

"" the older brothers shoving the youngest, Septimus, toward the doors of Anlo's quarters.

Septimus doesn't really want to go, but he knocks on the door and steps inside. Anlo is sitting at the head of his bed holding Zeta. She's been out for a full day now and Anlo hasn't left her.

"" Anlo tells Septimus.

"" says Septimus, ""

"" Anlo informs Septimus. "" states Anlo.

"" Septimus tells Anlo.

"" Anlo tells Septimus with surety.

"" says Septimus.

"" ask Anlo.

"" admits Septimus, ""

"" accuses Anlo. ""

"" says Septimus. "" Septimus reaches out to touch Zeta and Anlo smacks his hand away. "" accuses Septimus.

Anlo wants to deny it, "" except he knows it's true. ""

"" accuses Septimus. ""

"" shouts Anlo. ""

"Anlo...," Zeta murmurs because she hears his voice and knows he's near.

"" Anlo orders Septimus, who doesn't try to argue. He just leaves quickly.

"Anlo...," Zeta murmurs again slightly louder as she tries to fight off the blackness she feels trapped in.

"I am here, Zeta," assures Anlo. "I have you and you are safe."

Anlo watches Zeta battle for thirty minutes trying to fight her way to consciousness. But Zeta doesn't make it up out of the darkness. She gets sucked back down into the blackness and is completely unconscious again.

After being unconscious for another day, Zeta wakes up. It's not a fight for consciousness and she doesn't remember those fights. She feels someone next to her, looks over and sees Anlo sleeping beside her. She stares at him for a few minutes. Her husband Bryan had been a handsome man, tall and strong, yet gentle, kind and thoughtful. Anlo on top of being all these things, is also beautiful. She isn't sure what her favorite features of his are, his indigo and golden eyes, or his long silky deep blue hair.

Zeta sits up and stretches. She finds that beneath the warm blanket she's wrapped in, she's naked and wonders what happened to her clothes. She's wondering many things as she looks around the large room from the very large round bed that sits beneath a large bay window. She's too curious to panic as she gets on her knees and looks outside.

Zeta isn't sure if it is dusk or dawn, just that the beautiful world she's looking at through the window isn't her world. The grass and trees are more blue than green. She sees a large structure within walking distance that she is sure is a house, but it almost looks like it's one with the land. She realizes where she's currently at must be another house, Anlo's house since Anlo is here sleeping in the bed beside her. She's sure Anlo will be able to explain everything to her.

She sits on the edge of the bed with the blanket around her and looks at the scabs on her shoulders. She remembers being grabbed by Bryan's father and wonders what happened after that. Was she injured somehow? Maybe doctors on earth couldn't help her so Anlo brought her here. She has so many questions as she slides off the bed to pad around the large room barefooted clutching the blanket about herself. There's what appears to be a study area next to an archway into another room. A thick drape of a lovely fabric serves as the door. There's a second archway with another thick drape of the same fabric serving as its door and between the two archways is an actual door.

She turns and sees a lovely dinette set. It has four chairs, but only two are at the table. The other two are against the wall. She walks over and touches the table. It looks to be hand carved from some type of wood she doesn't recognize, but it's exquisite. There are a set of huge double doors, and what appears to be a sitting area on the other side of the room. Then there's more of that lovely fabric serving as a door for a wide archway, shelves, some cabinets and a couple of appliances. Or at least she thinks they're appliances.

She needs to pee badly. So she hopes the door between the two archways is a bathroom. And is greatly relieved to find it is a bathroom. She slips inside to relieve herself.

Anlo reaches over to touch Zeta, but finds only empty bed beside him where Zeta should be. His eyes snap open as he quickly sits up. "Zeta," he calls worried and still a little hazy from sleeping.

"I'm in here," Zeta calls from the bathroom, "I'll be right out." She quickly washes her hands and exits the bathroom with the blanket clutch around herself. "I'm right here, Anlo," she says as she steps up to him.

Anlo hugs her, "I awoke and you were gone. I was afraid you wandered off."

