Zeta is back in her jeans and t-shirt. Anlo holds her hand as they walk over to the main house. Her eyes take in their beautiful surroundings.
"We are caretakers of a very large area of land," shares Anlo as they walk leisurely. "There is a herd of goto we oversee. They provide milk, meat and their hair can be woven into a very fine, very comfortable fabric."
"Is what you're wearing made from it," asks Zeta.
"Yes, most items of clothes are made from it. We also have a plant similar to your hemp that many things are made from. Now, we just left my shelter. I sleep, eat and relax in the large main room. It also has two small rooms that may be used for guests. But I hope you will want to continue to share my bed with me. I enjoy having you there with me.
That shelter there is used by my younger brother, Bayden. I am oldest. Bayden is second oldest. The twins, Rayee and Rayou, were born after Bayden and share this shelter in front of the fruit orchard we oversee. Zarek was born next. He uses the shelter near the green house in front of the nut orchard. My parents' shelter basically sits at the center of the land we oversee. My two youngest brothers, Sextus and Septimus, the youngest, still reside in the main shelter with our parents."
"Everything is so beautiful here," says Zeta. "You must really love living here."
"Ah," says Anlo in realization, "I think I finally know what this word love means. I have heard you use it before, but I think I finally understand."
"Well, there are different types of love for different things," explains Zeta. "There is the love parents have for their children, that children have for their parents and grandparents, love for a family pet, love between two people that plan to make a life together. We call that being in love, and it can be very hard to find. And when two people come together that are in love, we call it making love which just sounds nicer than having sex or mating.
It looks like you have a wonderful life here to me. Most people on my world don't want to live this way. They think I'm strange because I keep chickens and goats. Having as much money as possible isn't important to me. Money is the central focus of most people's lives on my world. They love it more than anything else and some would do anything for it. But since you don't have money here, I guess that's not a problem here."
"Even though we do not have money and believe the land owns us," says Anlo, "We still have greedy people."
"So this is my third day here, right," ask Zeta.
"Correct," confirms Anlo.
"And I've basically been unconscious the whole time," asks Zeta.
"Mostly yes," answers Anlo, "You tried to talk to me a couple of time, said my name. When the incident with my brothers and our family pet occurred, you seemed awake when I first got there. You were crying and seemed very afraid." Anlo hoped no permanent damage had been done while she was in the stasis pod and the oxygen saturation level wasn't correct. It wouldn't change how he felt about her. He would still love her and look after her even if some type of brain damage occurred. He would never abandon her.
"It seems so strange to have a chunk of time missing like that," says Zeta. "You would think I would remember an incident that scared me so badly I cried."
"Don't worry over it," Anlo says reassuringly, "You basically just slept for two days. You haven't really missed anything."
"So even here, you have greedy people," states Zeta.
"Yes," confirms Anlo. "My family is considered... How do you say on your world? Rich? And people sometimes try to take advantage."
Zeta had seen the main house off in the distance from the window over Anlo's bed last night. The way it's built makes it seem almost one with the land. The front doors slide open and Anlo leads Zeta inside. It's a warm welcome area and Zeta finds herself being fussed over by a woman nearly as tall as Anlo who must be his mother. Anlo has her eyes just like he told her back on Earth. Her skin is a slightly darker shade of tan than Zeta's and her hair is a fire red that's not natural to humans. There are three men that come up and talk to Anlo.
Zeta knows they're talking about their hickeys. Anlo is craning his head proudly to show off his hickey to the three men. She can't understand what's being said, but his mother seems pleased, not upset.
As he shows off his hickey proudly to his fathers, he confirms to his mother, "
Anlo informs them, "
Anlo nods his agreement and understanding to his mother.
Anlo shrugs unsure, ""
Anlo explains, "
Anlo shakes his head, "
Anlo shakes his head, "
Anlo nods in response, ""
"Anlo," Zeta concerned because the tone has turned serious, "is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine," assures Anlo taking her hand, "My parents have some concerns is all."
"I told you they would be upset," Zeta's eyes beginning to well up with tears. "It just makes for a bad impression to show up with hickeys when you've only known each other for a short time. I already have in-laws that hate me. I really want your parents to like me."
Anlo's mother asks, "
Suddenly, Anlo's mother and the three men are all talking to Zeta at the same time. Zeta doesn't know what's being said, but they seem very sincere.
Anlo puts an arm around Zeta and puts a hand up to quiet his parents, "
Anlo guides Zeta through the house followed by his parents, "They were all trying to tell you they are not upset with you. They are very happy you are here and believe our mating is a good thing."
"Who is everyone," ask Zeta taking a seat at the large dining table that Anlo has led her to. "I know that's your mother because you have her eyes. But who are the three men?"
It looks like it's time to start explaining some things to Zeta. "They are my fathers," Anlo informs her.
"All of them," ask Zeta surprised.
"Yes," confirms Anlo, "All three are mates with my mother."
"It takes three men to impregnate a woman here," ask Zeta wondering.
"No, you miss understand. Like with your people, it only takes a single sperm to fertilize an ovum. But here on our world, brothers share a mate because our world is suffering from a shortage of females. Currently, males out number females more than thirteen to one. There are not enough females for each male to have his own."
