First Battle

The next morning Yu wakes up like the other day with Medea and Ophis Hugging his arms.

After he wakes up both of them and goes to take a shower, they then buy some cheesecake for Ophis as promised.

They continue to explore the city and having fun until the sun goes down. While they are walking toward their base and buying Ophis a lollipop from the nearest vendor, they feel a spike of Mana coming from the dock, so they investigate the source of it.

As they come near it, they see 2 Servants in the middle of battle. One of them wears a set of white knight armour and a crimson mantle, reminiscent of an "old Western aristocracy or royalty" and wielding a sword. While the other man doesn't wear anything on his top body part but he wears a black and gold shroud to cover his face, and the man has a bow in his arms.

"They must be Archer and Saber." Yu said to Medea

"Yes, what should we do master?"

"Let get close but make us invisible with your spell Medea."


Caster then cast her spell to 3 of them; they then get closers to the scene as both servant fight with such ferocity. After a battle for 10 minutes, they stop, and Archer looked toward their location.

'Look like we have been spotted master' Medea said through their mental communication

'Yes, but let us wait until they call us.'

Just like Yu is saying, Saber, calling them to come out. So Medea began to dispell her spell and revealing them to other servants.

Caster then said to Saber.

"I'm Servant Caster, Greeting Saber and Archer" Medea said to both of them.

Archer stay silent while watching them like a hawk while Saber master gaping at Caster.

'Look like Saber master look at your parameter Medea' Yu said to Medea.

'She might have a heart attack right now' Medea said while chuckling on the inside.

"Hello there Caster will you join us?" Saber said inviting them to join their fight

'Can I master?' Medea asked Him with a hopeful voice

'Sure, go ahead Medea'

'Thank you, master.'

"Don't mind me if I do" Caster said to Saber.

Yu and Ophis walked, leaving Caster to fight another servant. Caster then Fly toward the sky and cast her spell toward Both of them. Saber successfully avoid her spell, but Archer stand there without a care.

Spell that Caster cast is Ranked C- in term of Noble Phantasm because his mana reverse she can Power it up the spell but to see Archer stood there and don't even have a scratch on his body.

'Look like Archer already active his King's Order Noble Phantasm' Yu though

King's Order is Archer Noble Phantasm, King's Order: Twelve Glories is the Noble Phantasm embodying "proof of crushing the Twelve Labors" performed by Heracles. Upon losing his Divinity and immortality, it manifested as a necessity of having proof of the accomplished labours. It is the embodiment of "having owned the Noble Phantasms in one's legend", allowing him to utilise all the tools he obtained in life entirely.

And the one he used right now is Pelt of the Divine Beast (First Labor), where Archer is successfully killing Nemean Lion. The pelt itself then becomes second Skin for Archer, the effect of it is to make Archer to any 'Human Weapon' such as Human Spell, Human Sword be it Holy Sword or Demonic Sword if Human creates the weapon then Archer cannot be harmed. The only weapon able to harm Archer in Yu arsenal is Divine Dividing because God created it and The Origin of the Divine Dividing is Dragon. True Longinus its was created by the God and able to kill god, and if they can't kill him, then Yu can ask Ophis to do it.

Yu then snapped from his though when he feels Saber mana spike at a high rate, a second later Saber master shout toward Saber.

"By this command seal, I command you, Saber, to use your Noble Phantasm with double power."

Saber then raised his sword high and began to chant.

"O Sword of Forever Distant Victory, Grant me with your blessing."

Yu then feel another mana spike this time coming from Archer.

"You who stand before me shall fall and torn to pieces." Archer said while he knocks his bow

"EX-" Saber sword began to produce a high amount of holy power

"Nine Lives" Archer bow make a long arrow that should not be able to use in his current bow

"CALIBUR!!!" Saber then swings his sword down

"Shooting the Hundred Heads!!!" Archer released his Arrow

'SH*T' Yu though

Yu fly to Medea with full speed then in the blink of an eye he already in front of Medea.

He then opens both his arm toward Noble Phantasm that coming toward him and active his power.

"Divide, Divide, Divide"

He Divides both Noble Phantasm 50 times until it disappeared.

"Huuu, Now that is dangerous." He said with a smile

'You know I can be teleported from here, right?' Medea said in his head

'I forgot, I guess it just a reflex.'

Medea chuckles a little at Yu answer.

"HOW?!?" Saber master shouted with a loud voice

"How you do that?!? That impossible!!! You are not a Servant so HOW?!?" Saber master demand Yu to talk

"Now that's a secret right? let's say it is our family trait."

"Wha..? But that impossible" Saber master cant comprehended his answer.

Archer that always silent began to speak toward him

"Caster master I will fight you next time so prepared your self," Archer said

After Archer says that he then began to leaving them via spiritual form, as Archer go Yu asked Saber

"That is not the real Excalibur, isn't it?" Yu asked Saber with one of his eyebrow raised in question

Saber smile and answer him.

"No, it is not the real Excalibur."

"Then I know your identity" Yu said

"Oh? Tell me then."

Yu breath in a little then answers him.

"You are Richard the First or Richard the Lionheart the one that named all his weapon Excalibur and the one that found Excalibur Scabard but can't use it because you are not the real owner of it."

Saber Chuckles and then laugh

"Hahaha, You are right, I am Richard the Lionheart or the Wandering King, nice to meet you."

Saber smiled at him but interrupted by his master.

"Let's go, Saber, we don't need to reveal any of your identity to them any more than necessary." Saber master said to him.

Saber and his master then began to leave.

"Let us go home Caster Ophis," Yu said to Caster and Ophis.

As Yu said that, Caster teleports them to their base. Yu then walked toward his room then take a bath and prepared himself to sleep, but as he's about to sleep on his bed, the door began to open and revealing Medea with very Sexy Lingerie.

"Err, Medea?" Yu asked unsure what to do

"You are fearless master arent you? for rescuing me from the danger, because of that, I will need to reward you, Let me show you why I'm a Caster, and I will cast a spell that makes you fall for me."

Medea said to Yu with her Sexy Voice.

She then walked toward Yu and bit his neck.

Yu only able to say one thing

"It is going to be a long night, isn't it?"

That night Medea Successfully Bewitch Yu Shimada with her 'Spell.'