Visiting Valerie and MR.Black

That night Yasaka and Yu arrived at her Palace and greeted by Kunou, who is running toward Yu while saying.

"PAPA!! You back!"

"Well, Hello Kunou, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Papa!"

"Did you listen to Mama Medea?"


Yasaka, who gets ignored by Kunou, said to the child.

"Ara, is Kunou forgot about me?"

Yasaka said to Kunou with a fake sadness, Kunou then quickly hug Yasaka after a few seconds they then walked inside the palace and relaxed for the rest of the night before they go to sleep together.

The next morning Yu gets up and sees that his Partners are still asleep, so he slowly gets up from the bed and takes a shower. After he finishes his shower, Yu sees that Yasaka and Medea already Awake while Ophis is still asleep.

Yu then remember that they must go to Kuoh to collect the Kuoh Owner Contract from Sirzechs. After having breakfast Yasaka and Yu preparing to go to Kuoh and receive the contract that Sirzech promises.

Yasaka and Yu arrive at Kuoh Academy in the early morning and quickly go to the Student council room to meet with Sona and her Peerage. After walking a few seconds, they arrived in front of the council room and knocked on it. After a few seconds, they greeted by Tsubaki Shinra, who let them in and serve them a tea while waiting for Rias to come.

A second later, Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima coming inside the room and present them the Owner contract of Kuoh City. Yasaka then orders Sona peerage and Rias Peerage to do the patrol regularly and inform them that Yasaka will create a barrier to Protect and Inform him if any individual that has a harmful intent to this city.

After the business finished, Yasaka and Yu going back to the Palace, Yu then remember of Valerie the little girl that Zelrecth takes as his apprentice, so he asked the Old Vampire about her condition.

Yu: Oi Old Man

Zelretch: What is it?

Yu: How Valerie Doing, is she okay?

Zelretch: Yes, she doing great she is already nine years old now

Yu: Wait, nine years old? I thought she only seven the last time you here

Zelretch: In here time is moving more faster, that is the reason I choose this universe

Yu: I see, Anyway can we go to that universe and visit her?

Zelretch: Sure why not

Yu: Good, I will call you again if we ready to go

Zelretch: Okay

Yu then walked outside to the front yard where he sees Kunou playing with Medea while Yasaka and Ophis enjoying the Tea, Yu then call them to him and asked about a vacation in another Universe.

"Yasaka Kunou, do you guys want to take a Vacation in other Universe?"


Kunou, who was hearing it get excited and bounce on his lap.

"I want to take a vacation, Yu, but my duty as Yokai Queen will not allow me to have a vacation with you." Yasaka said with sadness

"Ahh, about that you don't have to worry anymore, can you give me your hand Yasaka?"

Yasaka, who confused, gives her hand to Yu, and a second later, her eyes open in surprise then look at Yu with a shocked expression.

"How?" Yasaka asked Yu in a shocked expression

"Well, I have the power to create another power, and I created a power then give it to you."

Yu explains it to Yasaka as He gives Yasaka his Clone power to replace her as the original go with him to take a vacation.

"With this, we can go now, right?" Yu asked her with a smile


"Wait for a second Yu, how about Kunou?" Medea asked Yu

"Ahh, its okay Medea, My clone will inform my council that Kunou is taking a vacation with her Father, they will understand."

After they finish preparing their necessity, Yasaka then creates her clone, who nodded at her before walk toward her office, Yu seeing they already prepared he then call Zelretch to create a portal to his and Valerie Location.

Yu: We are ready Zelretch

Zelretch: Wait for a Second

A few seconds later, a Portal appears in front of them. At first, Yasaka becomes alert of it, but after explaining that is a portal that his Friend created, Yasaka calming down, and they walk toward it.

After they are walking past the portal, they greeted by a Massive Black Fortress, and the surrounding the fortress is Bounded Field that strong enough to be compared with Yasaka Palace.

Yu snap of his thought when he stumbles a little as he sees that Valerie already latch into his Leg like a koala.

"Hello there, Valerie, how are you?"

"I'm Fine, Big Brother, and I have a lot of friends here."


"EN EN, There is Mr.Black, Henchgirl, and The Three Angel they kind to me and and..."

Valerie continues to talking with so much happiness, Yu, who were seeing it chuckle a little before asking her about her magic.

"That's good, Valerie, but how about your Magic? Did you learn anything new?"

"En En Grandpa though to control Time but he doesn't want to teach me an advanced course, he said that I'm still a child not ready to learn it yet."

"And he is right, and You don't need to learn it in a hurry, so why don't you show me your magic?"

"En, Time Alter: Double Accel"

To the normal eyes, Valerie is Vanish from her previous spot, but Yu able to see that she is run toward his back and going to climb it.

Before she can do that, Yu move a little and take her and put her in front of him.

"Eh?" Valerie said confused why her magic does not work for her Big Brother

Yu then hear a chuckle from Zelretch, who is only watching the interaction between Yu and Valerie before saying.

"Well, Valerie, look like you need more Training before you able to become like your Big brother, huh?"

Valerie, who was hearing it pouted and threw her face from Zelretch, who chuckle once more, seeing Valerie Behaviour.

"Hello there, Yu, and who the people behind you?"

"Ahh, Valerie Zelretch Let me introduce you to Yasaka and Her daughter Kunou, The queen of Yokai Faction and Their Princess."

"And don't forget your Wife and Daughter to Yu," Yasaka said with a smile

"That too."

Valerie, who was hearing it, walked toward Kunou and said to her.

"I'm your Aunt now?" Valerie asked Kunou innocently

Kunou nodded her head and then said

"Yes, but can I call you Sister instead?"

"YES!! I always want a big sister."

Valerie then hugs Kunou tightly before drag her inside the fortress with her.

"Well, why don't you guys coming inside the castle?" Zelretch said

They then walked toward the castle, and as they reach the Gate, They able sense a vast amount of Magic in the area around the Castle that make the Castle Sentient able to think for itself.

As they walked inside the corridor for a few seconds, they arrive at the dining room with a long table used by royalty, Zelretch then asks them to sit while he calls the owner of this Castle.

A few seconds later, a group of People walks inside the dining room, two women and one small guy.

"Everyone, This is Henchgirl, The Doctor and The Professor"


After they finished greeted each other, Yasaka asked them about their naming sense.

"Ahh, here we don't go with our real name because we don't care about your past or your past problem, in here you start a new, so that's why the name, I'm a hench girl because I'm a henchman to the Professor and a girl myself."

After saying that, they have a conversation with each, to say they surprise that Ophis is a Dragon is an understatement, because in this universe Dragon is a beast that can't become a human except maybe an Animagus that transform to Dragon.

Seeing that they are not Mundane people, Yasaka then releases her illusion that hides her Tail and ear showing her beautiful and fluffy golden nine tail. The same can be said to Kunou, where Valerie cuddled her.

Yu then remember that Mr.Black is not in the room or even in the Castle as he can't sense his presence at all, so he asked them.

"Ahh excuse me, but where is Mr.Black, I want to thank him personally that he willing to take Valerie under his Wing."

"Ahh, mister black right in England, but he will be in here in a few minutes."

A few minutes later, the door of the dining room opens and reveals a man wearing a full-body cloak and has a magic to hide his face to make people see it, only able to see darkness.

The man is holding a giant scythe in his right hand and a Wand in his left hand.

Seeing there is a guest, The man shrink his scythe and bow a little before introduce himself.

"I'm sorry I don't know the guest already arrive, Let me introduce myself, My name is Mr.Black nice to meet you."