War Between the Best

"Dammit Yasaka"

Yu said that while urging his little son to go down and wait when the time is right, but the more he tried, the more his little Yu standing tall and proud as Yasaka keeps moaning as if she has the greatest orgasm she ever has.

After a few painful minutes (For Yu), The rest of the judge then give their Score one by one.

"Now it's the time for the judge to give their score, Makito Minatozaka gives a prefect 20, Shigenoshin Kōda gives perfect 20 as well, Natsume Sendawara becomes the third person to give perfect 20 will this become a perfect score?!?"

Urara Kawashima said it was making the rest of the audience silent, waiting for Ophis and Yasaka to give the score.

"Now let see how much Ophis Shimada will give her score... 15, oh my look like Ryō Kurokiba will not have a perfect score, Ophis-san can you tell us why you give Ryō Kurokiba this score?"

"Not enough food."

Urara and the audience stay silent and waiting for Ophis to explain her reasoning, but after a minute of silence, Urara then faces the next judge that is Yasaka.

"Ahh, well, let us go to the next judge Yasaka Shimada. Let see how much she will give... 14. Oh my... that is surprising, Yasaka-san, can you tell us why you give 14 as a score to Kurokiba Food?"

"Well, first of all, As Ophis said, this dish is not enough to fill me up, and the last thing is Kurokiba-Kun here too focused on the Alcohol and not focusing on the spices."

"I see, and people that are the reason for the score. Now let see how much Ryō Kurokiba total Score is... 89 and that makes him in the first place."

Yu then able to see many contestants who show their dish toward the judge one by one, the next one on the stage is Ikumi Mito who got 82 score in total, Ryoko Sakaki got 82 same as Ikumi, Zenji Marui 84, Shun Ibusaki 84.

Yu then see Akira Hayama bring his dish toward the judge.

"I believe his dish is fish head curry; it's a dynamic dish that'll have the whole fish's head in..."

Makito Minatozaka explains the dishes that will be served on his table, but his explanation got interrupted by Akira Hayama, who already bring his dish on top of the table.

"H-Huh? Wh-What's this? it's much more compact than I'd expected."

"It's not fish head curry?"

"What's serving as the 'lid' is... Naan, I believe."

"Please crack the naan into the bowl with the spoon as you eat."

Akira said that to the judge while throwing the spoon toward Soma, who catches it with his hand.

"Please be careful. it's hot."

Yu then see the judge and Soma opening the naan, and as the crack opens, Yu able to smell a Fragrance aroma coming from the dish.

"Contained by the 'lid' is a rich curry full of umami from the kama!"

Makito then scoops some of the naan and the curry with his spoon.

"Take some of the naans with the curry in your spoon and then take a bite. HM!"

"I'm detecting the spices fennel, lemongrass, and cinnamon. Wait, There's something else that unites them... What lies at the center of this strong fragrance?"

"Holy Basil, it's fresh holy basil."

That statement makes the audience and the other contestant surprised before Makito explained it.

"Holy basil, a Spice that is considered sacred in southern Asia. One whiff, and a most luscious sensation course through your body."

"In the Ayurveda tradition, a Traditional medicine practiced in India, and it's considered the elixir of life."

"But fresh, High-quality Holy Basil is nearly impossible to find in Japan."

"Ohh, about that, we grow this inside our Lab, but for the way we grow, it's a secret."

Yu then see Akira and Judge Natsume talking at each other before the announcer interrupted them by saying.

"Then, the honored Judge, please give the score, and the score for Akira Hayama is..."

The judge then shows their score. Makito Minatozaka, Shigenoshin Kōda, and Natsume Sendawara give Akira perfect 20 while Ophis give him 16, and Yasaka gives 18 for him.

"This is it, a total 94 score, the first over 90 scores we have, Akira Hayama make himself in the first place."

After Akira Hayama, Yu, then see Soma Yukihira, the protagonist of this universe walked toward the judge while bringing his dish forward and place it in front of the judge.

Soma then opens the cover and revealing an Omurice inside.

"Dig in, Fragrance bomb, take two!"

Soma then cut open the Omurice as the dish releasing another delicious aroma that makes the audience and the judge surprised.

Soma then throws a spoon toward Akira Hayama before saying.

"Be careful. It's hot, Curry Risotto Omelette Rice, carefully made by Yukihira."

The judge then began to talk about the dish Soma give them.

"It makes you expect a flavor just as great as Hayama-Kun's Curry, Well then."

The Judge then began to eat Soma dishes before their eyes get wide and said.

"A rich bouillon made from chicken bones and beef tendon, Umami from the ground beef and onions, sauteed in butter, suffuses the rice."

"The creamy risotto is in perfect harmony with the perfectly cooked egg... I don't think I can get up from my seat!"

"It seems this sauce is the clincher. Based on oyster sauce, it's accented with honey. The mid acidity has quite the effect, making it a rich sauce. The sauce and the risotto create two layers of flavor."

"I see, Hayama-Kun's curry was a fragrance bomb exploding out of nowhere, but this dish is an induced fragrance bomb. The outer and inner fragrances are mingling intermittently to seduce you."

Akira who stay silent the entire time then suddenly said.

"Mango Chutney"

"Mango Chutney, How can just that create such deep flavor?"

"This is my house blend mango chutney. I added it when I simmered the rice. The mango ties al the spices individual flavors together and provides an even deeper depth of flavor to the dish. You could say it's an applied technique for spicing dishes."

"In India, it's served on the side; it's just a condiment. Adding chutney to he curries itself is a technique unique to Japan. From a purist's perspective, this breaks tradition. However, by doing so, he avoided going overboard with adding more fats and animal products to the dish but still managed to elevate the dish's flavor to another dimension."

The judges then close their eyes as if they want to feel all the flavor one by one inside their mouth.

"This umami is weighty and rock-solid, yet the aftertaste is surprisingly light, is this again due to the chutney?"

"Hayama-Kun's dish had a richer fragrance, but wait... When you tangle the sauce into the rice, the weight of the flavor is magnificent."

As the judge finished eating, the announcer then began to speak.

"Alright, The honored Judge, please give the score."

The three first judge then show a perfect score while Ophis show 15 and Yasaka 15 as well.

"And the total score is 90 making Soma Yukihira in the second place."

As the announcer said it, the audience began to cheer at the contestant. In contrast, the judge started to leave the stage, seeing that Ophis and Yasaka going. Yu and his companion walked toward them before asking.

"How is it?"

"Well, it is delicious, but I must say that I prefer Medea cooking, and the ingredient in our World is much more delicious, I guess it's because of Magic in our home that making the ingredient more flavorful."

"How about you, Ophis? is it good?"


"Well then, let us go home then give Kaguya and the Bijuu a tour around Kyoto."

With a flick of his hand, a portal appears in front of them. They walked inside the portal that will teleport Yu and his Companion toward their home Universe.