"Has it always been this way," ask Zeta.
"No." Anlo explains, "Our history is not a violent history as is the history of your world and many others. But like your world and many others, our society was once male dominated. Men thought themselves better than women and every family wanted male children. They went to doctors to ensure they would get male offspring. Many males had themselves manipulated on a genetic level so that the male sperm they produced were more streamlined and hardier than female sperm. And it worked. Males are conceived and born much more often than females. Except it worked too well and here we are generations later dealing with the problem. Our people have moved back to trusting nature since science got us here. So we all agree no more genetic manipulation of ourselves except to combat illness. We don't want to end up with the same problem in reverse."
"So brothers are now forced to share a wife," says Zeta.
"Yes," confirms Anlo with a nod. "When a family's sons become old enough to need a mate, his parents petition a family with a daughter to try to procure her as a mate for their sons. It can be very costly to procure a mate, the families my parents have tried to procure mates from for us have tried to take advantage of us. They ask for half our herd of goto and half our nedar to only have their daughter as our mate for five years. Plus, they want any female children produced returned with her, but we may keep the males. Except our parents want a permanent mate for us, not a temporary one."
"Are the volunteers that came here all aware of this," ask Zeta.
"The volunteers are nearly all female and we believed it important they understood why we were bringing them here. We traded our knowledge of folding and building of space gates to be allowed to bring people from your world home with us. Our psychiatrists will spend the next few weeks matching them to families with sons in need of a mate."
"So, I guess you'll finally have a mate soon," says Zeta sadly.
Anlo lifts Zeta's chin. "Zeta, I only want you." He kisses her.
A half dozen other men come plodding in as his parents are placing food on the large long dining table as Anlo is kissing Zeta.
Anlo sighs, "
Anlo rolls his eyes. He's not surprised they were watching. "
Anlo answers, "
Anlo knows it's a bouquet of wild flowers. Any time Septimus has done something that upsets their mother, he always picks her flowers. Anlo thinks it's a silly childish gesture, but he tells Septimus, "
Septimus steps around Anlo to give Zeta her gift. Anlo informs Zeta, "This is my youngest brother, Septimus. He has a gift for you."
Septimus steps up between Anlo and Zeta. Then he pushes Anlo on his chair away with his foot. Anlo furrows his brow at Septimus.
Zeta's not sure what to think of what just happened, perhaps some strange custom. But she notes that while Septimus is the youngest brother, he is the tallest and lankier while his older brothers are quite muscular.
Septimus gets down on one knee and says, "
Anlo may have believed the gesture was silly and childish, but it is immediately obvious that Zeta doesn't find it silly and childish. Her face lights up at the sight of the strange beautiful flowers.
"Oh, they're beautiful," Zeta accepting the flowers. "Anlo, how do I say thank you?"
Anlo answers a bit agitated, "
Septimus says excitedly, "
Zeta screams in surprised horror. She's never been a fan of insects and arachnids. And the bigger and squirmier, the more they freak her out. And this is the biggest, squirmiest bug she has ever seen. She knocks her chair over getting away from it. The other brothers, except for Anlo, roar with laughter.
Septimus holds the squirming bug out toward Zeta, "
Zeta clutches her stomach as she stumbles backward a couple more steps and gags, "I think I'm going to be sick."
There's more masculine roaring laughter. Zarek says to Septimus, "
Anlo rises from his chair and yanks Septimus away from Zeta as he orders, "
"" says their mother turning around with a covered dish in her hands.
"Are you alright," Anlo ask Zeta.
"Did you see the size of that thing," ask Zeta shocked. "And he... he... he ate it."
"Small... Delicacy," Zeta makes a face and shakes her head.
Zeta looks at the lovely bouquet of flowers she dropped, "I really should pick those up. But there might be another of those things in there or maybe something worse."
"I will get them," Anlo volunteers. He asks Septimus, "
Anlo rights her chair and pulls his chair back into place. Then he leads Zeta back to her chair. "Septimus assures me there are no other surprises in your flowers."
"I'm sorry, Anlo," Zeta apologizes. "I'm just deathly afraid of insects and arachnids. I know it's an unreasonable fear, but it's there just the same."
Anlo's mother returns to the table and Anlo informs his family, "
"Will you tell them I'm sorry, please Anlo?"
"I just did," Anlo informs Zeta, "No one is upset with you. But mother did have to return one of the breakfast dishes to the kitchen,"
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Anlo, how do I say sorry?"
Zeta looks at his family and says timidly, "
Anlo translates for Zeta and she nods her understanding. They join hands and Anlo's first father blesses the meal. It is a familiar and comforting activity for Zeta. Then they start serving food.
"Now they all already know your name," Anlo informs Zeta. "Easy for them because they only have one new name to learn. My mother's name is Jonina."
Jonina hearing Anlo say her name tells him, "
"What did she say," Zeta ask Anlo.
"She wants you to call her mother like myself and my brothers," Anlo informs Zeta. "Mother in our language is
"My fathers' names are Holdo, Conton and Poat. But I know they would prefer you call them father. And because of the mating situation, we have several ways to say father. You need only know three. Holdo is
"Next is Conton. He is
"Poat is the youngest of our three fathers. He is
"What," ask Anlo surprised by the question and needing a little clarification.
