First day of class and shopping


I walked with Aizawa to his classroom chatting a little. We walked into the class and some mouths dropped, all the students blushing, and some whispering. "Izumi, will be my assistant for class from now on. You will be nice and respectful to her or you will face extreme punishment." Aizawa said and said the last part darkly. Everyone one paled except two people a duo haired boy and Bakugou-kun. "Why don't we start class?" I asked, smiling warmly. Feeling the air in the room turn a 180. Aizawa nodded, "Next week, we will leave to U.S.J for training." Aizawa said, lazily. There was up roars about a field trip and stuff, while some were smirking. "SILENCE!" Aizawa yelled, activating his quirk. Making the class silent you could only hear breathing. "Now let's start on class..." he said, he started teaching about quirk history it was pretty interesting. Learn that the mortals used to not have quirks until two powerful guys with quirks came to the world creating a thing called villains and heroes. Villains are ones who do bad, but I don't get it. Everyone does something bad in there life even heroes make mistakes or did somethings bad on purpose it is just dumb. Villains can be nice and heroic too, just sometimes they just show in a different way. After the first couple of classes with the students the bell rang. I was finished class for today with Aizawa, we went to the teacher lounge. We walked in as we did the whole place went silent, until Toshi-kun (Allmight) spoke. "How was your first day, Izumi?" he asked, smiling. I gave him a bright smile back make most of the people in there go red expressly Toshi-kun. "It was great!" I said, happily. "That's good, Izumi. It is good you are feeling comfortable here." Nezu said, sipping his tea. "Hey Izumi! After school we are going shopping to buy you clothes and things you will need." Nemuri (Midnight) said, smirking at the words clothes. "Sounds nice." I said, smiling. "ME AND SHOUTA, WILL COME WITH!" Hizashi (Present Mic) yelled, "Okay, sounds good. Be ready Izumi, we will be buying you cute stuff!" Nemuri said. I nodded smiling, I transformed myself into a emerald-black green kitten with green eyes and small white wings on my back. Some awwed and some went kyaa blushing. Aizawa picked my up and sat me down on his lap when he sat in a comfy chair with coffee smiling. He petted me and scratching me softly making me purr. We stayed like that even after the bell rang because we didn't have to teach. We fell asleep after a little while after almost all the teachers left, I wake up to the door banging open making me jump and Aizawa jolt up. "COME ON WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" Nemuri yelled, I jumped off of Shouta and turned back into human. She grabbed my hand then started running with shouto and Hizashi following closely behind. We made it to a huge place in a couple minutes, she started pulling me to clothing stores making me try on clothes.

I like my hero custom the most. Shouta got me a thing called a phone and me memorize my phone number. After we left the huge place, we walked back to school with lots of clothes and some items while we chatted. When we got back to the teacher dorms. Me and Aizawa grabbed the bags that Nemuri and Hizashi had. Me and Aizawa walked to his dorm room. We walked in we took off our shoes and we put the bags down, I grabbed a pair of Pj's I just bought and went to Shouta's bathroom and had a shower well I think that's what they call it. I asked Aizawa to help me with the shower after he turned it on I started to stripe me clothes off he flushed and zoomed out of the bathroom and closed the door. After I was naked I hopped into the shower.


OMG, she is to fucking innocent. I was blushing bright red. I saw her without a shirt, damn she had a big chest. STOP IT SHOUTA! I walked to the kitchen and made a somewhat decent meal for us to eat for dinner. After I finished making dinner she came out of the bathroom wearing cute Pj's making me blush hard. "C-come sit down and eat." I said sitting at the table. She came over smiling which could bring the gods to shame, she touched my forehead to my cheek and took her head off. "Are you sick?" she asked, worry holding her face. "No, don't worry about it. Now eat up you have a big day tomorrow, you are teaching with me and you are getting your hero license." I told her, "I'm getting my hero license?" she asked, oh ya I didn't tell her. "Yep." I said, eating. She ate while thinking about something, it was cute. After dinner she helped me clean up. We went to my bedroom, I grabbed my Pj's which wear a black t-shirt and grey jogging pants. She crawled in and I crawled in next to her. She cuddled up to me making me stiffen up for a second before relaxing with a big blush. After a while we feel asleep with her cuddling my side and my arms wrapped around her.