The Brighter The Light The Darker The Shadow.

{Author Note: Ayo sup. All I gotta say this is the first time I am writing a fight scene so It's probably shit. }


{Words: 2,644}


Kill one man, and you are a Murderer.

Kill millions of men, and you are a Conqueror.

Kill them all, and you are a God.

Jean Rostand, Thoughts of a Biologist (1939)


(Third Person POV)

(With Edythe and Martha)

Do you ever have this feeling, where you see something happening in front of you yet there is nothing you can do?

This horrible helpless feeling?

Sitting next to Alexandria's mother on the sofa, facing towards the Tv screen broadcasting from a helicopter the events going on New York, Edythe was beside herself in worry, and fear.

A lot of stuff got brought up to the surface today.

First an alien invasion, then Edythe found out that not only is her mate an alien, but also that she knew Edythe was a vampire.

And now her mate was out there in Ground Zero in danger and she can't do shit about it.

Focusing back on the Tv Edythe noticed that the news anchor was talking whilst pointing downwards from her position in the helicopter flying above the ruined city.

"...this is Jessica Parker from NBC News live from New York, after the Alien's announcement today and General's Zod warning. The UN decided to launch a counteroffensive secretly and launch nukes towards the alien ship, unfortunately, that ended in disaster and New York is paying the price for it. The aliens are wreaking havoc all over New York destroying buildings and killing millions in the process. I-I-I h-h-hate to say it but this..t-t-t-this is worse than 9/11 could ever be. G-God h-h-help us." The News anchor said starting off professionally before breaking out in sobs towards the end stuttering while doing so.

Martha who was sitting next to Edythe on the sofa hearing this broke down in sobs also, either from the devasting tragedy that is happening right now or because she knew her daughter is going there, regardless Edythe took her in her arms to whether to comfort herself or Martha no one knows.

Suddenly the camera panned downwards focusing and then zooming in on two floating figures facing each other. One of the figures was wearing a black armor-like suit with a physique that clearly showed that he was a male. He was facing towards another figure one that captured Edythe's attention immediately.

Black suit, red flowing cape, black hair, and a tiara.

Alexandria was there. And Edythe for the first time in a century prayed.


(Third Person POV)

(With Alexandira)

Alexandria looked down, her Kryptonian eyes seeing all there is. An Inferno of fire raged all over New York, buildings, skyscrapers, hospitals, orphanages, all were burning. Rubble from the road, fallen buildings, bridges, or even statues laid askew. Blood and human entrails were everywhere an eye can look. The skies above were filled with black clouds, and the people below were black with soot and ash.

It looked like a storm from Hell itself.

"....and this world is mine because I decreed it so. I'm the new King of this planet and you Alexan-El should join me"

And an annoying arrogant voice was talking over her observation.

The same voice that caused this destruction.

Already knowing that there was no use in talking any sense in this man, and not wanting to do so anyway. Alexandria decided to just get it over with.

"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"

Even though the helmet he was wearing Alexandria could see Zod looking at her like she was a bug on his shoes.

"If you didn't understand what I just said. Let me simplify it for your pea-sized brain, That's a no."

"So be it. I exist only to protect Krypton," he said, shaking with rage. "That is the sole purpose for which I was born. every action I take, no matter how violent and how cruel, is for the greater good of my people. And you Alexan-El are a traitor of your people." He said before stopping and pressing a button on his suit.

For a moment, both Kryptonians just stared at each other; Alexandria floating a few inches off the ground and Zod doing the same. And then, as if an unseen signal was given, they attacked, Both flying fast breaking the sound barrier while doing so.

They clashed head-on against each other, the impact so incredibly strong that the ground broke and the dust and ashes exploded outwards, making a grey sandstorm. However and unexpected occurrence happened.

The minute Alexandria and Zod clashed. Zod ricochet towards the opposite direction, flying in supersonic speeds, hitting and taking out a skyscraper on his way out. His suit was the only thing that protected him from dying and even that was demolished by the impact of Alexandria's fist.

