'I'm really one lucky bitch'

Author's Note: {Ohh? what is this? A new chapter? Yeah...blame my friend she forced me to write this chapter}

Discord: https://discord.gg/4j4yC6EEK8


(Edythe Pov)

'God that was nervewracking'

Honestly, usually, I'm all laid back or whatever, but that all went out the window the minute I saw her.

Her voice, the way she talks, the way she moves, everything really made be a nervous wreck when I was talking to her.

I was afraid I would mess up somehow some way and say the wrong thing, or god forbid her rejecting me.

If that happened I honestly wasn't sure what I would do.

Damn, she was really beautiful. I'm so lucky. Rosalie got nothing on my mate.

It took everything in me to not jump up her, and have my way with her the minute I saw her, she was too damn sexy.

It also took everything in me to not kill every single person in this damn school for what they are thinking about her.

Vampires are naturally possessive when it comes to their mate, taking to the account the fact that I still haven't marked her as mine yet(I.e by having sex with her) and the possessive counter goes up to eleven.

Though to be honest I don't think I would let up on my possessiveness even when we do hopefully do the deed.

I'm just a naturally possessive person.

Skipping like I'm jumping through the air towards my next class, drawing many flabbergasted, surprised, and confused looks while doing, Something that I couldn't give a fuck about, I just met my mate! and she accepted my help in showing her the layout of the school! I was on cloud nine!

I have to tell my family that I wouldn't be 'eating'(Read: Pretending to eat) with them today.


(Time skip no Jutsu: 6th Period lunch)

(Still Edythe Pov)

' ~I'm walking on sunshine, whoa~'

'~I'm walking on sunshine, whoa~'

"Edythe can you stop that please! We get it your happy you found your mate" My always constipated brother said("I can read you mind Edythe!").

Me and my family were all sitting in our usual table with trays full of food that we wouldn't eat any time soon(Never) all of us waiting for my mate to make her entrance...Well, I was waiting for my mate to make her entrance the rest of the family was just curious to see my mate.

'Just because I finally found my soul mate and you didn't doesn't mean shouldn't celebrate suck to be you I guess, also keep your nosey ass out of my mind'

Too mean? Nah, we're siblings being mean to each other is kinda of a requirement, not to mention I was the older twin thus giving me automatic rights to bully him("It does not!")

"Edythe! Edythe! tell me more about your mate! What's she like? Is she beautiful? What type of makeup does she use? Her clothes! What type of brands was she wearing? Was her fashio-"

Before Alice could even finish her sentence I was out of my seat and walking towards the cafeteria doors, disposing of my meal tray on the way(discreetly that is), completely ignoring my family in favor of the goddess that just walked into the cafeteria.

Black sleek hair reaching all the way to her back in waves, royal blue eyes brighter than even the ocean, a body suited for a goddess, and pink plump lips that I just wanted to devour.

'I'm really, really, really lucky'

Taking a deep unneeded breath and then releasing it to calm myself I made my way to my mate.

Whilst I was walking towards her I, unfortunately, started to hear what other people thought about my mate.

'Damn, she is hot'

'I'd hit that in a heartbeat'

'Damn that ass looks fine'

'Hmph, bitch thinks she's all that, I'm way hotter than her'

Clenching my hands in order to stop myself from doing something that I wouldn't regret, I charged forward whilst putting the metaphorical sound-canceling eardrums on my ears to stop hearing what others were thinking I finally made my way to my mate, who seems to be looking for me based on how once I made it in front of her she stopped looking around.

"So you wanna show me around now? or do you still need to eat?" My beautiful mate asked looking beautiful.

I honestly would have liked to just take her away right now to spend some time alone with each other, but I noticed that she didn't even eat yet, and I knew humans need to eat to stay healthy, and I wasn't about to make my mate suffer unnecessarily even if I would have liked for us to leave this instant.

"Are you sure? You didn't even eat yet. I don't want you to be too hungry, we can wait for you to eat you know?" Did I sound like a momma bear there? I hope not. I just can't help but worry about her, what if she wasn't eating enough? What if she has an eating disorder? What if sh-

Before I could have dug a hole with my thoughts I was stopped by the voice of my beautiful mate.

"It's fine, I'm not hungry right now," She said again beautifully, (God I'm thirsty)

"Are you sure?" Yep, I'm sounding like a momma bear.

"I am. Let's go."

Before I could have even argued some more my mate turned around and proceeded to leave the cafeteria, I followed after her like a baby duckling.

Once we were outside of the cafeteria she turned around towards me and looked at me as if waiting for something.

Looking at her in confusion, since I wasn't sure what she wanted.

Sighing she just looked at me again like she couldn't believe something and procced to say.

"Lead the way, you're supposed to show me the layout of school remember?"

"Ohh right!" If I could have blushed I would have been a new never before seen shade of red in embarrassment.


(Time Skip no Jutsu x2: End of the tour)

(Still Edythe Pov)

"And this is the football field, we usually don't use it much since our football team is trash, so we don't get to use it much hence why it looks so bad since no one really uses it."

I finished the tour by showing my mate the football field, the tour took about 20 minutes, and honestly, I think those were the best 20 minutes of my life. Getting to spend time with my mate made me feel like I was walking on rainbows even if all we did was me showing her around and her staying silent throughout the tour.

"I see. Thank you for your help I don't think I would have ever found some of the stuff you showed me as easily if it weren't for your help thank you again" she said giving me a small smile, that I think made my unbeating heart beat again

"It's no problem really! I was happy to help!" I said giving her a smile.

Looking at me in surprise I think? She gave me a nod in thanks and then turned around to leave.

Wait leave?

I can't let this end like that! I can't

I have to do something! Anything! Think Edythe! Think!


Turning around again mid-step my mate turned around with a questioning look on her face.

Thinking quickly I said.

"So since your new her to this town, and you don't know much of the area would you like to come with me tomorrow after school so I can show you around Forks and maybe Seattle?"

Again looking at me in surprise? and confusion? She turned around completely in order to face me.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I mean I just arrived here so no one knows me much, and we all know that no teenager would ever be as nice enough to not just show me around the school, but also show me around town, not to mention Seattle? So what gives?"

Fuck! I didn't think this through!

Okay! All is not lost you just have to think about a good excuse and all would be good! Just think Edythe!

"Well I guess I'm not like most teenagers"

Really?! That's all you can fucking say? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stup-

Before I could sink further in despair a beautiful angelic voice brought me back from the deep abyss by just two words.

"Okay, sure"

"Really?" I asked not sure if my vampiric ears were working correctly.

"Really." She said.

"Really?" I asked again

"Really" She said again


"YES! really! just meet me tomorrow after school, and we will go from there" She said a little flabbergasted before turning around and walking back to school.

Staring at her ass all I thought.

'I'm really one lucky bitch'