'Maybe even something more'

[Author Note: Wasn't gonna update today, but then I woke up to 50+ messages from my friends telling me to update or else, and well here you go, also 'In MHA With Madara's powers' got updated today after 3 days of nothing, so I was super happy about that and decided to bless you with a chapter.]

Discord: https://discord.gg/4j4yC6EEK8


(Edythe POV)

I was shaking.

My excitement was at an all-time high.

Cloud nine had nothing on me right now.

Strumming my fingers on the steering wheel from barely contained excitement I continued to drive towards Seattle.

I didn't drive fast like how I usually did because I had my mate with me and I would never put her in any danger. No matter the fact the I knew it would be basically impossible for me to get into a traffic accident, there was still a chance no matter how small that chance was. I still worried over Alexandria.

I off-course decided to drive to Seattle first instead of showing her Forks first because it would be the option that would give me the most time with my mate.

If I drove around Forks first, which is smaller than Seattle I would have shown Alexandria everything in a couple of minutes, however, if I showed her around Seattle first it would take a couple of hours, and even then once we are done I would have more time to show her around in Forks. Maybe even get something to eat once we make it to Seattle, thus spending even more time with her, that's not mentioning the time I would be able to spend with her during the drive from Forks to Seattle and vice verse.

Really I was over the moon.

I get to spend the whole day with my mate just me and her, no one else.

Did I mention that I was so happy?

Because if I didn't then now you know.

Strumming my fingers on the steering wheel of my car to contain some of my excitement I continued to drive towards Seattle, knowing that sitting next to me is my soul mate.

Fuck I'm seriously about to jump out of this car and start dancing.

Inhaling and exhaling unneeded breathes to calm myself down I discretely looked at my mate's beautiful face from the corner of my eye.

God, she's beautiful!

and she's all mine~


(Alexandria POV)

You know I thought that this car ride would have been boring since you know? I could pretty much run circles around the planet in less than a millisecond if I wanted.

But it was actually kinda peaceful, thankfully Edythe didn't talk during the car ride since my mind was still reeling from my revelation.

I knew I could have been either her blood singer or mate when she started to take interest in me, however, things started to look more favorable towards the latter rather than the former once I noticed how neither her family nor she stopped coming to school for a week like Edward did with Bella not to mention that she also didn't look like she wanted to eat me the minute she saw me...well not that kinda eating but you know what I mean.

Not to mention the almost obsessive love I see every time I look at her eyes, or like right now where she is sneaking glances towards me every now and then.

Of course, I caught her sneaking glances towards me I'm trained to notice the little things not to mention I can hear a fly taking a dump from a mile away if I wanted.

Okay....not the best metaphor I know.

Shity metaphors aside, right now we seemed to have pulled up next to a restaurant judging by the number of cars outside in the parking lot I would assume it was pretty fucking popular too.

Edythe pulled the car towards the entrance of the restaurant where a valet was waiting,

Fancy too.

She got out without a word and proceed to give her car keys to the valet, then before I could open the passenger side door to get out, she made her way to the other side of the car, opened my car door and gave me a beaming smile while giving me her hand.

"My my, aren't' you a gentlewomen are you trying to sway me off my feet?" I said jokingly taking her hand and pulling my self out of the car door, minding my strength so I don't accidentally dismember her.

Edythe all of a sudden looked like a shy schoolgirl and I'm pretty sure if she could have blushed she would have been a tomato.

"I-I-I o-of course not! I-I w-wasn't trying a-anything, n-n-not like I w-would mind or anything y-your incredibly b-beautiful a-any one would be lu-" Edythe stuttered.

"Edythe! take a deep breath, chill out I was just joking no need to be nervous, though it's very flattering knowing such a cute girl finds me attractive, but shouldn't we head inside by now?" I said cutting her off before she could have gone on a tangent, plus we were still outside on the road, and there was a car coming towards us.

Edythe took a deep breath as if she needed it, and adopted a cool face as if she didn't just embarrass herself a minute ago.

"Right! Let's go." She said taking my hand in a surprisingly bold move and directing me towards the entrance.

I could have easily taken my hand back of course but I kinda like the feeling of her hands on mine.

Scratch that I REALLY liked the feeling of her hands-on mine.

We walked on the red carpet that adorned the ground all the way towards the entrance, me noticing how everything looked super expensive while I was walking. There were multiple greek styled sculptures on both sides of the red carpet walkway, with little stalls next to them, that with my eyesight I could see were descriptions of every single scripture, with the date they were made, why they were made, who the person depicted in the sculpture was, and the artist that made the sculpture.

Judging by how some of those sculptures were made in the 14 hundreds I'm inclined to believe I'm in some sort high high-end restaurant if they could just leave sculptures made in the 14 hundreds that probably cost more than I want to think about outside like that.

Looking at what I was wearing, I knew I was severely undressed, but I honestly didn't really care, still, it would have been nice if Edythe informed me we would be eating at such a restaurant first.

Thankfully before I could voice my thoughts and probably make poor Edythe guilty, we made it in front of the front desk where a kind lady wearing a waitress outfit greeted us.

"Hello, my name is Abrielle, welcome to Le Bernardin the best restaurant in Seattle have you made a reservation?" She said this in a french accent because of course, it had to be a French accent.

"Hello, reservation under Edythe Cullen," Edythe said still holding my hand.

"Just a second let me look for your reservation. Let's see... Mike Litoris.....Paul Twocock.....Chris P. Bacon....P. Ennis...Saad Maan...Major Dickie Head...AHA! There it is Ms.Edythe Cullen reservation at 4 o'clock, follow me this way please" She again said everything with a french accent and a straight face even though both I and her knew god them well we were cracking up inside. Poor bastards their parents must have hatted them.

We followed her Edythe still holding my hand all to the way to the back in the corner of my room to a table of two, with a white cloth covering it, and a candle already lit in the middle.

Going to take my seat I was stopped by Edythe tucking my hand back a little, before releasing it slowly as if she didn't want to and taking my seat before placing it backwards and motion for me to take a seat.

I did so with a small smile refraining from teasing her again, even if her reaction was so cute.

Smiling at me again with her signature toothy smile and I'm growing to like every time she does it, she took her seat smiling at me again with even a bigger smile, before the reception lady started to talk again.

"Your waiter will be here shortly, here are your menus, have a great night!" She said whilst giving us each a menu, before leaving, not before giving us a smile, and judging by how she tried to hide it from me, a secret thumbs up towards Edythe.

I smiled to myself, even though we haven't talked a lot, and all of our conversations have been a mix between awkwardness, and nervousness, mostly..actually entirely on Edythe's part, even if I know I would get inevitably get dragged into situations I would rather not be dragged into, I think I could see myself actually becoming friends with Edythe.

Maybe even something more...