"I just went to the bathroom," Zeta snuggling into him, "I haven't been awake long enough to wander off. I looked out the window over the bed and saw I'm not on Earth. Wandering off on a strange planet doesn't seem like a good idea. While what I saw through the window is really beautiful, more beautiful than I imaged, I'm still sure it can also be dangerous if you're not careful... Anlo, I have so many questions. Starting with how did I get here, and why am I naked?"

"Tell me, what is the last thing you remember," request Anlo.

Zeta thinks for a moment, "Jasmine and I walked to the school to get Gabe like we do nearly every day unless the weather is bad. We were walking back home the three of us when my mother-in-law pulled up by us. She invited us to dinner, which seemed a little strange, because normally if they're in town, they'll call and come get the kids to have time with them, but they usually don't want me around. But we went with her and she drove to this bad hotel on the outskirts of town and I know they usually five-star it. We needed to get my father-in-law. There was a playground and my father-in-law told the kids we had a few minutes so they could go play. My father-in-law called to me from their room, asked me to give him a hand with their bags. I stepped in the room, he grabbed me, pressed something against my neck, and then I woke up here with you... And how did I get these scabs on my shoulders?"

"Now, I will tell you what I know," Anlo told her. "I called you, but you had not made it home with the children. Mary was very worried. She reported you and the children missing. After you had been gone for over a day, she called your in-laws to inform them you and the children were missing. Your in-laws informed her the children were with them because you told them you need a few days to get away because you were stressed. Mary didn't believe them and it sounded odd to me also because I know your in-laws are not fond of you. I called the President and told her what was happening, and she didn't believe their story either. So, when I departed Earth with my travel companions, you were still missing. You were found in one of our stasis units after we landed here. Since, I'm the only person you really know here. Kamaki told me to take you home with me."

"Was I naked in the stasis unit," asks Zeta.

"No," answers Anlo, "there was an incident the first day with our pet targe, Krag. It accidentally hurt you. My mother has washed your clothes so there here if you want them. But it is getting late. There is a sleep gown here for you if you do not like to sleep naked."

"And my kids are safe," Zeta needing to be assured.

"They are still with your in-laws at this time," Anlo informs her. "I do not think they would harm them. But I have spoken with your president and Mary to let them know how we found you and that you are alive. Mary was afraid you were dead and that your body would never be found. We will call both Mary and the president tomorrow morning so you may speak with them yourself."

Zeta's head is swirling, but she isn't going to cry. Crying won't help anything. But she suddenly has so much on her mind. She didn't think her in-laws would harm their own grandchildren. Of course it had never occurred to her that they might try to remove her from the picture. She feels lucky to be alive. Yet she is suddenly on another planet with nothing, but the clothes she had been wearing. She won't have access to her bank account here or anything.

"I don't have anything I need here," says Zeta. "Not a toothbrush, not a hairbrush or comb, no extra clothes, and no way to buy anything." She's assuming she would have to pay for a ride back home and can't even imagine how expensive that might be.

"We do not have money here on my world," Anlo informs her. "Here we trade for what we need. Here we do not own the land. The land owns us. Much is different here. Please, do not worry. You are our guest. We will see to your needs."

"Well, the first thing I need is to brush my teeth," says Zeta. "My mouth feels like I've been licking a carpet.

"Please, use anything of mine you need, toothbrush, hairbrush, whatever," insist Anlo. "It will not bother me to share with you. If you are up to it, after the calls to your world, we will go to the market and get whatever you need. There is nothing for you to worry about."

Zeta nods her understanding. She picks up the gown and steps back into the bathroom. She washes her face and feels a little odd using Anlo's toothbrush, but she needs to brush her teeth. Her mouth feels like she slept for a week. It makes her wonder, how long has she slept. Anlo said she got hurt the first day. But she certainly didn't remember what happened. So, what day was it now? How long has she been here so far? She doesn't know the language or how many different languages are spoken here. How many hours in a day here? She doesn't know any of the customs, what's rude, or what's polite. And all she knows of their clothing is what she's seen Anlo and his companions wear. Their clothes are sort of toga style like ancient Romans. She slips on the night gown and it hangs clear to the floor on her.

