

Yu asked the people inside the Meeting room, but they stay silent and continue to look at Yu in shock, Yasaka is the one that explains it to Yu with a smile.

"Its nothing Shirou-Kun; they just shocked that you able to defeat Loki even though you are just Human."

"I see."

After a few seconds, the devils and Odin back to their senses and started to asking Yu.

"Shirou-San, That weapon you use, is that the one that you said?" Sirzech asked

"Err, which one?"

"Is that Mac an Luin?"

"Yes, it is Mac an Luin, the spear that Fionn mac Cumhaill use to kill the Fallen God Aillen."

"Then that Lance you use last time."

"Well, you guys know what it is. I say its name before."

"But I thought King Arthur don't have it? he only has Excalibur and Caliburn in his possession, not Rhongomyniad and other Weapon written in the Myth book."

"Well, if there is Myth, there is a truth behind it, and no Rhongomyniad is not created by God but created by Fae the race that extinct a long time ago."

That statement does Sirzech thinking before nodded and looks toward Loki then said

"Then Odin will take his Son with him, and by the way, what is that Chain?"

"This is chain is Anti-Divine, so that he will lose his Divinity for a short amount of time."

Odin looks at the chain and to his son before asked Yu.

"How long his divinity will return? Even though he is a troublesome Child, he is still my children."

"His Divinity will return after 3 hours if I release him from this chain."

"I see, then can you release him? Rossweisse will take him to Valhalla, where he will receive his Punishment."

Yu then release Loki from Enkidu as he has taken from the ground by Rossweisse, Loki, who, in his weakened state, speaks at Yu with Hatred.

"I will kill you. Prepared yourself for I'm Loki the Mischief God will comeback as Prison will not hold me."

Yu smiled at Loki Threat because Loki doesn't know that Yu already give him his Punishment.

When he Uses Mac an Luin, he coats the tip of the spear with a little amount of Hydra Poison, The same Hydra Poison that takes away Chiron Immortality and Godhood.

Even though he uses a little amount of it, The poison still makes Loki lose a massive amount of Divinity, where formerly, he is a High Ranking God. Nevertheless, when the poison is slowly taking his Divinity, he will not be able to get more powerful than Mid-Class Devil.

While Loki will keep his Immortality, his divinity will not grow back to its original state, and Yu think its a fit Punishment for a God that looks down upon Mortal and Arrogant because he has a Divinity.

Yu then see Loki taken away by Rossweisse and Gone as they get teleported to Valhalla following Odin's order.

"As the problem already solved, let us go into the main reason we gather in here."

They then discuss an Alliance as Odin sign the Pact Monument and make the Norse Mythology is Ally to Three Faction. After sign the Treaty, the rest of Devil look toward Yasaka and say.

"Yasaka-dono, will you consider signing the Treaty?"

"If I sign it, what will my people get from it? Remember that it is your kind that wipes out one of my Yokai, Nekomata, where almost all of them already reincarnated into Devil out of necessity or even without their own will," Yasaka said while looking at Sirzech.

The devils stay silent as Yasaka explains her reasoning.

"And let us not forget the so-called SS-Rank Stray Devil Kuroka 'The Most Dangerous Stray', Do you want to know what makes her killed her so-called master?"

Yasaka asked the Devil Leader who stay silent the entire time, seeing they don't answer her question Yasaka continue her reasoning.

"She wants to protect her Sister from her 'Master' that wants to create a Super Devil with Nekoshou Power, and you know who Nekoshou is? Kuroka and Her Shirone or Koneko Toujou, if you're going to call her current name, now you know why I don't want to create an alliance with the Devil."

Sirzech, who stay silent, began to speak to Yasaka.

"I don't have any word to say about the Nekomata extinction, but I will apologize for all Devil that makes Yokai Faction Angry at us just know this that I don't order any of it, Once again I Apologize."

Sirzech then stood up from his chair and bowed toward Yasaka, followed by the rest of Satans, Yasaka seeing it sighed and said to the 4 Maou's.

"Haaaa, Please get up, it's already in the past, BUT I want you to investigate it and kill the one that causes it because if my source correct, then they are a supporter of Old Satan Faction."

Sirzech who already sit down on his chair said

"Yes, we will do that."

"As for the treaty, I will join your Alliance but on one condition."

"What is it?" Sirzech asked curiously

"I want Kuoh ownership back to us."

That statement shocked Rias and Sona Group as that is their Base.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why you want it back?"

"The one that Governs it not doing her job right and always ignore her responsibility as a Governor Kuoh Town."

"I see if I change the one that Govern Kuoh Town will it be enough?"

"No, already too long I ignore it, just how much trouble it caused already in this year? Many of a Stray Devil, Rogue Fallen Angel, and an Attack from a third Party of Magician."

Rias who are hearing it began to Protest

"But that is a Suprise attack from Kokabiel and Khaos Brigade."

Yasaka then looked toward Rias and said with a stern expression.

"If you Taking care of your Land correctly, then you will know that there is a Fallen Angel around. Then Report it to your Superior, and they will taking care of it instead of Charging ahead like a child who angry at something. You guys are Lucky that Azazel is a Laidback guy if he is like Kokabiel..."

After Yasaka saying that Yu can see Rias look away in Embarrassment, Sirzech, who already makes his Decision said to Yasaka.

"Farewell, I will return the contract of Kuoh Town to Yokai Faction."

"Then we have a deal."

Yasaka then walked toward the pact monument and pushed her chakra a little as the Monument register her Chakra and bind it together with others.

"With this the alliance between Bible Faction, Norse and Youkai have been signed, let us have a toast to celebrate it," Sirzech said while raising his glass of wine that has been prepared by the servant.

For the rest of the time in the underworld, they Eating the food that already been prepared, after the celebration Yasaka and Yu excuse themself to go back to their Home as Yasaka have other Business in Kyoto.

They then walked outside the Castle before teleported to Kyoto.


After the rest of the Guest leaving, The 4 Great Maou, Rias and Sona Group still inside the room discuss the Information that Yasaka give them.

"Ajuka, Serafall, and Falbium, I want you to investigate the information that Yasaka-Dono gives us, and if her information her correct kill the one that causes the accident."

Sirzech said in his stern expression.

"YES," The rest of Maou said at the same time toward Sirzech.

After Sirzech finishes his order to his Fellow Maou, Rias then ask Sirzech about her former base.

"Oni-Sama about Kuoh..."

Before Rias able to finish her sentences, Sirzech interrupted her.

"Rias from now on, you are not the one that Governs Kuoh Town, while you still able to live there and become Yasaka-Dono representative in there, But you MUST report all of the anomalies there. so I ordered you and Sona to patrol around Kuoh Town regularly, take this as practice when you inherit the title of Gremory Clan" Sirzech said in a Stern voice.

After there is no more thing to discuss, Sirzech then disperses the Meeting.

On the corridor, Rias and Sona walk toward their room as Rias said something to Sona.

"Hey Sona, Do you think Yasaka-Sama servant want to Join my Peerage?"

Sona, who is hearing Rias saying that looks toward her with a weird expression.

"Don't, Just don't do that Rias."