Izumi part 3

As the years gone bye I got visited by other gods and goddess gained powers like:

Hermes the god of travel, roads, thieves, sports, and shepherds. He gave me the power of speed and being able to put people to sleep he acted more excited than the other he trained me with speed for a day because it was easy and he tot me how to put people to sleep so we gone to the city and found a waddle guy holding a bottle walking down the street so I pulled out my hand and released these kind of mist and the guy fell and was a sleep on the ground hermes told me to snap my fingers so I need and the guy wake up and we ran away like weirdos and after that he left.

Poseidon the god of sea, sailing, earthquakes, typhoons, rivers, floods, winds, horses, and droughts. He gave me the power to control control seas and oceans, complete control of the weather, creating whirlpools, earthquakes by smash her trident on the ground it can turn smaller when she doesn't need it anymore so she put it on a chain so it looks like a neckles, and fire energy balls from the trident. He was strict but nice at the same time like a father to me he stayed for a while he teleported us to the sea it was beautiful we work on how to control the trident all I have to do is think of what I'm going to do before I do it then he teleported me back and he left.

Zeus the god of lightning, thunder, and justice. He gave me the power of being able to throw lightning bolts, mimic other people voices, and able to turn other people into animals. He was a nice man he was old but muscular he taut me how to throw lightning out of my hands first it was so cool but I all most burnt the hole forest he told me not to worry because your next in counter will give me a power that can fix it he gave a hardy laugh after which made me sweat drop, then he taut me to mimic others voice starting with his which all I hand to do is picture there image in my mind and I could do it I tested it out it was so cool I so scared daddy with it, it was funny and then I learned how to turn people into animals so I tried it on him and turned him into a fox all I did it speak in a demonic voice of the animal and poof there I turned him back whistling, after that he left.

Artemis the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, moon, and archery. She gave me the power to have perfect aim with any bow and I could suman the bows and arrows, I got knowledge of how to cure any or give disease, and control nature. I found out she was apollo sister probably where the archey came in because he has a archery power too. Archey and disease I didn't need help in because they funcichin on their own I only learned it how to do the nature one I put my hand out and swipe it a cross the air and it grow plants and trees so I fixed the burnt part of the forest she was nice a little strange but nice she had to leave after that.

Demeter the goddess of harvest, grain, and fertility. She gave me the power to grow plants, control the seasons, and make people hungry. She showed me how to change the seasons all I had to do is say the season with determination and to make people hungry you just say I'm hungry in a tired tone of voice to the person. She knows I can make plants so she left that out she was a motherly type she was caring and nice she stayed a few days then had to leave but she had to hug me before she left which made me chuckle.

Hera the goddess of woman, marriage, and childbirth. She gave her the power to control of the skies so bless people with good skies or curse them with stormy skies by just saying sky kiss is a blessing and saying storm curse gives them the curse of stormy skies she only stayed a day but she was sweet. Then she left by a swirl of wind and leaves.

Hestia the goddess of home, hearth, and family. She gave me the power to use fire from mount olympus and the home of the greeks. So I learned how to conjure it up I say greek or olympus and the fire goes to my feet so it gives me a powerful blow on the enemies of whatever I'm doing. She stayed for a day she looks tired but sounds calm. Then left.

Tyche the goddess of chance of fate and fortune. She gave me the power to control fate she told me fate is tricky so use it wisely she gave this clear ball and I can see people through it and tells me there fate and ways to change it .When I see the people in there and want to change their fate that I want all I have to say I is I choose you! and it happens It can turn Into a marble so put it in a earring that can pop out the marble she left after I did it cause she had to go back sadly she was a little homesy person and a little serious but nice person.

Nyx the goddess of the night. She gave me the powers to bring people to sleep or to bring death to the human race, Which sounded scary all I had to say is sleep to make the whole human race to sleep and bring them out awake I say or to bring death to the human race I say erase and I can start a new race of humans but I have to say it by making myself bleed and sing a song with one of the words I have to say. but she says only to use if have too. Then she left the dream she.

Gaea the god of mother earth she gave me good dreams it was sweet she kissed me on the head then I wake up.

Iris the goddess of the rainbow she gave me wings like a angle there so pretty she taught me how to fly it gave a couple tumbles but I did it she was nice but left after a day.

Kratos the god of strength and power. He gave me the power strength to push through walls. I built walls and walked through it which left the hole I came through it was shaped as my body and daddy walked throw it was cool after two days he left he was a active guy so he did the the other training that I had to do to strengthen my body with me it was funner then doing it myself he acted like a brother type figure. Then he left.

Nike the goddess of speed, strength, and victory. She gave me to grant people strength, speed, and victory they only have 3 hours before it wears off though. She was nice but a little scary she taught me this for 3 days then left.

After all the gods and goddess all visited I was 12 I stayed with dad and trained my powers to over there limit and did not have to train anymore now it took 6 year to do, I'm now 20 year old woman have long green hair, green emerald eyes, big boobs, beautiful figure, and tall long glorious wings on my back. I was walking out of my house with dad for a walk in the forest went I saw these flower dying I felt bad and brought it back to life after that there was a flash and I was in front of all of them again they gave my a warm smile which I shot a smile back to them which melted there hearts "Hello Izumi" they all said as one which made me chuckle "hello Athena, Apollo, Ares, Eros, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Tyche, Nyx, Gaea, lris, Kratos, and Nike. It's nice to see you guys again I missed you" They looked surprised how I remembered them all and could read their mind about that it was funny "We brought you here for an important reason Izumi" zeus said in a serious tone which made me look at them serious "Ok please go on" I said gently "WE ARE SENDING TO JAPAN" Hermes yelled happily which made me confused they could see it in my face "Let me explain you will live in japan and help make that country great again. You will get a job that helps out the world. You will help both sides and you will find love in japan that will make you stronger. But now your 20 your old enough and you won't grow old or die you are very strong now be careful." zeus said in a serious tone "Oh! and say quark instead of power!" Athena reminded they all one by one walked up to my hugged my after they all did a tear rolled down my face and I left. Now I'm standing in the streets of japan where should I go now GREAT! what should I do I have been living in the forest all my life and my dad is not here now I'm all alone.

With the gods:

"I feel like I forgot to tell her something" zeus said his fingers on his chin "Ya you did you forgot to tell her I not going to be with her or how she is going to live in a environment she is not known too" the black as night panther said, they all gasp some laughing their butts off "Shot your right, Oh well she's a smart girl she will figure it out" zeus said scratch the back of his neck sweating bolts laugh a little the others sweat drop at this some that were laughing started to laugh more.

"I feel like I forgot to tell her something" zeus said his fingers on his chin "Ya you did you forgot to tell her I not going to be with her or how she is going to live in a environment she is not known too" the black as night panther said, they all gasp some laughing their butts off "Shot your right, Oh well she's a smart girl she will figure it out" zeus said scratch the back of his neck sweating bolts laugh a little the others sweat drop at this some that were laughing started to laugh more.