Groaning in pain under tons of rubble above him Zod didn't have much to think of what just happened before a hand broke through the rubble like a hot knife slicing through butter and pulled him out none too gently before throwing him towards the ground, breaking it in the process.

Zod once again tried getting up, managing to make it up on his knees before a shadow blocked what little sunlight was on him, all Zod saw were two black boots in front of him. Zod was in too much pain to look up to see who was in front of him.

"Come on King, raise your head up you can't wear a crown with your head down." Zod heard a voice mockingly say.

And then a train fell on her, and a voice was heard speaking to Zod.

"General Zod we are here"

Finally mustering the strength to look up his pain already receding from the sun's rays healing him Zod saw 8 figures wearing the same black armor he once wore.

However, before Zod could even say anything a voice that Zod is beginning to fear sound out.

"I really need to get my hearing under control, sometimes I limit it too much and stuff like this happens."

Nine heads snapped upwards each one looking surprised.

"What? You thought a train could take me down? " Alexandria asked floating above them looking downwards and raising an eyebrow,

If they really thought that then they must be delusional. The train didn't hurt her, the metal bending on contact, but it was enough to stop her momentum for a bit.

"Meh, doesn't matter. Now, who wants to dance?" Alexandria taunted.

Faora-Ul was the first to take on Alexandria's offer. Running each step breaking the asphalt, Faora lunged towards Alexandria with a rage-induced scream. Sick of Alexandria's taunting.

Zod still kneeling on the floor heard a hard object falling towards the ground before looking about and seeing something that made his vision go red.

Alexandria still floating was juggling Faora's head from one hand to the other, humming a tune under her breath.

All it took was a second. And Faora didn't have her head.

"And then there were 8, any other volunteers?" Now Chucking Faora's head up and down.

Zod from his position next to Faora headless head screamed in rage before running towards Alexandria destroying everything in his way while doing so, his minions following behind him.

Alexandria stopped chucking Faora's head up and down and threw it away like a piece of garbage.

Alexandria looked in front of her noticing a red glow coming towards her knowing all too well what was heading towards her, and deciding that she would have known of that.

Alexandria disappeared from where she was floating before suddenly blinking into existence in front of Zod who was firing laser beams towards where Alexandria previously was. All the while running towards Alexandria at blinding speeds.

'I guess all that training didn't go to waste. He is using heat vision semi accurately while running at the same time. If he had done shit like this in the Man of Steel movie he would have probably won.' Alexandria contemplated from her place next to Zod. Her speed so fast that everything seemed to freeze before she sighed and flicked Zod on the forehead immediately causing him to fly the other way and hit another building taking it down in the process and burying him.

Zods goons noticing their leaders' sudden disappearance stopped their futile charge to look around and see where their leader might be, noticing immediately that Alexandria was in his previous place.

"Well boys" Alexandria started before noticing a woman amongst the goons and nodding" and girl this is the end of the road, pray to whichever god you follow for mercy or don't but this is the end of the road for you."

Not heeding words, the 7 goons blitzed towards Alexandria immediately before she suddenly disappeared from where she was standing and appearing on the other side of the street with 7 hearts in her hands.

"*sigh* And then there were one," Alexandria said before dropping the hearts on the ground and shaking her hands to get rid of the excess blood on her hands.

Alexandria walked slowly towards a fallen building, the same one she flicked Zod towards. Taking her time and looking at the damage she and the other Kryptonians made to the city (mostly from her chucking them around like little children, and them already having destroyed most of the city before she arrived).

Arriving in front of the building Alexandria floated centimeters above the ground noticing a Zod sized hole in the middle of the building.

However instead of retrieving him as she did last. She waited for a couple of minutes before sighing and speaking aloud.

"I know you can hear me Zod, stop playing dead like a deer in front of a lion and come out"

Waiting a couple of more seconds Alexandria sighed and was going to retrieve Zod before Zod jumped through the same hole his body had made and landed in front of Alexandria.

However, he was not without injury. First, he was breathing heavily. Second Alexandria noticed that both his hands were broken, and finally, he had a large gash on his forehead dripping blood.

