We're off to see the Wizard

"I'm sorry I don't know the guest already arrive. Let me introduce myself, and My name is Mr.Black, nice to meet you."

Mr.Black walked toward them before offer his hand that Yu grab for a handshake.

"My name is Yu Shimada, and this is my Wifes and daughter, The one with a purple dress is Medea of Colchis, to her right is Ophis the Infinite Dragon and to my left is Yasaka Yokai Queen."

"Ohh, you are the one that Zelretch always talks about, huh? The one from another universe?"

"Ohh, Zelretch talking about us?"

"Yes, He talks about you guys when he explains to me what is True Magic."

"I see."

As Mr.Black explaining how he able to know they are from another universe, They able to hear loud Growl coming from Ophis, who are looking at the food in front of her with a little bit of droll in her mouth.

Yu was seeing Ophis chuckle a little and apologize to Mr.Black before saying.

"Look like my wife already hungry. I'm sorry, Mr.Black, but can we eat first before continuing our conversation?" Yu asked Mr.Black politely

"Sure, let us eat first."

They then began to eat after Mr.Black sit down and eat. After they eat, Mr.Black and Yu, continue their conversation while the Girls have their Conversation with Henchgirl and The Doctor.

"Yu-san, what it's like to live in your Universe."

Yu surprised hearing Mr.Black talk with fluent Japanese instead of English he used before.

"Mr.Black, you can speak Japanese?"

"Japanese? Ahh, it's a little Magic that some shopkeeper give to me."

"I see, and for your Question well, there is nothing special just the same as another Universe, nothing too special."

"I see, is there any different from this Universe to yours?"

"Well, I guess you could say that in here The age of Gods already passing but in our Universe is not yet Passing."

"Age of Gods?"

"Ahh, there is 3 stage of age in some universe, the First age is 'The Age of Begining' like the name implies in that ages is the time where there is no Sentient being just Animal and Plant, The Age of Gods is the time where the Gods began to born from the faith or Nature around them and then create a Divine Spirit"

Yu explains to Mr.Black about the Age before the Age of Humanity.

"And the last Age?"

"The last one is The Age of Humanity. Where the gods already moving to another side of the world or Died because of the lack of Faith from their worshipper."

"I see."

While Yu and Mr.Black chatting each other talking about the universe they live, The door opened and showed the Women already finished their conversation. Still, the one that takes Yu's attention is Medea, who has many books floating behind her.

"What is that, Medea?" Yu asked Medea

"Ahh, Yu, can you store this book inside the Gate?"

"Sure, but what kind of book is that?"

"Well, this book is about Ward the same with that and that"

Medea said while pointing toward five books with Blue Cover.

"And this one is about Potion while that one is about Animagus."

Medea pointing toward a group of books with Green Cover and Black cover

"Henchgirl said that I must have Mr.Black permission if I want to copy it," Medea said

Mr.Black who is hearing it then said

"Go ahead, but please don't take the original because it was my Family books, so I don't want to lose it."

After Mr.Black say it Medea and Henchgirl go toward the Library and comeback a few Second later with more books Floating behind Medea.

"Thank you, Mr.Black, for allowing me to Copy your books."

"It is okay, and even I can't read all of them, so its good for other people to read it."

Yu then take the book and store it inside the Gate of Babylon, Yu then got an Idea to thanks Mr.Black for the book Medea want and Enlarge his collection of Books inside his Gate of Babylon.

Gate of Babylon is the Treasury of Gilgamesh the richest King in history (Nasuverse) has all kind Books, Potion, Weapon that Human can think off.

It was surprising that some of the books are something that he doesn't have and can be classified as a Treasure of Humanity.

Yu who already make up his mind call Mr.Black who talking to the Professor


"Yes, Yu?" Mr.Black said while look at him

"For giving me a piece of knowledge that worth of Humanity Treasure, I must reward you for it."

"Ahh, it is okay, Yu it was just a book."

"No, As a king, I must reward someone who willing to give a treasure that can be classified as Humanity Treasure."

Yu said that while releasing his Charisma in a full blast to them, To ordinary people, he was like a Divine being that descent to the Earth. Medea, Ophis, and Yasaka have a massive blush on their faces while Kunou and Valerie look toward Yu with and Awe. The one that most surprising is Mr.Black, Henchgirl, and The Professor who is kneeling on the ground.

"Then, I will accept it, my king."

Mr.Black said while kneeling, while he doesn't know why he kneels and calling Yu his King.

"Get up," Yu said

Yu said that while he deactivated his Charisma Skill After they get up, Yu open a Golden portal for them to walk in before speaking to them to get inside.

"Come, I will give your reward."

