Spirit Grave Albion

"Then, I will take what technically is mine."

Yu then activated his Burnout Paradise power to be able to move at a speed of light and began to fly toward Labyrinth, where Albion Corpse located.

The Clock Tower is built atop Spirit Grave Albion, the corpse of a mountain-sized dragon that did not venture to the Reverse Side of the World with the coming of the Age of Man, and later died trying to dig down to the Reverse Side. Built like a labyrinth, Spirit Grave Albion is the source of many supplies for the magus of the Clock Tower, and also home to magical beasts. The deeper you go, the stranger things get, as you grow closer to the Reverse Side of the World. At the bottom of Spirit Grave Albion is Kalion Observatory, the oldest room of the Clock Tower and where Sealing Designations are decided.

Clock Tower is currently under the control of a pseudo-aristocratic elite called the Lords. Each Lord holds great political power within the Association just by himself, and there are also those who associate themselves to other talented Magi or a distinguished Magi lineage in a sponsor-sponsored relationship so to increase their influence.

Maybe due to this elitist background, preconceived and discriminatory behavior is somewhat widespread inside Clock Tower.

That is the reason why Yu want to take Albion Corpse and make them learn that he able to do anything toward them, but the real reason Yu want to take Albion Corpse is that Albion Soul is calling him.

What the Mage Association doesn't know, Albion is like other Gods, Immortal. Even though its body Death but its soul still living and be reincarnated with a new body.

But because Mage Association found its 'Corpse' before he was able to go to Gaia realm for a new body, Albion cant reincarnated and moving on to the Reverse Side of the World where another immortal being live.

That is the reason why Albion Soul is calling Yu to help Albion reincarnated as it senses Gaia's smell on Yu.

After a few seconds, He arrives at gigantic Corpse of a white Dragon, but the current state of it is unfortunate.

The eye has already taken, and almost all of its teeth have also taken.

The one that still intact is its neck and half of its body even its tail has been taken.

After a few seconds looking at the corpse, Yu began to feel a calling from inside of the carcass. Yu then summonsed his Spear and began to cut open the Stomach and found an orb with Blue Color.

"Look like you made your soul reside within your mana core, huh?"

After examining the core, he began to create a new body that Albion wants, Yu then activated his Shaper power and Modified the corpses in front of him and created Dragon Egg out of it. After he finished, Yu, then bring the egg closer toward the core.

A second later, the Egg absorbs the Core, and then The Egg began to glow, and a few seconds later, the egg cracked and came from it is a White Dragon, its size is around the size of Puppy dog.

"Pi Pi" Albion Chirp

Yu then pick Albion up and smile at it.

"Hello Albion, Nice to meet you" Yu said with a smile

"Pi" Albion Chirped

As Yu want to leave, he then feels a group of people coming toward them.

Yu know some of the people likeBarthomeloi Lorelei, Zelretch, and the people he meets earlier.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" The older man in front of him shouted

The man continued to look at the empty room and looked at Yu with a Fury.

"YOU!!! Do you know what have you done?!?"

"Yes, I know, I free the spirit of Albion and let him reincarnated a new"


"Yes, I know you already know about this, Albion is immortal being that can't be killed except its soul destroyed," Yu Explained to them.

Yu stay silent for a few seconds then looked at The Older Man with a frown.

"So that is the reason why this Corpse never disappear because it still has Albion life force that you use to make yourself immortal, right Director of Clock Tower?" Yu asked him

Yu know the man in front of him is The Director of Clock Tower. He knows who he was because the mana the man oozing and lastly the taste of mana he oozing is like a Dragon.

That is also the reason why he able to know why the Director able to live until now with the age of 2000 years old or even older.

The Director snarled at Yu and prepared to attack him, but before he was able to attack him.

Yu already moved to in front of him and punched his chest through.

Then activated his burnout Paradise Power to burn him from the inside.


The Director continues to scream as his body slowly burned to ashes.

His body is really tough because he continues to absorb Albion Life Force for who knows long, but even though his body able to withstand a few noble phantasms.

It was not enough to stand against the power of The Sun, especially from inside his body.

After 10 seconds, the Director's body turned into ashes, and from it comes a light that absorbed by Albion. Yu then glance at the rest of the so-called 'lord' and activated his shaper power and makes them grow old at a rapid pace that within 5 seconds, their body becomes ashes.

The room that initially has 15 people now just three people left standing. Yu, Zelretch, and Barthomeloi Lorelei.

"Now, what should I do with you?" Yu asked Lorelei

Before Lorelei able to answer him, Zelretch said to him.

"Don't kill her please, if you kill her, I will be the one they appointed as the new Director of Clock Tower."

Yu confused about Zelretch statement.

"You don't get upset about killing the previous Lord?"

"Of course not, if I know the current director obtain his immortality from Albion Life Force from the beginning, I will kill him myself without a second thought."

Now that statement got Lorelei caught off guard.

"How can you said that Albion Corpse is valuable to the Mage Association," Lorelei said with an angry tone

"And get Gaia to become more angry at humanity?"


Zelretch sighed and began to explain it to them.

"All magical beast will always be Gaia's even though Gods the one that creates it." Zelretch pause a second

"Gaia is the embodiment of this Planet and the one that governs the mana this planet oozing if we don't let Albion reincarnated Gaia become angrier at humanity and will destroy all humanity."

The explanation shocked Lorelei.

"But Alaya will not allow Gaia to Destroy humanity, right?"

"Even if Alaya try She cannot stop Gaia, because Gaia is the one that currently has absolute power on this planet if Alaya so desperate and fights Gaia, she too will be risking the planet itself and get destroyed and if the planet gets destroyed who will go extinct? Humanity"

As Zelretch finishes his reasoning to Lorelei, Yu asked Zelretch to teleport him to his home.

Zelretch then opens a portal to his home as Yu walked through it. He then walked toward his room and greeted by Medea, who smiles sweetly and Ophis in her Adult form.

"Medea Ophis? What's going on here?"

"You know Yu, Your infinite stamina is annoying sometimes as I can't keep up with you even though with my new Parameter, so I invite Ophis to the party, she doesn't know her feeling toward you, so I help her a little," Medea said

Ophis then walked toward Yu and bit his neck. At first, Yu doesn't feel anything, but a few seconds later, there is a tingling sensation on the back of his hand.

He looks at his backhand and sees that he have another tattoo on his other hand that looks like a twin snake that bites each other tails to create an infinite symbol, and on top of it is a burning sword.

"My Mate" Ophis said

The only thing he able to say is
