Ruler, Rider and The Worm

"Greeting, Richard the First and Madea of Colchis"

The young in front of them said while bowing his head.

"Hoo, you know our name, why don't you introduce your name to us?"

Saber said

"I'm servant Ruler with name Shirou Tokisada Amakusa" Ruler said

"Ruler servant? I don't know there any Ruler class in the Holy Grail War" Saber said

"My master's Father' has tweaked the current holy grail, so he able to summon me."

Yu know who the man in front of him from the beginning because he is the servant that Eiznbern summon in Fate/Apocrypha timeline not in this Fate/Stay Night timeline.

"I know you are Eiznbern Family servant, and the unknown servant that the church talking about," Yu said to Ruler

"I don't know how you know about my master, but yes, that is correct."

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I come to help you and gathering info for my master."

"Then you can easily know our info because Ruler special skill is True Name Discernment Skill that able to see another servant True Name."

"For a master, you know a lot of the Holy Grail system."

"Hah, Anyway, as a matter already been solved, I will take my leave, I want to take care of some business."

Yu then walked, leaving both Saber and Ruler with Medea and Ophis following behind him.

As they walked away, Medea asked her master.

"Yu, Are you hate Ruler?"

"I don't hate him; what I hate about him is his wish if he wins the grail war."

"His wish?"

"Yes, his wish for the grail is to make Humans throw away their selfishness and create a world where all the human lived a happy life."

"Its that a bad thing, master?"

"No, it is not bad. It was a good wish, but Ruler wants to throw away human selfishness is something I cant accepted."


"Because humans continue to grow because that selfishness, humans continue to survive because that selfishness, Humans can't survive if they don't have any selfishness in their body, a human can't continue to grow if they don't have single selfishness.

That's why his wish, in my opinion, is stupid."

They stay silent while walking toward Miyama Town, Medea, who quiet until now asks Yu about their destination.

"Yu, where we were going? And what business do you have?"

"We are going to Exterminate some Worm."


"Do you know Worm Crest ?"

"Yes, they are one of the foulest types of magic ever created," Medea said with disgust

"Yes, and we will kill the one that has it."

"There is someone who has Worm Crest?" Medea asked shocked by the revelation

"Yes, His name is Zouken Matou or his real name Zolgen Makiri, a man... no a monster that creates Worm Crest from his familiar to ensure, so he will not die and use it for gathering more Prana from the people his worm-eating."

As they arrive at Matou Resident, a two-story mansion that mimicked westerns style mansion, the mansion protected by Powerful Bounded Field but not strong enough for Medea Rule Breaker.

They are going into the mansion. As they walk, they sense a servant at the end of the corridor.

What standing in front of them is a monster with a height of around 5.3 meters tall with blue skin. It has a foot that looks like a horse foot, and it has a large horn that coming from the backside of his neck.

"I'm a servant rider, who dare to invade my territory?" Rider demand them

They stay silent for a second and answer him.

"We are coming here for your master."

"Then you must kill me first," Rider said

Rider then charged toward them and struck Medea. They then started the battle.

Yu, who stands to the side, know who this Servant, He is Ivan the Terrible The king of Tsar Russia in Fate/Grand Order Lostbelt.

'Why he is in here?' Yu though furiously

A servant from Lostbelt should not be able to be summoned in this Universe.

Yu snapped out of his thought when Medea cast her Atlas to freeze Rider.

'Medea, I know who this servant, He is Ivan the Terrible, He is a 'Yaga' Human that combine himself with magical beast, Ivan combine himself with mammoth and Saber Tooth so the more he sleeps, the more he will get stronger, Finish it quickly before he able to use his noble phantasm'

'To late master' Medea said through her mind

Yu then see Rider activated his Noble Phantasm.

"Come to me, my companion, who stays with me until the end of the world."

Blue light comes from his chest.

"Zveri - Krestnyy Khod: The Beast that Accompanied me On My Journeys !!!" Rider shouted


Out it comes out mammoth with a height almost as a mountain.

On top of it is Rider sitting on the Throne.

"Che, Caster prepared your strongest attack, Zveri has a weak point which is in its belly. I will attack and reveal its weak point at that time, use your strongest power to destroy it, use my prana as much as you want, make it the stronger attack you can." Yu ordered Medea

"Yes, master."

Yu then Summon True Longinus and ready for battle.

"Zveri Destroy them," Rider command his Companion.

Zveri then raised its trunk and form a black ball of destruction outside of its mouth and fire it to Caster and him.


Yu raised his hand and activated the Divine Dividing.

"Divide, Divide, Divide"

Yu continues to Divide Rider attack until its disappear after he finished it Yu then fly toward Zveri and Change his Spear to another from

"Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin"

As you said that his spear began to glow, and it's shaped changed to the form that it's used to be with a dark blue rod and is more extensive than regular spears. It features golden metal decorations, in the shapes of arrow tips, that spiral around in a double helix pattern. The decorations finish at the top of the rod of the spear, which features a white circle, which is empty and has a cross that fills in the loop, but not completely. There is a small silver stump which features four protrusions, two on the left and the other two on the right. The tip of the spear is silver, and similar to the rod of the spear is longer than other types of spears.

"Balinayaka Ratana !!!" He shouted

The tip of the spear Shining brightly as Yu slash his spear toward Zveri from its side.


Yu attacked hit the thick skin of Zveri at point-blank range and successfully created a wound so deep that it shows its inner body part and its core, which is the weak point.

"Caster NOW!!!" Yu shouted

Medea, who hear Yu command teleported herself up in the air and cast her Strongest spell.

"Rain of Light: Machia Hecatia Graea!!!" Medea Shouted

While the other time, when Yu fight against Medea, she did not use her full power, but this time she uses her full power and Yu powering her spell with his mana as it shows on the magic circle that appears in the sky that up to thousands of them.

The rain of light began to bombarded Zveri on its weak spot.


Zveri Core began to crack and get destroyed by the continues bombardment of light.

Medea spell stops as Zveri's body began to disappear as Rider sits there.

"You able to kill my Companion, so you win, Kill me I can't fight without my companion" Rider said

"Very well, Rider."

Yu then raised his spear and thrust it toward Rider's neck and killing him instantly.

"Let's go Medea, let us finish this and go home."

After they killed Rider, they see what is left of Matou Mansion. As they were cleaning the ruble to find the basement, Yu examines the new power that he copies from Rider.


Chornyi Oprichnik

An ability that able to summon "The Royal Guard (The Oprichnik")

This ability cant be activated manually and only able to activate automatically when the users feel asleep. The Oprichnik that summoned will be Guarding the user and his Companion, Not only guarding The Oprichnik too will be gathering info of the user 'Enemy' and eliminated them if possible.

The Oprichnik has the power of low-rank Servant.

The user can summon up to 3000 Oprichnik.

Zveri - Krestnyy Khod

An ability to summon Mammoth Zveri from the age before humans even exist.

Zveri will continue to grow stronger, the more the user sleeps.

Current Strenght :

Strength: C

Endurance: B

Agility: D

Mana: EX (Linked with the User)

Luck: - (Summoned beast don't have luck)

NP: -

Riding (EX)

A knowledge how to Ride anything be it Mundane vehicle or even Divine Beast.


Yu and Medea began to search the way to the basement as its the workshop and breeding ground for Zouken Matou worm.

After searching for 5 minutes, they able to find the way to the basement, they began to descend to the basement and found themselves in front of the most disgusting place they ever see.

What in front of them is thousand upon thousand worms that feasting on Nazi Corpses, and top of it is Zouken Matou, who has the most sinister smile on his face.

"Oya, I have a guest."