They then go inside his Gate of Babylon and follow Yu while walk passing many of Treasure that glistening as if it always been polished 24/7.

After walking for a few seconds, they arrive at a Massive Golden Gate, but if you look around, you will able to see that the Gate is a single object that not Protect anything or Connect anything.

Yu then raised his hand a little as if he wants to grab something, and coming out from nothing is Golden Object that looks like a Key.

Bab-ilu, Key of the King's Law, is a golden key-shaped sword that connects to the treasury, implied to be able to open any door so long as it has a lock.

While in Nasuverse Yu, see in his previous life Bab-ilu only Gilgamesh use when he unlocks his treasure that keeps Ea. Still, in reality, Bab-ilu is the ultimate key that able to open anything, including the Gate in front of them.

After grabbing the Key, Yu then push the Key toward the Gate then Twist it, a Second later loud sounds of Lock has been opened can be heard as the Gate opened and what they saw is a Library that as big as a Mansion that has three floors and books filling all of the room inside.

"Yu-san, this is..." Mr.Black said with a shocked expression

"This is The Library of Alexandria, the source of all knowledge in the world and the keeper of Forbidden Magic Humanity have"

"This is... That 'Library of Alexandria,' The real one?" The Professor said that out loud

"Yes, it is, Now if you want something just saying it and the book will appear near you."

They nodded and ready to explore the Library, including Medea, who is still looking at the library in wonder, but before they can explore the library, Yu called them.

"WAIT, before you go I must warn you something, some of the books is forbidden for some reason because they cant be read by a mere mortal especially Heavenly Host and Eldritch Truth, If I hear or feel one of you call that book I will punish you," Yu said with a stern expression.

Seeing they nodded, Yu let them explore the library, while Yu and Yasaka, who are not interest in reading at the moment, sit down on the couch in the corner of the room.

Seeing they will wait a little longer, Yu summons a Wine from his collection and 2 Golden Grail for both Him and Yasaka.

"Here you go, Yasaka."

"Thank you."

Yu then take a sip of it, even though he still underaged for Drinking a Wine he can't help it because he knows that this Wine is the Wine that Gilgamesh gets from his journey, The Wine that even Gods wan to drink.

As the wine touches his lip, the flavor of the wine explodes inside his mouth.

Sweet of Grape and a little bit of Bitterness that enchants its flavor, even more, a few seconds after he takes a sip of the wine, he feels his Body filled with Energy and his Mana core become purer than before.

Yasaka, who right now drinks all of them in one go after sipping it a little bit, after finishing it Yu able feel that Yasaka Chakra has a tremendous Boost from the Wine, she then sighed a little before saying.

"That was intense."

Yu then decided that his Best Wine from the Gate of Babylon is too Strong for them to drink casually, so Yu summons his 'Worst' Wine.

A few glasses of wine later, they greeted by The group that already finish exploring and bring the book they want.

The Professor decided that he want "discovery of the four (five) elements" and the "rediscovery of the three humors" by Paracelsus von Hohenheim.

Henchgirl wants Alchemy and Medicine Book that written by Paracelsus von Hohenheim, too, while Mr.Black wants a book of True Magic and a Foundation of Magecraft written by Salomon the King of Magic.

Yu then look at Medea, who has a lot of books floating behind her, Yu, who is seeing her chuckle a little before saying that she can read the book whenever she wants.

After saying that to Medea, Yu looked toward Henchgirl and asked her if she can Copy the book while he will keep the original.

A few seconds later, the group coming out from the Gate of Babylon, Yu, then asked Mr.Black if he knows where he can buy a tool for Vacation like a Tent or a magical pouch that able to hold their money while traveling.

"Well, I know the shop where you can buy your necessity for your travel, but do you have local money for it?"

"Ahh, can you show us where can we exchange some of the jewelry we have?"

"Well, there is a Gringott the bank in England where you can exchange your Jewelry there, and I can take you there if you want?"

"Thank you, and Yes, if it's not inconvenient to you."

"No, I want to the Gringott myself, so it is not inconvenient at all."

After saying that Yu and Mr.Black floo themself to the Diagon Alley, After a few seconds, they arrive at an Alley with many people busy shopping or Selling their stuff to the customer.

As they walked toward the bank, the street becomes quite, and the people make a path for them to walk. Yu able to hear many whispers about Mr.Black have a guest and taking him to the Gringott.

After a few seconds of walking, they arrive at a massive building. As they are going inside, they then waited in the line, but the people in front of them are always giving them their place to them until they become second in line.


The Goblin shouted, So they walked forward, but as they walked toward the goblin, The teller gaping at Yu before walked in front of him and Kneel while saying.

"My King"

Yu, who shocked seeing the Goblin in front of him and on the front door, kneel to him, only able to say.
