Dense Protagonists are The Worst

[Author's Note: I got bribed with food to write this chapter.]



(Alexandria POV)

Flying from Antarctica to Forks Washington in about two minutes really drives the point in about how powerful Kryptonians are.

That speed was insane, and I wasn't even trying that much.

Anyways now that I know my limits(or the lack of) I can start improving and training in my powers, even though I'm as overpowered as a certain caped baldy probably is I don't plan on just settling with my current poweress.

There's a difference between those of settle and those who strive to be the strongest.

Plus there is still something that can 'hurt' me in the MCU universe.

Magic for one, and probably the infinity stones.

I don't plan and making it stay that way.

After all who says I can't learn magic?


(Alexandria POV)

(Location: Forks High)

(End of the school day)


Fuck school.

No really like fuck school.

I hate this place, I hate it even more because I know damn well that I don't need, and I hate even more than I already hate it because I have to share it with the vampire version of disco balls.

Expect they sparkle in the sun instead.

I really need to stop complaining I'm sounding like a whiny protagonist. (Fourth wall? What is that? Never heard of it)

"Hey! Hey! Hey! have you seen the new girl?" Some girl that is criminally hyper at this hour said to her friend, me 'accidentally' overhearing them.

I couldn't really help it honest! My super-hearing just sometimes activates without me even trying,

'I really really need to train with my powers, this is for sure a weakness' I thought a little miffed for the lack of control I have with my super hearing.

I spent the whole school day just inside my head thinking about ways to train and improve my powers, I ignored pretty much everything going on around me, from the constant buzzing of people chattering, to the annoying voices of the teachers, hell I even totally ignored Edythe most of time, only really talking to her when she asked me if we are still on for tonight.

It's just...I know what's coming in the future, or at least I think I do, and even though I have the power to take on anything that comes my way, I need to be ready, I need to have my powers under full control, I'm not like Superman or Supergirl, I don't want to settle with what I have, I don't like holding my self back like they do.

Putting my books in my locker, and then locking it, I shook away my thoughts about the future and focused on the present, I will train myself in the future there is no rush, I know just how overpowered I am compared to everyone in this universe is except for maybe a couple of people, and even than those beings don't show themselves most of the time, I just need to focus on improving my self and my power and nothing would be able to stop in my way, not even reality warpers, or godlike beings.

Looking at my left wrist which had a thin silver watch wrapped around it, I looked at the time and noticed that it was time to meet Edythe outside.

Walking toward the exit, I started to contemplate on the things I need to get out of Edythe.

First I need to know why she is so interested in me, Second I need to know what is the feeling I am having when anything is about here, Third...there was no third.

Hey! Everyone knows when you start listing things you have to have at least three things sue me!

While I was contemplating the things I need to get information about, I noticed that I already walked all the way towards the parking lot.

Noticing Edythe leaning on her car I walked towards here, immediately noticing how her face lit up in a megawatt smile of epic proportions once she noticed me.

'Geez girl, you're really not helping your case here, my theory is pretty much confirmed' I though a little exacerbated since I knew just knew if my theory was correct then I'm gonna get dragged into situations I just don't want to get myself into.

A little hypocritical I know since I know I'm getting ready to get dragged to way worse situations in the future, but I just want to complain about something, no one said I'm not a little childish when I want to be.

Doesn't mean I will stop complaining about my situation, even If I'm powerful enough to destroy the galaxy if I flexed a little, or that I am strongly beautiful, or that I'm basically in a dream situation anyone would want to be in including you right now dear reader. (*The fourth wall has left the chat*)

Why am I complaining again?

Back to the present, Edythe who was a minute ago leaning on her Black BMW 2005 5 series(thank god it wasn't a Volvo) was now making her away toward me with a spring in her step, almost like she just wanted to hop towards me like some sort of bunny on a sugar rush.

"Hello!" She said stopping before me almost vibrating in excitement.

"Hi," I said lamely not having the mental energy for a conversation.

"So which car do you want to take mine or yours? I mean it wouldn't make sense for both us to be in a different car's since I want to show you around the town and Seattle, and if you're worried about leaving your car here, my siblings can take you car and park it at yo-" She tried to say all in one breath without stopping before I cut her off since she was rambling again.

"Your car, I came with bus, I figured you would drive since you knew the area around here better than me so I left my car back home' I said kinda amused by here ramblings, it was honestly cute.

Giving me a toothy smile showing all her white teeth, she took my hand and lead me to her car, none the wiser at she just did.

I of course didn't gasp in surprise from her ice-cold hand as any normal person might do since It didn't affect me at all.

I didn't try to talk my hands away from her grip since it wasn't that big of a deal, plus It felt nice...

Oh no...

Leading me toward her car, Edythe opened the passenger door for me and reluctantly discounted her hand from me, noticing what she had done finally, and looking surprised that I didn't react from her cold hands, like how other people would have.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to take your hand, I was just too excited," Edythe said looking like a kicked puppy reading itself to get kicked again.

'Did she think I would be mad about that? Does care so much about what I think of her? ' I thought, feeling like a detective about to finally crack his long dead and cold mystery case.

Taking a deep breath I gave her a smile and said.

"It's okay. I didn't mind, let's go. It's getting dark and I want to see what Forks and Seattle offers" I said knowing full well that me not mentioning how cold her hands are, would ease her heart, since if I did she would get spooked, same with how Edward reacted in the books and movies.

Again giving me a megawatt smile she went toward the other side of the car and went inside.

Following her example, I did the same and closed the door behind me, putting on the seat belt.

Not like I needed it I know if we got in a car accident the car would split in half, and I would be fine. It was just a force of habit.

Plus judging by the approving smile I got from Edythe, If I didn't she would have made me do it.

'Fuck the theory is becoming less of a theory and more of a fact'

Looking at Edythe who just got out of the parking lot, noticing how she drummed her hands on the steering wheel like an overexcited child, and how her eyes were glowing in happiness.

I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer.

'I'm her mate aren't I?'