"I thought you may be a little hungry," says Anlo as she comes out of the bathroom. "I know you are not familiar with our foods. But there's some fruit here. I poured you some cool water in case you're thirsty."

Zeta is definitely thirsty and picks up the cup of water. It's refreshingly cool. Then she selects a small piece of fruit. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"You've been unconscious for two days," Anlo informs her. "There was a drug in your system, a type of sedative. It has kept you unconscious."

"There's so much I don't know about your world, Anlo."

"Do not worry, Zeta. I will watch over you and ensure you have everything you need."

"You're too kind, Anlo," she sips her water.

Anlo frowns slightly, "I do not think it is possible to be too kind."

Zeta smiles at Anlo, "At least I had enough sense not to go wandering off."

Anlo caresses a thumb across her cheek, "That is because you are a remarkably intelligent woman on top of being... What is the word you taught me...? Beautiful, yes. Very pleasing to look upon." He licks his lips, "May I please kiss you. I have greatly desired to kiss you again."

Zeta smiles up at him, "Please, do."

Zeta loves the way Anlo kisses her as if she were a precious treasure. His large hands caress her back and gently squeeze her bottom as Zeta kisses and sucks his neck. Anlo thinks he may go crazy from wanting her, but he's afraid of being too aggressive.

"Do you want me, Anlo," Zeta ask softly in his ear.

"Yes, Zeta. I want you more than I have ever wanted anything before in my life."

Zeta smiles and pulls the nightgown off over her head, revealing her nakedness to Anlo. She's the mother of two children, so her body isn't perfect. But Anlo doesn't care. Her stretch marks don't bother him. To Anlo every inch of her is beautiful. For such a small woman, she has generous breasts with large chocolate nipples.

Anlo puts a hand on each breast and looks at Zeta's lovely face, "I went through some books on pleasing women on your world. I have no true experience, but I will do my best to please you" Then he carries her over to the bed and lays her down on it. As he climbs on to the bed with her, he sucks one of her nipples into his lavender mouth and laves it with his lavender tongue.

"" Rayee whispers to Rayou with a light shove. One had seen Zeta walking around through the window and soon found himself surrounded by the others.

"" Bayden orders in a whisper. ""

Zeta pulls Anlo's nightgown off over his head. Then she sits back on her heels and stares perplexed.

"What is wrong," ask Anlo.

Zeta reaches out and touches his pubic hair. It's silky smooth, not curly like her own. But that's not the problem. "You're male, aren't you," ask Zeta confused because if he didn't have that silky smooth pubic hair, he would be smooth like a Ken doll.

"I am male," confirms Anlo, "But my genitalia do not hang outside my body like an Earth male."

Zeta scratches her head, "Then how is this going to work?"

Anlo's lavender shaft slides out of his body, up out of his pubic hair erect and ready to go.

"Oh," says Zeta with raised eyebrows. Bryan had been a well-endowed man, but Anlo is much more generously endowed. She reaches her hand out and wraps it around his smooth lavender shaft. But his thick diameter doesn't allow her small hand to wrap completely around it. She slides her thumb over the tapered head and pushes him onto his back. She straddles him and slowly lowers herself onto his shaft. Except he is large and not much more than the head fits at first. She has to work herself down onto him.

"There," she says huskily, "That's good," as she begins to ride him the way she wants.

"" Septimus tells his brothers as they watch Zeta ride Anlo through the window. ""

Anlo needing to thrust into Zeta rolls her over onto her back. He pushes up over her and thrust his powerful hips forward. He likes the way Zeta raises her hips to meet his. And he likes the sounds of pleasure she's making for him. Then she tightens and spasms around him and writhes beneath him in a way he didn't quite expect and injects his seed into her uterus sooner than he wanted to. He assumes she will need a break. He remembers not to rest all his weight upon her because he's much larger than her. Zeta pulls her fingers through his gorgeous deep blue hair as they kiss.

"I hope I have pleased you," says Anlo.

"You have definitely pleased me," responds Zeta sexually sated. Then she gets serious, "Anlo, I am so very fond of you. I've wanted you since that first night I met you and this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. But I probably shouldn't have made love with you."

Anlo is sure she means she shouldn't have mated with him. He ask, "Why? Did I not please you well enough? That was my first time. I shall do better next time."

