Yggdrasil and Servant Summoning


"Yes, Yggdrasil The tree of life I will give it to you as a payment if you let me have the heroic spirit that I will summon and keep her/him." Yu said to Gaia

"Yggdrasil, I want it," Gaia told that while look at Alaya with expectation

"Urg, fine but you must win this War first" Alaya said

"I can win this Grail War, but will you get involve?"

"Of course I will get involve because the one the stake is "MY" Heroic Spirit I will not give them so easily" Alaya said

"Then its a deal" Yu said

After they finish the deal, there's a rainbow light come inside his room and show Zelretch coming from it with a Jewel Sword in his hand and a piece of wood on his left hand that looks like a wand.

"Here your catalyst and here your book how to summon a servant, and let me borrow your hand for Command seal" Zelretch said

Zelretch then takes his left hand and stab Yu backhand with his Jewel Sword.

After a few seconds, the back of his hand began to glow.

After light disappears, what left in Yu backhand is a tattoo that looks like a dragon.

"Now that's finished, let us start the ritual shall we?"

"Then first the magic circle, Must I draw the magic circle or can I use a magic circle that comes from my magic?"

"Ohh you have a magic circle? that's good then, you will have a more powerful servant."

"Very well, then I will begin the ritual."

Yu then imagine his magic circle that able to summon servant and what comes of it is Purple Magic Circle, and the middle of it is two snakes biting each other tail making an infinity symbol.

'Ophis symbol, huh.'

Yu thought for a moment then place his catalyst in the middle of Magic Circle then began the Chant.

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking the fulfilled time asunder.

Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let my great master ■■■■■■■■ be the ancestor.

Raise a wall, against the wind that shall fall.

Close the four cardinal gates. Come out from the crown. Rotate the three-branched road reaching the Kingdom.

– I shall declare here. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. If you submit to this will and this reason... then answer!

– An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! – From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!"

As he said those word, the magic circle began to glow with purple colour, and as he continues to chant the Light become more powerful and after he finishes his chant. A strong wind comes from the magic circle, and out of it appears a woman with long purple hair and Golden iris with black pupil eyes. She wears a hooded bluish-purple robe that covers her face.

"I'm Servant Caster answer your call, Are you my master?"

Yu lost in though and continue to stare at the beautiful figure in front of him.

As he lost in his Fantasy Ophis come in front of him and punch him in the stomach while said.


Yu just rubbed his stomach and asked her.

"Why you punch me Ophis?"

Ophis just silent then answer.

"I don't know" Ophis said

"What do you mean you don't know? You want to punch me out of nothing?"

"En" Ophis nodded then grab his left hand and just holding it while staying silent.

"Are you my master?" The woman asked Yu after being ignored by him

"Ahh, Yes, I'm your master."

"Then I'm servant Caster will be your Servant in this war."

"Now my job is done, I will checking on you for time to time see you boy" Zelrecth said and disappear with rainbow colour.

"We will be watching you then if you even have any attention to destroying humanity I will come personally and kill you" Alaya said then gesture her Counter Guardian and make her leave through Portal.

One after another they began to leave then the only left is Gaia who stay silent this whole time.

Yu asked her

"Gaia, you don't want to go back to your home?"

"En, But Yggdrasil...." Gaia said

"I will give you the tree after this war, okay? Even though I lose the deal I still will give you Yggdrasil" He explained to Gaia

"En, Here" Gaia said while handing him The white creature.

The creature its self looks confused about why her master giving her to this Dangerous human.

"Ehh, you giving me this?"

"En, Watch through her"

"Ahh, you want to watch me through her, huh?"


The creature itself gives her master look of betrayed and cry.


"No, Watch him" Gaia said


"En must watch him."

After Gaia finishes her conversation with the Cath Palug, she then walked toward the portal she created and disappear.

"Hello, there little guy."


"What will I call you? How about Fou?"

"Fou Fou," Fou said while nodded its head.

While He was talking to Fou, Caster interrupted him.


"Ahh sorry Caster I'm ignoring you, what is it?"

"Who is these people you were talking? I know the wizard marshal and the counter guardian but the rest of them I'm not entirely sure."

"Then make a guess," He said

"The one that with the counter guardian is Alaya and the one that gives you Primate Murder is Gaia," Caster said

"Bingo they are exactly what you guess."

"They are here because of her, right?" Caster said while pointing at Ophis.

"Yeah they are here for Ophis, they afraid Ophis come to this dimension to destroy the planet" Yu explained to Caster

"Who is she master? I sense a massive amount of power coming from her"

"She is a Dragon God of infinity, and she comes to this dimension with me."

"I see."

"Then how about we introduce ourself? My name is Yu Shimada, and the one that was still holding my left hand is Ophis The infinite Dragon."

"My name is Medea, Servant of Magic I will in your care master."


Caster Parameter

True Name: Medea

Strength: D

Endurance: C

Agility: B

Mana: EX

Luck: B