Home Sweet Home

After walking through the portal, Yu and his Companion arrive at Yasaka Palace, where they will stay for the rest of the day.

"Welcome to our Universe Kaguya..."

Yu, who want to give Kaguya some tour around the Palace, stopped when he sees The Aura around Kaguya began to change. Yu feel like Kaguya's presence becomes more potent than before, Kaguya's existence before it is like a deep lake people can't see the bottom, but with a little bit of effort, people can see it. Kaguya's presence currently like a deep sea, people can't see it from the surface and need a lot of effort to know how deep the bottom of it.

"Kaguya, did you feel anything different from your body?"

"Hmm, yeah, it feels like I become more powerful, and Chakra inside my body has Second Source? yeah, I have a second source of Chakra, but it feels different from my chakra, though."

"Hmm, Ophis Yasaka, did you know something about it?"

"I'm sorry Yu, I don't know anything about it, but the energy around Kaguya is very familiar to me."

"I see, how about you Ophis did you know anything about it?"

"Un, Divinity"

"Eh? Divinity... That's mean Kaguya hear transcended into Godhood?"

"Un, Like the Old Monkey"

"I see, Kaguya, how you feel about this?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm happy about it."

"Can you feel which domain you got for transcended into Godhood?"


"I don't know, try to call your Divinity and feel which Domain that has more familiarity to you."

"I guess I could try it."

Kaguya then closes her eyes, Yu then able to feel an intense pressure coming from Kaguya, and a few seconds later, Kaguya opens her eyes then looks toward Yu and said.

"I have Domain over Nature and Family."


"Yes, when I use my Divinity, I can feel many Families in Japan and their Love for each other (Family Love, of course), their Hate, and their sorrow. That's the reason I know that my Domain is Nature and Family."

"I see, Let us continue our talk inside the Palace because the sun is beginning to set."

Yu and his Companion then walked toward the palace while Yasaka deactivated her Clone before they were going inside the Palace.

After they already inside the Palace, Yu and his Companion then discuss Kaguya Godhood.

"So Kaguya, will you built a shrine for your worshipper? even though it will not be popular because of the current Era."

"No, I don't need a shrine, Yu. The forest around Kyoto is enough to support my divinity."

Kaguya, who just got transcended, is at Low-Level Goddess, but because of her Domain over Nature, Kaguya able to fight with Mid-Level Gods using her Divinity alone. That including Satan-Level Devil like Serafall, Falbium, Mephisto Pheles, and Zekram Bael, but Kaguya can't Fight High Ranking Gods like Odin or Loki and Super Devil like Sirzech and Ajuka on equal ground with her Divinity alone.

Yu then see the Bijuu, who is currently eating on top of the table. Yu then began to search if they're any different from them. After a few seconds, Yu able to confirm that the Bijuu is still the same and not have any Upgrade or Downgrade coming to this universe. Yu, who want to make sure it's all good, asked them.

"Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki, and Kurama did you guys feel any different from your body."



"I-I don't feel anything."


"Me too."


"I'm Lucky"

"I'm Good"


Yu nodded before looking at Kaguya once more.

"Look like only you that have some Upgrade, Kaguya."

"Yeah, look like it."

After finished discussing Kaguya Godhood, Yu and his companion then began to walk toward their room while the Bijuu is wandering Kyoto to search for a place to stay.

~~~The Next Day~~~

The next morning Yu wake up and do his Morning Routine before he walked toward the courtyard and sit down before he began to create a bounded field around the castle.

Yesterday when Yu went to sleep, he got himself thinking about the bounded field around the Palace While the current bounded field is useful to repel a Mid-Level Spell to High-Level Spell and to notify Yasaka of any intruder. Yu feels like the current bounded field not good enough for his taste, So Yu wakes early in the morning to create a bounded field around the castle.

Yu wakes up early in the morning because he doesn't want the other to see him creating the bounded field, the reason why is because the bounded field he wants to create is 'Hounouden Rokujyuyonshou' or The 64 Layers of the Hounou Temple.

This bounded field is created by Souren Araya, Magus, who specializes in the bounded field. This bounded field is the most potent bounded field ever created in Nasuverse because of the type of

this bounded field has already breached the realm of True Magic.

What makes this Bounded field so strong is because of its Offensive type of defense. The primary function is the instant teleportation anywhere within this bounded field Area, the omniscience of any occurrences within the Area, and the ability to crush space itself.

While the ability is great, the process to create this Bounded field is gruesome, Hounouden Rokujyuyonshou is a bounded field that needs 64 Humans and leads them to 64 different kinds of death.

That is the reason Yu wakes up early in the morning to create this particular bounded field, and he doesn't want his wives to see him doing it. Even though Yu don't use a real human, he still doesn't want them to see him do it. The one that Yu use to create the bounded field is a 'Human' Yu created using Shaper power.

Yu then created the Magic Circle and placed all the human inside the circle as symbolizing the 64 Hexagram before killing them in 64 different types of death from stabbed to the death to burning them alive.

The bounded field only needs an Alive human as fuel, so Yu created a fully functional Human Body using his Shaper power to sacrifice it for the Bounded Field.

After Finished the sacrifice, Yu then push out a massive amount of Mana to the center of the circle.

Yu then see all the body began to get absorbed by the circle before. Eventually, the hexagram condensed into the eight trigrams, then the four phenomena, then the yin and yang, creating an entirely new 'world' separated from the world outside the bounded field.

While the original person that was first creating this makes the 'world' inside the bounded field to be able to make any intruder insane and suicide. Yu makes the inside 'World' a Fertilize world where any plant will able to grow and has an intent-based function where the people that have ill intent toward the castle or the resident inside of it will get paralyzed before teleported toward the dungeon inside the palace.

After finished designing the inside 'World' Yu able to see a large Dome erected around the Palace and a medium-sized area around it, The dome then shines with blue color brightly before it slowly disappears.

After finished creating the bounded field, Yu then walked inside the castle, but before he was able to get inside his wives and the rest of his companion already in the courtyard and then asked him.

"What is that, Yu? Are you the one that created the Bounded field around the palace?"

"Yes, that is why I wake up early in the morning."

"What kind of Bounded Field you created, Yu?"

Yu becomes silent for a second before saying.

"Just a simple bounded field."