Something Wicked This Way Comes

[Author Note:

Guess who's back, back again

Shiva's back, tell a friend

Guess who's back, guess who's back?

Guess who's back, guess who's back?

Guess who's back, guess who's back?

Guess who's back?]



(Alexandria POV)

"So ask away."

Right now, Edythe and I were sitting on a bench on the front porch of my house overlooking the road as the rain slowly fell.

After the fight (more like a massacre), I went around helping people buried underneath debris, cars, and even buildings, in the guise of cleaning the city, while I was also collecting all the Kryptonian tech, bodies, and even blood samples, and either destroying them then and there or collecting them and storing them away.

I might have saved the city, hell the whole world, but I wasn't cleaning the mess others made just for the goodness of my heart.

I wasn't a boy scout-like Superman is, I don't and won't ever be someone who will risk their life for someone without at least being able to gain something out of it.

One of the reasons I even fought Zod and his minions was because I was getting infamy out of it. People now knew what I was capable of and while I am seen in a good light by the majority, the reason I fought Zod was not to get in the good graces of the people of earth but to scare away people from acting against me i.e Hydra and Shield.

I of course knew that Hydra would never stop from trying to get them once they knew I existed but at least I made them wary of me to try anything anytime soon.

I would have much rathered that I wasn't known at all, but I knew that I couldn't hide forever. Someday someway I was going to get exposed better do it on my own terms than getting exposed out of the left field.

Going on from here I would probably make an appearance here and there across the world preventing natural disasters and helping people here and there just to increase my fame to ludicrous levels.

Superman might have been a boy scout but he has worshipped by the masses as a godlike figure.

I wanted that.

Call it being arrogance or having a god complex, but when you have the powers to literally destroy planets you try stopping yourself form developing an ego.

Gilgamesh can back me up here.

"So you can fly" Edythe finally said.

Mentally shaking of my thoughts I focused on answering Edythe's question.

"I can" I replied blandly.

"Shoot lasers out of your eyes?" Edythe asked.

"Mhm" Was my enthusiastic reply.

"You're super strong too?" Edythe continued.

"Yep" I trilled.

"And you're an alien" Edythe said asking a stupid question

"I mean depends on how you define alien" I replied sarcastically.

Blowing unneeded air out of her nose in annoyance. Edythe picked up a nearby rock and shucked it towards a nearby pot breaking it.

"Jesus women are you on your period or something?" I asked surprised by Edythe's reaction.

'Wasn't she supposed to be all lovesick or whatever? When the fuck did she get a temper too?'

I completely ignored that I just risked my life (or at least to her I did) and fought a bunch of godlike motherfuckers and left New York in shambles.

Huffing Edythe turned to me with a look pretty much telling me now was not the time for jokes.

"You were rude," Edythe said after her hormonal reaction.

"Ask stupid questions get stupid answers"

"Doesn't mean you had to be rude, I was worried. Still am." Edythe said looking away from me but I can hear her breathing picking up and a little sniff like she was trying not to cry.

Feeling like an asshole I slide closer to her and pulled her by her waist into my side, before letting go and draping an arm over her shoulders. She automatically placed her head on my chest, closed her eyes, and draped her arm on my stomach holding me close.

"Sorry" I said after a couple of minutes passed in silence.

Instead of saying anything Edythe just tightened her grip on me as if she was afraid of me disappearing.

After a couple of more minutes of us effectively cuddling on the bench I decided to lighten the mood a little bit.

"So when were you going to tell me your Carmilla" I jokingly said



(Third Person POV)


Sitting on my chair Fury couldn't help but curse to all heavens.

After what is now called the Black Zero event shit went to hell.

Not only is New York in fucking shambles, not only was there billions of dollars in damage, and not only did thousands of people die by effectively getting in between a pissing match between overpowered alien fuckers, but now the fucking World Security Council are literally trying to poke the bear with a stick.

The World Council in all their infinite wisdom wanted to demand from the now dubbed Superwomen(What's up with overpowered females popping out all of a sudden?) all her peoples' technology and the bodies of Kryptonians for study.

If it wasn't for him literally spelling out for them what would happen they demanded anything from someone who can literally fold them and the building they are in with their bare hands they would be having another crisis on their hands.

Picking up a lighter and taking out a cigar from the left compartment of his desk Fury lit up the cigar trying and failing to calm down.

Suddenly Fury heard a noise behind up and in seconds Fury had a gun chambered and pointed dead square on whoever made said noise.

It was blonde women with a form-fitting blue suit with red accents and a gold star in the middle, surprisingly even though she had a gun pointed at her she didn't even flinch.

"Fury" She nodded looking unsurprised by the trigger happy reaction.

Sighing Fury put down his gun before holstering it, and sitting back down on his chair. Not before looking longly at the crushed cigar the inevitably fell on the floor after his reaction to the blonde women's arrival.

Sighing again for what felt like the millionth type Fury took out another cigar, lit it, and looked at the blonde women stoically.

"You're late."



One thing I always found stupid is where a character has an obvious weakness to something yet they do nothing about it.

They never try to learn how to combat said weakness or even learn the mechanics of their weakness.

Case n' point Superman's weakness to magic.

The dude never even tried to learn how to harness magic or even how to defend himself from magic. I am pretty sure he could have found or had someone make an item that nullifies magic or at least weakness it.

Which is why I am here now.

Kamar Taj.

Knocking on the old fungi infested door I waited for a couple of seconds before a monk opened the door.

"Hi I a-" However before I could even introduce myself the monk stepped aside and motioned me forward as if he was expecting me.

Which I am pretty sure he was since the Ancient one had the time stone.

Shrugging I followed behind him to a room where two people occupied it. One was an old man with a long white beard and mustache, while the other was a bald middle-aged woman in yellow monk robes and an amulet in the shape of an eye resting on her breasts.

Unlike the man who was standing the women were sitting on the floor with a table in front of her and two steaming hot cups of tea placed upon it.

Completely ignoring the old man I made my way to the women and sat opposite her in front of the table.

There was a moment of silence before the woman began to speak.

"Welcome Alexan Jor-El I have been expecting you"

Snorting in amusement I picked up the tea to take a sip before responding in kind.

"So cliché"


(The Hunger That Does Not Cease)

Power always has a price, some pay with their feelings, some with their blood and tears, others with sacrifice.

Me? I pay with hunger and gluttony.

Power unimaginable, strength inconceivable, and gluttonous hunger was what I am.

It's been a long time since I have ever seen such a world like the one I am gazing upon right now.

So young, yet so powerful, so ignorant to the broader universe thinking themselves to be all alone in the great abyss.

The planet earth was perfect yet so flawed.

It almost makes me salivate in ravenousness hunger every time I see it.

I want. I wanted it more than anything I ever wanted.

And what I want I take.

Earth better be ready, because The Great Devourer is coming.