There was a moment of silence between both Kryptonians one looking stoic, and the other filled with rage and grief.

"Why?" Zod asked, Alexandria immediately knowing what he was asking.

"Because you went with it in the wrong way. Instead of invading an already inhabited planet, you could have just relocated in one of the dead planets and started there instead you wanted to take what others had so I took what you had and destroyed it." Alexandria answered honestly.

"I wasn't the one who attacked first"

"No, you weren't, but you were the one that instigated it."

Silence. Before Zod asked another question still looking enraged.

"Why do you defend them. These humans. We could've built a new Krypton yet you chose them over your own people."

"I didn't choose them you were just in the way, and Krypton is already dead. "

Alexandria said before looking down on Zod this time asking the final question.

"Any last words?"

"All hail Krypton."


(Three Days after the Black Zero event)

"Is it really surprising that the most powerful woman in the world should be a figure of controversy?"


"We as a population on this planet have been looking for a savior…"


"When Gods battled, humans were the ones who died."


"… we are talking about a being whose very existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe."


"This is our planet!"


"Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power…"






"… the fire department estimates Superwoman already saved over 8,000 people buried under the collapsed buildings…"


"… she saved my boy!"


"… power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely…"




"… Superwoman lifted the ambulance to the sky so my mother could get treatment on time!"


"… maybe she is just a woman trying to do the right thing!"


"She's out of control!"


"The number of casualties is staggering…"


"… worse than 9/11…"


"Superwoman saved us!"


"… they brought their warriors…"


"The world has been so caught up with what she can do that no one has asked what she should do."




Edythe tossed the remote far away, sighing. Three days of this shit on the TV. Every single channel talking about "Superwoman". Now, Edythe could understand that; she didn't like it, but she could understand the need to talk about it.

But the theories those people were creating? It was all a big pile of steaming shit. She had seen people asking for Alex to be brought in, she had seen people saying she was part of the invasion, she had seen people praying to her!

There were even talks about building a church! A fucking church to honor her mate! The fucking invasion and the subsequent disaster had made some people worship her mate! What kinda fuckery is this?

The world has gone fucking insane.

Without meaning to, Edythe looked at her door hoping Alexandria would suddenly appear. She had been staying in Alexandria's room these past three days, her siblings and her 'parents' understood her predicament and let her be. Martha has also let her stay these past three days not just because she understood that there was something going between Edythe and her daughter but also because she needs someone else company otherwise she would be probably going insane with worry and would do something stupid.

She hasn't seen Alex since she killed Zod and the other Kryptonians, three days ago. Alexandria was going all around New York helping with search and rescue and clean up

Cameras from all TV stations were pointed to the sky to catch any image of her, as Alexandria flew all around, lifting fallen debris, getting people to the hospital, opening blocked paths, safely breaking buildings about to fall… One of the channels had actually made a small panel where each life she saved was shown; last time she saw it, it already was on triple digits.

Edythe sighed. It was true that those people needed help. But she wanted to see Alexandria she wanted to see her mate again, but the people all they wanted right now was to see what Alexandria could do for them, and Edythe was paying the price for it, she couldn't even see her right other than on tv.

In their eyes she was Superwoman. Alexan-El, the savior of the world. Woman of steel. unbeatable Goddess.

And right now. Edythe was worried about her mate. Enough so that she was contemplating on buying a ticket to New York and going there herself, the only thing stopping her was that she had to take care of Martha for Alex's sake.

Then it happened. She heard the fluttering of a cape and boots hitting the grass outside of the house. Running out of the house in a second.

There standing in the middle of the garden as a black-clad figure with a red cape. She looked dirty, full of dust, and grim, but she was smiling.

And Edythe ran towards her and hugging her.

Edythe smiled too; her mate was back.


(Somewhere deep space)

The bells are already been rung.

And they've heard it.

Out in the dark, among the stars.

Ding Dong.

The God is dead.

In an ecumenopolis with burning firepits. A God awakened.