Limits(Or the lack of)

{Author note: READ THE FUCKING AUTHOR NOTE!!! READ IT!!! I ORDER YOU TO READ IT!!....please read it.)


(2567 Words) without the Author Note)

(Alexandria POV)

I spent the way driving back to the house in deep thought.

So that happened.

Honestly what the fuck? I thought that the Cullens were all lowkey, so they don't attract unwanted attention.

Which is stupid in my opinion since that would happen anyway because of their characteristics, they should never have gone to school if they wanted to remain lowkey.

And don't give that bullshit about people being curious about what they do, why the 'kids don't go to school, and they wanted to blend in.

No one really cares enough for that to happen, and if they did, all they would have to say is either that they were actually older than what they look, or that they are homeschooled, or attending online classes.

I guess the author really just wanted to force the plot.

Anyways, back to business. What the fuck just happened?

Why is Edythe so interested in me?

Could It be that I'm her blood singer? or did she notice that she couldn't read my mind as Bella did to Edward?

I didn't buy her excuse obviously, the only reason...well technically there are three reasons as to why I accepted her invitation.

One, I'm actually needed to know more about Forks and Seattle, not just because of the obvious need someone has to know about their surroundings, but because of the events that would take place in the coming weeks and months, maybe even years if cannon didn't get shot to hell from my presence and from Marvel, I need to know Forks and Seattle like the back of my hand in order to be ready for any situation.

Two, I wanted to find out why Edythe is so interested in me, that's pretty self-explanatory.

Three, for some reason, ever since I met Edythe I have been having this weird feeling, like some sort of magnetism that's just pulling me towards her, not the point that it dedicates every action or my will, but to the point that it kinda sorta influences me.

I smart and aware of the supernatural and magical enough to know the 'the feeling' wasn't a normal thing, I just wanted to know what exactly 'the feeling' was.

I had my theories, and If what I think is true, then any plans of avoiding being dragged into future canonical events just went out the fucking window.


(The Next Day. Two hours before school starts)

(Alexandria Pov)

'You know I never thought I would ever be here'

Floating centimeters above the icy ground of Antarctica I lamented.

'Then again who would have thought I would get transmitted into female superman's body?'

Releasing a breath, that almost instantly froze, I finally floated down into the icy ground crunching the ice beneath me while doing so.

'Alright let's do this'

I wasn't here just so see the view, I was also here to test my limits.

Crouching down in a runner's position I took a deep unneeded breath and set off into a run.

At first, I was only jogging normally, then I started to run faster until I was running as fast as Usain Bolt fastest speed that is just about 27 miles per hour.

Kicking it into next gear I started to actually put some effort into running, almost instantly breaking the sound barrier ten times over, hitting Mach 10 High-hypersonic speeds in just about 0.1 seconds by my estimate, faster than even NASA's X-43A scramjet, the fastest jet-powered aircraft in the world.

Going even faster I reached speeds over Mach 26 the same speed as spaceships re-entry instantly heating everything in my path and melting through all the ice and snow.

Kicking it to the high gear I strained my legs almost to the maximum capacity going so fast that blue electromagnetic radiation started to get released around me from charged particles passing through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. Which meant I officially went faster than the speed of light.

I kept running on the edges of the continent up until I made a full circle back from where I came from.

Stopping suddenly everything around got instantly atomically pulverized, even the icy ground I was standing on instantly disappeared with the water below it also being pulverized out of existence only for the rest of the water to rush back to the now-empty hole left behind creating a whirlpool the likes of which no human has ever seen before, the air itself disappeared around me for a millisecond before rushing back into place creating an air pressure so high that any human near it would have combusted.

'That took less than the second' I thought almost breathly after all I went and ran 5,500,000 miles in less than a second, which is insane.

Running again to get away from the scene of destruction. I ran not noticing the speeds in which I was going, before stopping once I was far enough.

Floating up I looked around noticing that I made it all the way to the other side of Antarctica in less than a second. I also noticed that my clothes were fine if a little damp from all the ice and snow hitting it.

'huh so I do indeed have some sort of telekinetic shield protecting me and my clothing from high-velocity speeds and pressure, but shouldn't that shield also protect my surroundings from high speeds and pressure also? Otherwise, every time Superman flies every window and every god damn thing beneath, next, and above him would break into millions of pieces. Maybe the telekinetic shield is something that gets stronger with time like how Superman powers are, and it's just not strong enough yet? Alexandria Kent never went at such speeds, and Superman never did either at this age, so maybe I'm on to something'

Talking a deep much need breath now, not because I was tired or anything but because I couldn't believe I actually went that fast...well no I did actually believe I did, but I just couldn't really wrap my head around it, just two days ago I was just a normal albeit highly trained assassin, now I'm basically a goddess, with over 16 years of memories from someone else life, it's just weird, and whiplash-inducing.

'Superman never ran at the speeds of light before, the fastest he went I think was Mach 9350 which is 120,000 miles a minute, I do know he can go the speed of light in the vacuum of space while flying, but that's different, flying and running isn't the same thing, otherwise, Superman would be the fastest man alive not the Flash, was he really holding that much back? or did the writers limit him for the sake of the plot? After all, Superman does stay out of Gotham. Or am I just stronger than he was?'

Floating down again after flying a considerable distance away I started to test my other powers.

