thinking 'finally he's leaving I can rest but I will miss him', "good bye izumi, I will see you soon" he's thinking 'omg she's hugging me ...

I hoped you guys enjoyed! try to write more soon, sorry that it's short im really tired anyway...

BYE BYE!!! :) ;)