Valentine's day special

Izumi walked out of her dorm room and she walked down stairs and saw Mr. Aizawa there with a green rose he walked up to me with his face a little flushed he handed me the rose "Happy Valentine's Day Izumi" he said to me I smiled, I wonder what Valentine's day is?  "Want to walk to school with me?" I asked him, he nodded his head a little, I grab his hand and we walked to school as we got into the building aizawa looks tired as always and it couldn't help that I was pulling him when we walked down the hallway people were handing me flowers and chocolate I think I'm going to run out hand space as we got into the classroom I saw all the kids there I put the chocolate's, gift box's, and flowers down. I made a big suitcase from out of my body by undoing the top of my shirt unzip the suitcase and put my chocolate's, gift boxes, and flowers in and zipped it back up and buttoned up my shirt. When I looked at the students they were all red. Are they ok? "Ok, everyone sit down in your desks so we can get started" I said with a bright smile, Mr. Aizawa walked in with a box of chocolates. He put them on his desk he walked up next to me "Ok, for Valentine's day we are going to the park to look around and stuff it is romantic right whatever now let's get going" he said, does he mean like a park with swings or a open field with benches and stuff oh well. As soon as all the students left the room and walk down the hallway I walked out and locked the door when I turned around todoroki was there his face was a little flushed he had an arm on the wall right behind me right beside my head and his other arms was down by his side in his hand is a red flower he looked away and gave me the flower. Then he looked at me in the eyes "Happy Valentine's Day" he said in a monotone voice I smiled "Thank you Todoroki" I said then he put his lips on my cheek softly then he went ahead with the other students and they were outside. Oh no I going to lose them. I flew with my white huge wings to the students outside and landed in front of them "Sorry" I said rudding the back of my neck. We walked to the park it was beautiful there were flowers, a trail that leads into the forest, and ponds. My eyes sparkled at the beauty kids started to separate in groups I walked down the trail looking at the beauty of the forest I love the forest probably because I was born in the forest, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see bakugou "Hello, bakugou" I said with a smile and we started to walk down the trail "It is beautiful" I said and look up at him with a smile he stared at me in daze say "Ya", I smile "so what did you need to talk about?" I asked, his face flushed. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a orange rose and hand it to me I took it "Thank you bakugou" I said his face went more red "Happy Valentine's Day Izumi" he said "You too" I smiled, I wonder what Valentine's bday is it is very confusing, he bent down a little and put his lips on my cheek and walked away to the open field where we came from. I walk down the trail until I was a little bit far away from where I came. I got pulled into the forest by to different hands and was slammed on to s tree I look at who it was it was Dani and tomura them body slammed me on to the tree both on either side the both held up roses a blue and purple to rose they were gorgeous I smiled at them there faces flushed they gave me the roses "Happy Valentine's day Izumi of the Greeks" when they said that that made me chuckle and there faces more red dabi leaned down and put his lips on mine softly and he pulled away and tomura did the same they handed me the rose they were gone I walked back on the path to the field because we might be leaving soon during the way I saw kaminari and kirishima talking with each other laughing walking the same way I am they say me "Hey Ms. Izumi come over here" kirishima said, I smiled I walked to them "So  how are your guys day going?" I asked with a smile, there faces flushed "It is going good much better now because I'm talking to you" kaminari said, making me giggle "It is good, how about you?" kirishima asked, "Well it is ok, lots of people came up to me today giving me things so people put there lips on me I don't know why is that a way to say goodbye?" I asked they looked happy but angry I wonder why? Kaminari went to they other said of me and they both bent down a little and put there lips on each of my cheeks "Happy Valentine's day Ms. Izumi" they both said and ran off, I guess it is away to say goodbye I should start doing that to people when I leave I got back to the park and saw the class and Mr. Aizawa I walk up to him we chatted a little while walking to school. As we got there we went into class we taught some hero work and getting ready to leave I stood at the door as each student walked out I kissed them on the cheek they went red when I did then I got my suitcase full of gifts and stuff and walked with Mr. Aizawa to the teachers dorm then we got stopped by present mic "Hey Izumi, Shota" he yelled, I smiled and waved he walked up to me "Here is a flower for the  beautiful lady" he said I smiled and general took the yellow rose "Thank you handsome" I said with a wink and walked to the teachers dorm I walked into my dorm and lied on my bed for a little I took out the rose I got today and put them in a vase you now what is funny they made a rainbow I walked to me kitchen and made some instant ramen being lazy and walked to my bedroom and sat on my bed turning on my TV watching the news there was nothing much to know on there when I finish my ramen I throw out the container and pull my chop sticks in my sink and walked back to my bedroom I turned off the TV, I guess I never found out what Valentine's Day is. I fell asleep with a peaceful smile on my face.

Happy Valentine's Guys!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