The end of Matou Family

"Oya, I have a guest" Matou Zouken said with a sinister smile.

"You Monster!" Medea shouted at him

"I already know I'm a monster, do you see that Nazi Captain over there? He said the same thing."

Zouken started to laugh.

"I will kill you zouken," Yu said

"You can't kill me, boy" Zouken Chuckle. "I am an Immortal."

Yu stay silent and ready his Spear and start the chant for the spear Strongest Attack.

"O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God.

Suck the ambition of the King of Domination, sleeping within me and pierce through the gap of blessing and destruction.

You. Announce the will, and turn into a glow."

When Yu use this Attack on Avenger, he uses a little bit of its true power, but now Yu uses half of his Overall mana to power up its power to be able to kill Gods.

"Zouken Matou, Prepared yourself."

Yu then leap away from Zouken and jump, he then throws his Spear toward Zouken.

"The Truth Idea: Idea of Destruction!!!" Yu shouted as the spear flying toward Zouken.

The Truth Idea is a Forbidden Form of True Longinus that equivalent to Juggernaut Drive.

The Truth Idea has two forms, Truth Idea: Idea of Blessing that symbolizes God Forgiveness and Truth Idea: Idea of Destruction that expresses God Wrath.

The one that Yu use is 'Idea of Destruction' like the name as the name suggests 'Idea of Destruction' is God Wrath given form as the beam of destruction that able to Destroy anyone including their soul.

When the Spear hit Zouken, a pillar of light began to ascend to the sky, and the pillar its self is made of divine energy.

As for Zouken, He screamed his heart out as Holy power began to purify all his worm that makes him immortal and make him mortal once again.


Zouken continues to Scream for 5 minutes as the pillar began to disappear he too becomes quite because his body turned to ash and all his worm that feasting on Nazi soldier turned to dust.

"Come on, Medea Ophis, let's go home."

Yu, Ophis, Medea teleported to their home. That night, they don't do anything but just cuddling on each other arm.


The next morning Yu wake up and do his morning routine. Wake up, Take a Bath, and Have a Breakfast.

As they about to fill their free time for the day, a rainbow portal comes into their room, and from it appear Zelretch.

"What can I do for you, Zelretch?" Yu asked the Troll

"I must inform you that Mage Association want you in the Clock Tower," Zelretch said

"And what Mage Association wants from me? I don't want to get involved in their politic."

"It's about that Pillar of light from last night. They want to meet someone who able to make it," Zelretch explains to him.

"If I don't want to come?" Yu asked

"They will order seal designation on you."

"Che, as if they able to do anything, but I will come with you because I want to show them that they are not the one that has power over the other"

"Before we go, please don't kill them, it will make the matter more complicated" Zelretch pleaded to him

"I can't promise that, but I can promise you I will not attack them at first sight, but if they don't behave themselves, I will that promise back."

"Thank you."

Yu then asked both Ophis and Medea if they want to come with him to Clock Tower. At first, Medea looks excited to see the famous clock tower, but after Yu explaining why he goes there, Medea immediately says she doesn't want to go.

Zelretch then Opens a portal to in front of Clock Tower. They are then going inside from the first building they see.

After they are going in, Yu sees a group of people greeted them.

The first one is a woman with Light Brown hair and brown eyes, she wearing a cream trench coat, Red Pants, and brown High Heel boots.

The second is a man with a bald head and wearing a white suit that fits for the aristocracy, but the most thing that takes Yu interest is the foul stench the man Releasing like a walking corpse. Still, he doesn't feel like Dead Apostle, so Yu was able to conclude that the man was trying to obtain Immortality.

And lastly is a man with Red hair and wearing Black Suit with a Red Tie, He stood tall with a Proud aura around him.

"You must be Yu Shimada. Let me introduce ourselves. My name is Lorelei Barthomeloi, the current Vice-Director of Mage Association, and to my right is Ernest Fargo, the current head of Fargo Family, and to my left is Hein Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri the current head of Sophia-Re Family."

After introducing themselves, Lorelei let him toward a room that looks like a room for meeting with a round table and chair around it.

"Now let start our main business. Are you the one who did the Pillar of light in Fuyuki City last night?" Lorelei asked Yu with a stern expression.

"Yes, I'm the one that causes it."

"How you able to do that, and why you do something like that? because of you, we must hypnotize almost a million people" Lorelei explain to Yu

"I do that because I want to destroy Makiri Family."

"Makiri Family? They already extinct a long time ago."

"No, Zolgen Makiri still alive and become equivalent of Dead Apostle with a Worm Crest he Created for himself" Yu explains his reasoning

"Worm Crest? Are you sure? Don't try to lie to us."

"Why I must lie? Just try asking Zelretch. He already knows the truth because, in the beginning, he wants to make Zolgen Makiri be his apprentice and become his Jewel Sword Successor."

Lorelei then looked at Zelretch and about to asked him but interrupted by Ernest Fargo who said

"Just order Seal Designation for him and be done with it, I fell a mana core from him so his body must be valuable for us."

Hein Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri who agreed with Ernest Fargo said

"That's right, he just saying that to lie with us, Give him Seal Designation order for him and hunt his companion down."

They said it while looking like a proud people who have absolute power without knowing what they do.

This reason is why Yu, despite politic they only thinking for themselves. Yu then thinking about them hunting Ophis, just thinking about that make laugh.


Yu started to laughing toward their idiotic self and said to them.

"You know, I never meet someone as idiotic as you guys, you think you have the power to stop me?"

"Don't be foolish, boy, even you have mana core, and we still have an Elite Army Magus that able to take you down."


Yu just Laughing and looked toward Zelretch then asked him.

"Hey, Zelretch, this building is on top of Albion Corpse, right?"



Yu then Activated his Divine Dividing, but this time already in Balance Breaker form.

"Then I will take what technically is mine," Yu said with a smile