
~~~Nagao Tohsaka~~~

'How could this happen, there should be no human that able to fight servant toe-to-toe especially servant as famous as Archer'

Nagao worried about the prospect of human that able to fight Archer on equal ground.

'That Caster is anomaly too, and there is no way caster class servant able to gain that kind of Parameter, Caster, with mana 'EX' already troublesome now that able to fight on close combat is a disaster.'

Nagao then has an idea to kill the weakest servant first before killing Caster and her master.

If he was able to gain caster master body after killing him, he then could steal his Family crest.

With an ability to able to divide any attack and absorb it for themselves, Tohsaka will become the most powerful family in the world.

After thinking about that, Nagao then commands Archer.

"Archer tomorrow night you will attract all of enemy Servant to yourself, Release high amount of Prana as much as you can to lure them in."

"Yes," Archer said with a simple word and nod.

But what he doesn't know that tomorrow night will be a chaos night.

~~~Revilta Edelfelt~~~

Revilta and Saber arrive at their base, a well-built house 1.6 Km away from Fuyuki Station and not far away from the Church. Revilta protects its base with her most powerful Bounded Field she knows.

"Saber what chance that we able to win this war?" She asked Saber

"We can still win the war but win Caster and her Master and another unknown Servant that will be hard," Saber said

"I see."

"Don't worry master I have one more Trump Card that I able to use," Saber said confidently.\


That morning Yu wakes up with a smile on his face while Medea sleeping on her right arms and chuckle a little when he remembers last night he has been Bewitch by Medea.

After Medea began to shows her first move and awakens Dragon that is within Yu pants.

They began their night activity with more intimacy. At first, they are just kissing, but gradually they began to start making love each other.

With Medea new Strength and Endurance, she gains massive stamina boost and able to keep up Yu 'Endless Stamina' but before they can continue their fifth rounds Ophis come into his room and say.


She then climbs toward the bed and clings to Yu left arms. Yu sigh and whisper to Medea.

"Look like we cant continue our activity" Yu whisper to Medea

"It's okay we can do it anytime you want."

Yu smile at her and kiss her goodnight and go to sleep but before he able to close his eyes Ophis tug his arm and say

"Me too."

Yu smile at her and kiss her in the forehead while saying.

"Goodnight Ophis."

Ophis smile a little

Yu though then interrupted by Medea who wakes up from her sleep.

"Good morning Medea how your sleep?"

"It's great."

Yu then wake Ophis up. After taking a bath, they then have breakfast.

After having breakfast, they began walking around Fuyuki City while waiting for the night.

As the sun goes down, they began walking toward their base, but before they reach their headquarters, a white bird comes toward them bringing a letter.

He then read what inside of the letter. Basically, it was informed another Servant had been summoned, a servant outside the regular class.

Lastly, a Nazi Army has been arrived at fuyuki and marching toward Ryuudou Temple typically it was not Church responsibility, but the one that commands the army is Servant and his Master.

That's why they need to know the reason why they marched toward Ryuudou Temple.

'Look like Yggdmillennia Family has begun their Operation.'

"Come one Caster we need to greet our guest who not invited into our home."

"Yes master," Medea said then cast her spell and teleported them to Ryuudou Temple.

While they were waiting for Lancer and his army coming toward them, they watch the news about the allied army marching toward Imperial Capital. Yu and Caster then sense the presence of many people outside of Ryuudou Temple.

They then come outside and greet the uninvited guest.

"Well well look who we have here, a Nazi Commander that also master to Lancer" Yu said to Lancer Master

"What you want in our Headquarter Stranger?" Yu asked Lancer master

"That is none of your business, now step aside" Lancer master command Yu

"No can do, this is our base, and you will not step inside the temple"

"Then you will be killed. Lancer engaged with Caster while the army is killing the master."

"Yes" Lancer said while ready his Spear to engaged.

But before Lancer able to attack Caster summoned all her 3 thousand Dragon Tooth Warriors and began to attacking Nazi army.

Nazi army who is a normal human cant handle a massive army of 3 thousand Dragon Tooth Warriors and their Flank get destroyed fast by Dragon Wing Warriors who fly toward their flank and bombarded them with an arrow.

"Lancer Destroy that Golem first" Lancer Master shouts at Lancer while shooting the golem with his handgun that has been modified with magecraft.

Before Lancer able to move Caster teleported in front of him and cast her spell on him


A strong gust of wind slice lancer chest while sending him flying.

"Che, Retreat!!" Lancer Master Shouted to his army

Yu watch Lancer master and his Army retreating and Lancer retreating as well with his spiritual form.

"The party is over, you can show yourself Saber" Yu said to his left

Out of the shadow come saber comes out with a smile.

"You able to sense me, huh?"

"You don't have any Presenceconcealment so I able to detect you easily saber."

"Hahaha you are right and why you don't come out too new servant?" Saber shouted

Another servant landing in front of them, The servant has long hair tied into a ponytail. His clothing is a mixture of traditional samurai outfit with a European influence. He wears a jinbaori style haori with Christianity crosses decorated on them. He wears a tradition umanori hakama with Shin guards which had cloth straps that were used to tie the Shin guards to the lower leg. He wears a collared shirt underneath his Kimono and a Cravat tied around his collar.

"Greeting, Richard the First and Madea of Colchis"