'I got flying easily so I don't need to test anything with it yet, I would have train my self in learning how to fight in the air as I can fight on the ground, but that's for another time, I already know I can fly faster than I can run, or at least I think I can since Superman can fly faster than he can run, but based on how fast I just ran that may be incorrect, never the less If I want to see how fast I can fly I have to do that in the vacuum of space since I would run out of space to fly on if I really kicked it into high gear with my flight,

I can't test my strength or stamina to the limits since Supermans strength and stamina are immeasurable, and nothing here would test my limits, however since I went faster than the speed of light just a minute ago, that would automatically mean that my strength is infinite since once something goes the speed of light their mass and weight increases infinitely, not to mention that going the speed of light also requires infinite energy, which going by that would mean I have infinite strength and stamina, but just to be sure let's try lifting a glacier.'

Flying to the biggest glacier I could find, I went under it by plunging into the ice-cold water, not that the cold even effected me, going under the glacier I was going to use both hands to do so, but deciding otherwise I only put one hand under it and proceed to lift off.

It was almost laughably easily lifting the glacier, so easy in fact that I would compare it with lifting my phone off it's charging dock.

I floated almost 20 meters off the sea level with a 300 ft high, 500 ft wide glacier on one hand.

'Based on how big this glacier is I would say that it weighs about 17 million tons give or take a few million tons, and going of how easily I was able to lift it hell I'm pretty sure I would be able to lift it with my pinky finger, I would say that my hypothesis was correct I really do have infinite strength, however, shouldn't the glacier break off, since the weight distribution isn't balanced? I guess Superman's telekinetic aura really the ability to turn parts of his body or all of it to negative mass'

(Author note: Negative mass is a so-far hypothetical state of matter in which all the properties of a particle are the same, except their reaction to certain forces. This means Superman has the ability to temporarily turn parts of his own body and objects touching it, to negative mass. If a plane is crashing, he would take hold of the nose cone – and create a web of negative mass throughout the plane. The force of the plane would push on this web of negative mass, causing it to resist, and slow the descent of the plane, all without breaking the plane into pieces. )

Setting the glacier back to its place carefully, since I don't want to accident effect global warming even worse than it already was I proceed to fly back to my starting point.

'Okay, I tested super strength as much I was able to, I also tested superspeed to my maximum capacity, for now, testing flying to the maximum is out for the moment, now I should test some of the supplementary powers that Superman has, starting with the million and one visons he, now I possess. '

I already knew I had enhanced vision normally, but I wanted to try using telescopic and microscopic visions. First I tried focusing my eyes to look further away, which had it's intended effect making me see Jupiter so clearly that I thought I was actually there for a minute, focusing a little bit harder I was able to see the sand of Jupiter surface. Blinking away and stopping my Telescopic vision, I started to try something different, Focusing so hard that my eyes were almost slited. I put my hand in front of me easily being able to see my cells focusing even further I was able to see my atomic structure, thus using Microscopic vision.

Blinking again I brought my hand in front of my eyes again and proceed to 'see' thorough it, I don't know of to describe I just had to thing to see through it.

I noticed straight away that my X-ray was different than what is portrayed in the movies and comics, my X-ray vision felt like I had modes in, like there were levels to my X-ray vision.

Right now I was able to see through my hand as it wasn't even there like it was invisible, not how X-ray vison is usually seeing the bones of someone. Focusing again 'I thought' about it and instantly was able to see the bones in my hand.

I blinked back to focus for the six hundred and sixty-nine time.

' Okay that's telescopic, microscopic, and X-ray vision down, all that's left is testing my: Super-Breath, Molecular Acceleration, Invulnerability, Infrared Vision, Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision, Heat Vision, and Super hearing, fuck I have a lot of powers'

Sighing in excitement I mean you don't get the chance to shoot lasers out of your eyes or breathe condensed air out of your mouth every day.

Focusing on my eyes I slit them again just like when I used my Microscopic and telescopic vision, but instead of just focusing I also 'thought' heat coming from eyes in condensed lines, and would you know it two beams of red hot light shot straight out of my eyes melting everything in its path, and putting two holes inside a wall of ice about 2 kilometers thick just shy of 20 ft in front of me before it bulldozed it's away to the other side of the ice wall and kept going for 2 more ft l and then stopping.

Not stopping to think about just happened I went into testing my other powers straight away.

For Super Breath, I just took a deep breath and released it super fast, which created a cyclone of air so big and strong that it was probably as strong as category 5 hurricane winds.

Invulnerability I couldn't really test, but based on how I went faster than the speed of light and didn't get turned into paste, and was fine, I would say I'm pretty much unbreakable.

Infrared Vision was easy to use I just 'thought' about it and it happened, it was pretty cool seeing all the animals around me, and the cute little penguins under me just swimming and catching fishes. Same with Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision, I just 'thought' about and suddenly I can see identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies, which is useful for spying and avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods, plus it allows me. Plus it allows me to see the aura generated by living things, I know this because I can now see the aura of the animals around me easily.

Molecular Acceleration was pretty damn cool, it basically what the flash does to phase through things, all I had to do was vibrate at supersonic speed and I was able to phase through the ground.

Finally Super hearing probably the hardest to control out of the bunch, the first time I tried to focus on my hearing I started to hear everything going on earth at once.

'Hail Hydra!'

'...I call it the avengers initiative...'

'Sir we found him, he's frozen in ice sir'

Yeah, it wasn't fun at all, thankfully I was able to stop myself before I was overwhelmed. I really need to know how to control it otherwise it would be a weakness. Though I did get some very useful bits and pieces of information thanks to my little stunt.

Stopping and looking at my watch for the time I noticed that I have about 5 minutes and till class starts.

Looking down and seeing my clothes pretty much soaked, I started to fly home at hypersonic speeds, to change my clothes and get ready for today, after all, today is a big today.