Getting to know each other.



(Alexandria's POV)

You ever met someone, a stranger, someone you met on the street, or in the elevator, you start talking, and you just click?

No explanation, no reason, but you just inexplicably click.

Sure there might be nervousness and anxiety at first, maybe some awkwardness at the start, but as you two talk more and more suddenly you feel like you knew them forever.

Well, that's how me and Edythe are right now.

Sitting on either side of a table with a white tablecloth placed on it and with a candle already lit on top it, and our food that we already ordered front of us, me and Edythe were talking.

I gotta tell you I was surprised when Edythe started to actually eat in front of me instead of trying to distract me and discretely throw the food away, or just not order any food.

Damn, she must be really serious about me if she is willing to eat what to her is the equivalent of dirt just to keep me company.

"So tell me more about your self," I said, not really expecting anything really since I knew, about how secretive the Cullen clan are, that's of course excluding Edward, dude is a simp.

Sure enough, Edythe looked nervous at first, but much to my surprise, she actually took a deep breath to calm herself and looked me right in the eyes with non of the previous nervousness or awkwardness that she usually exhibited.

"What do you want to know?"

I understandably was very very surprised I off course knew she wouldn't answer if I asked her if she was a vampire who sparkles whenever the sun hits her, nor would she answer anything relating to her real age or her past, but she didn't know that. As far as she is concerned I'm just a normal human, who is her mate, thus she would've expected me to at least ask questions about her past or her family. I would assume she would've lied if say I asked her when her birthday is, or where she grew up, but just the action of her actually contemplating answering my questions surprised me.

'I guess I really shouldn't be surprised if It is true, that I'm her mate which is pretty damn likely at this point, then it would make sense for Edythe to start revealing more and more of her secrets to me' I thought logically.

"Well about you tell me about your likes and dislikes, your hobbies, and what are your dreams for the future." Sorry, Kakashi I gotta steal some of your legendary lines.

"Hmm..well I like to read books, specifically books that came during and after 1918, I'm also a fan of the occult and supernatural, ohh! also the paranormal since Aliens are cool, I like listening to music, Jazz is my favorite genre, My favorite color used to be gold, but I changed my mind recently and now it's Royal Blue, as for my hobbies I guess it would be reading, and listening to music, umm I don't really dislike anything really, other than politics, politicians, and rapists, and dream is to marry the one I love, and explore the world with them," Edythe said, stopping to think sometimes with her answers, and saying the last part with her eyes locked onto mine, without a shred of hesitation or embarrassment.

....this bitch is really trying to make me fall for her.....

Also, aliens are cool huh...well at least now I know she isn't a xenophobic...wait does xenophobia also related to alines or is it just for people from other countries?

Something to google later.

Before I could have gone on a tangent about whether or not xenophobia also relates to aliens I was interpreted from my thoughts by Edythe asking me a question.

"What about you? What're your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and your dreams for the future?" Edythe asked smiling excitingly almost bouncing up and down on her seat.

'Geez, she's way to excited, then again if I was a 100-year-old virgin, and found out I had a mate, I would be pretty excited too, homegirl must have been all bottled up, and holy shit! she was 17 when she got turned! does that mean her hormones froze perpetually in a constant 'I want to have sex state' since then? Cuz if that's true, then I promise to fuck her even if this whole mate thing isn't true, no one deserves that I wouldn't even wish this upon my worst enemy' I thought shamelessly.

Shaking my head mentally that is, to get rid of my weird thoughts, I decided to answer Edythe truthfully.

"Uhhg..well I also like to read, so that's something we have in common there, I also like listen to music, but my favorite genre is pop which in my opinion isn't really a genre, I like the supernatural, and anything horror be it a movie, book, comic, or game I like all of them, My favorite book is 'It' by Stephen King, even though I was disgusted by Chapter 19, fam really wrote about a couple of children having an orgy, I guess you could put Chapter 19 of 'It' as something I hate, hmm...I like the color Black, with Gold coming a close second, I like motorcycles though I'm not allowed to ride a motorcycle until I'm 18 because my mom is a helicopter mom(' which is honestly weird since I can tank a nuke with no problem ' I thought),

I dislike racists, sexists, child predators, and rapists, ohh I also hate entitled people, and people who lick ice cream from an Ice cream tub in a convenience store and then proceed to place it back without paying for it, in a pandemic, also people who don't wash their hand for at least 20 seconds,

hobbies? probably running(In subsonic speeds, but she doesn't know that) and like you also reading and listing to music, and my dream is just to be free, with nothing holding me down, no 9-to 5 jobs, no responsibilities, no bills to pay, none of that, but that's just a dream" I said all in one breathe, being as honest as I could be, noticing that we actually had a lot in common with our likes, dislikes, and hobbies.

'huh I guess we really are mates' I thought almost laughing at aloud at the thought.