"Anlo, you pleased me more than well enough. But I have two children I need to get home to. I need to arrange to be taken back home. I would love to stay here with you a while and let you show me your world, but I need to get back to my children. I need you to help me arrange transportation home as soon as possible. I promise, when the gate is finished, if you still want me, the children and I will come visit."

Anlo couldn't imagine not wanting her, "How could I not want you? I will always want you, but..."

"I'm just being realistic, Anlo. You could meet someone else while I'm gone. Plus, a woman with two children is a lot to accept. You may think you can handle it, but decide it's too much later. And you seeing a woman with two children may not sit well with your parents at all."

"It will not bother my parents," says Anlo, "None of those things you said are a problem... I am sorry, Zeta. I have already tried to arrange to take you home. Except, folding space is very dangerous. The conditions have to be just right and they are not just right often. I argued on your behalf with our Elders. I did the best I could to make them change their minds. But the Elders' decision was unanimous, the conditions are bad for a folding and it is too many resources to use just to transport one person. I am sorry, Zeta. I failed you."

Zeta sits up and pats his thigh, "No, no, I'm sure you did your best..." A few tears manage to escape her brown eyes and make a run for it. "Five years separated from my children," and that was if they completed the gate on schedule. Yet Zeta is a logical person. She especially understands the part about using too many resources just to transport one person. She wipes the tears from her face and hugs her knees. Crying won't fix a thing.

"Maybe we should sleep a little," suggest Anlo. Zeta nods her agreement and lets him hold her. She falls to sleep in his arms.

After making love again early in the morning, Anlo ask Zeta, "Are you hungry?"

"A little," answers Zeta.

"We can have breakfast in the main shelter with my parents. They are eager to get to know you, especially my mother. She is a woman with seven sons and no daughters," Anlo informs Zeta.

"Oh, this is going to be embarrassing," says Zeta already embarrassed.

"Embarrassing? Why," asks Anlo.

Zeta explains, "Because I kind of got carried away and left a hickey on your neck."

"What is a hickey," asks Anlo.

Zeta informs him, "I sucked on your neck long enough and hard enough that I left a mark."

"Really," Anlo touching his neck thoughtfully. "I left a mark on your neck also."

Zeta steps into the bathroom to look in the mirror over the sink, and Anlo follows behind her with the same intention. Zeta is not surprised to see the hickey on her neck. She shakes her head.

Anlo smiles at the sight of the love making mark on his neck, "You call marking your mate in this manner a hickey. I am very pleased you have marked me in this way."

"Your parents are not going to like me when they see these," says Zeta. "They're going to think I'm a whore."

"I do not know what a whore is," responds Anlo. "But from your tone, it must be something bad. My parents will not think anything bad of you. They will be very pleased."

Zeta rolls her eyes because she doesn't believe his parents will be pleased in any way, shape or form about the hickeys.

"Do not worry. My parents are going to be very fond of you," assures Anlo. "Shower with me. Then we will go to the main shelter for breakfast."

Zeta checks out the scabs on her shoulders in the mirror and she notices there are some scratches on her thighs also that she takes a look at. "You say a family pet accidentally hurt me my first day here?"

Anlo is surprised and relieved that she doesn't remember. But the sedative her in-laws used on her was chosen because it blocks and clouds memory formation until the body completely cleanses itself of it. Anlo explains a little more for her benefit, "My brothers removed you from the stasis unit while I was trying to convince our Elders to allow me to return you to your world and that is when the incident involving our pet occurred. They did not mean for you to be harmed in any way. Of course if they had listened to me, the incident would not have occurred."

"Don't be angry with them," Zeta doesn't recall what happened at all. "I'm sure with seven sons, life is never boring. I can only imagine what kind of mischief seven sons can create."

Anlo nods his agreement with Zeta, "Even though we are no longer children, we often still create many strange and interesting situations. As the oldest, I often led the mischief making." He shakes his head with a slight smile, "I have no idea how I managed to become a responsible adult."

Their shower turns into another love making session. Zeta is surprised he was ready to go again so quickly, but she wasn't complaining.