"My name is Medea, Servant of Magic I will in your care master."
"En, I will be in your care Medea" Yu said with a bright smile.
Medea stays silent and asked him.
"Are you not afraid of me, master?" Medea asked with a hopeful voice
"Of course not, why should I afraid you? You are a beautiful woman that had been betrayed by your husband and the Gods."
Medea stays silent then said to him in a small voice.
"Thank you, master, for trusting me."
"You are welcome Medea, now lets us discuss our strategy for this Grail war."
They then began to discuss their strategy.
"First thing first master is the place for our base and my workshop, is there any place I can place it, master?"
"Yes I know the place for our base, there is a temple on top of the mountain. The temple itself builds on top of a fallen leyline so its a perfect place to place our workshop."
"I see then its perfect, and now it's the other masters that will be summoning their servant we need to gather info of" Medea said
"About that, I know who will be our enemy master that will be participating in this war."
"I see, who will be our Enemy master?"
"The one that already selected is Yggdmillenia Family, Einzbern Family and Faldeus Family."
"I see and the rest of them master? do you know it?"
"The rest of them is Tohsaka Family, Edelfelt Family and lastly Matou family."
"I see."
"Yes they have more magical resource then us but if its mundane resource we have many."
"How, master? did you bring any resource from your dimension?"
"No, I have the power that able to create any biology material and power that able to create matter out of nothing" Yu explained his power to Caster
"Then, we can begin our base preparation master."
"Let's go to Ryuudo Temple and build our base."
Yu, Ophis and Caster walk toward Mount Enzo where Ryuudo Temple after they arrive at in front of Ryuudo Temple as they knock the door and meet the monk. Caster then began to hypnotise all the monk to ignore them.
Caster then began her preparations to make a Bounded Field that will surround the temple.
While creating Bounded Field, Caster needs some Jewel to form a Ward Stone.
While Caster busy with Bounded Field. Yu busy with copying power that Caster displayed.
Item Construction
It is the Skill to manufacture magical items, from implements of war to items for daily use. Also, this Skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items.
Territory Creation
It is the Skill to build a unique terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as to collect mana.
High-Speed Divine Words
Skill to activate thaumaturgy using Divine Words.
They are languages from the Age of Gods, back when words played a massive role in spellcasting, and that modern humans can no longer pronounce.
After Finished his power copying activity. Caster finished the bounded field and began to create an army of Dragon Tooth Warrior for at least 3 thousand of them and modified 500 of them to Dragon Wing Warriors.
"Good thing you make the Dragon Thooth Warrior at large number too" Yu praised Caster
"Why master? They don't have any strength, and only able to slow down a servant a bit, anything but that they not useful."
"No no, While they are useless for a servant, you can be sent them to attack enemy master from behind while the servant to occupied with you or me." Yu said
"I see, but master you just said 'occupied with you or me' what you mean by that?"
"You are magic caster and deal damage to the enemy while I will be your Fighter in the Vanguard and protect you from an enemy servant."
"But master you are only human you cant fighting against Servant, they will kill you."
Yu chuckled and said
"Why don't we sparring a little bit?"
Caster look hesitance
"Are you sure master?
"Yeah come on, I know the place where we can sparring without making any disturbance around us."
Yu then take caster hand and open portal.
"You coming with us, Ophis?"
Ophis then walk to Yu and hold his other hand.
"Well then Let's Go."
They walked through the portal and met a dessert but instead normal sand they meet a grey sand and Crescent moon on top of their head.
"In here we can go all out without causing a disturbance."
"Where are we master, there is no magic in here, and a lot of negative energy circulate in this place" Caster said while looking at her surrounding
"Where are at Hueco Mundo place where Hollow resides."
"Hollow?" Caster tilts her head
"Hollow is a race of creatures which are born from Human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to Soul Society after their death and stay in the Human World for too long. Now enough chit chat shall we begin?"
Caster Nodded
"Countdown from 3."
Yu activated his Path to Victory with the instruction "make Caster use her powerful spell". He doesn't want to beat Caster but to show her that he is strong enough to fight alongside her in the current war.
'1st: Fly straight to Caster and punch her with 7% or the strength.'
Yu do as path instructed and fly straight to her and punch her in the stomach.
Caster Thrown off for 20 meters away. After she overcomes her shock caster then use Trofa and teleport her self in the air.
'2nd: Stand still then punch to 60-degree angle after 3 seconds'
"Celaeno" Caster shouted while holding her staff and pointing it to Him.
The electrical attack coming toward him from Caster Staff
'3...2...1 Punch.'
Magical attack caster releases destroyed like it was nothing.
'3rd: Taunt her.'
"It's that all you can do Caster? I thought you are Magi from the age of Gods?"
'4th: Fly to her left and punch then fly to 10 meters to the left and punch.'
Yu then began to fly and in a second already arrive at her left and punch but caster already prepared and casted her spell.
"Argos!! Trofa!!" Caster shouted while creating Magic Shield then Teleported but before she was able to do anything Yu already in front of her and deliver the punch that sent her Flying.
'5th: Taunt Her.'
'Path Completed'
"Its that all you got Caster, its that all Madea able to do?"
Caster get up then teleported herself high up in the air and said
"Very well master prepared yourself."
She then began to prepared her Magic, and in the sky, Magic Circle began to appear 20 of them.
"Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea!!!"
The Rain of Spell began coming toward him. Yu stay still and grin at the caster Spell cast upon him. Yu remains still and raise his hand then said
"Divide, Divide, Divide"
Yu divide caster spell until it becomes nothing then said to caster.
"Am I strong enough caster?" Yu said with a smug smile