"Which one is actually your father, your biological father," ask Zeta.
Anlo shrugs, "I do not know. It is not considered important to know unless there's a medical reason for it. With three fathers and seven offspring, chances are that each of them has fathered at least one child. But in a family where there are three, four or more fathers, yet they only have one or two offspring, a father may have hurt feelings to know he did not father a child with the mate he shares with his brothers. So it is not considered important to know which is the genetic father of which offspring."
Zeta nods her understanding. She won't ask that question again. No-no and No-ni both have the same silky smooth deep blue hair as Anlo and three of his brothers. She figures that's as close as she's going to get to knowing who Anlo's biological father.
"I will introduce my brothers in order of oldest to youngest," says Anlo. "Bayden, second oldest."
Bayden hearing his name gives a little wave. Zeta tries to note some distinguishing feature. He has the same silky smooth deep blue hair as Anlo and he has indigo eyes.
"Next are the twins, Rayee and Rayou."
They each nod to Zeta.
"Technically," Anlo informs Zeta, "They are identical except for one feature. Rayee's eyes are indigo while Rayou's eyes are yellow." That is very helpful information for Zeta. Plus, Rayee and Rayou have their mother's fire red hair.
"Next is Zarek. He tends to be more mature than the others."
Zarek nods to Zeta. He has the same deep blue hair as Anlo, but she notes he has jade green eyes.
"Then we have Sextus. I'm sure you have noticed he is the only one with golden hair."
Zeta hadn't missed that Sextus is not just the only brother with golden blond hair, but the only person in the room with golden blond hair nearly the exact same shade of gold as his eyes with skin nearly the same shade of tan as his mother.
"And you have already met the youngest, Septimus. He thought you would enjoy the
"I still can't believe he ate it," says Zeta making a puke face.
"He wants to know if you are angry with him," Anlo informs Zeta.
Zeta shakes her head with a laugh, "No, I'm not angry. Now that it's over, I think it's kind of funny. But tell him to please try avoiding doing something like that again. I don't know if I can survive another shock like that."
Anlo translates back to Septimus, who relaxes.
Zarek says, "
"You like the berries and cream," Anlo ask Zeta.
"Yes, very much," confirms Zeta nodding enthusiastically.
"It will be trial and error for us discovering what foods of ours you will like and not like. So please be patient with us," request Anlo. "But it is obvious anything with a whur or like a whur is a definite no."
"Sorry," Zeta apologizes.
"Do not worry about it," insist Anlo. "There were many foods on your world that I did not enjoy."
"Yeah, there are plenty of nasty things to eat on my world," responds Zeta. "Things I would never eat, things that include insects and arachnids."
"After the calls to your world, we will take you to the market in the city to acquire items you need," Anlo informs Zeta.
Zeta nods, "That's a good idea. I don't have anything but the clothes on my back."
"By the time we are finished trading, mother will have picked out for you more than you need," says Anlo amused.
After breakfast, Jonina scans Zeta while her mates clean up breakfast. After reviewing the scan she tells Anlo, "
"Is everything alright," ask Zeta.
"We think yes," answers Anlo. "I was just worried because you do not recall the last two days."
"Well, if I get up tomorrow and I don't recall today, then there is most likely a problem," says Zeta.
"You are right," responds Anlo. "We will not concern ourselves with it anymore today. Let us go to the communication room now and call your president."
It doesn't take long for the President's face to appear on the large screen.
"Zeta," says President Manhunter smiling with relief clear in her voice, "when Anlo said you'd been found in one of their stasis units, I was quite relieved. I am absolutely delighted to see you."
"It's good to see you too, Madam President. Do you know how my children are?"
"They're fine. They're still with your in-laws for the moment. I've met them. They are absolutely delightful children and they miss you terribly.
Now we are going to record this because we're going to use it in court against your in-laws. We know you were drugged. Anlo and Elder Voltrand provided us with a scan of you and we were able to identify the drug used. It's not something available to many. Your mother-in-law is one of very few people who have access to it. Just like your father-in-law was one of few people who could freely walk into the area where the stasis units were stored while waiting to receive occupants before being loaded back onto the Nokotoan ship.
We don't expect you to remember much of anything from while you were drugged. That drug was designed to block memory formation while it's active in a person's system. So, tell us what you do remember."
"Jasmine and I walked to get Gabe from school like we do every school day. Gabe ran out to us excited to show me a 100 percent he got on a math test. We were walking home when my mother-in-law, General Wilma Clifton, pulled up alongside us. She said she and her husband were only in the area for the night, would be heading back out first thing in the morning and they wanted to treat us to dinner."
"Was there anything unusual about that," ask President Manhunter.
"Yes," answers Zeta, "my in-laws aren't fond of me. Since my husband, their son, Bryan died, they usually only come get the grandchildren to spend time with them and exclude me. They usually only have me along if my children have begged to have me along. But the children were excited and I thought it was a nice gesture, so we went with her."
"Did you go to dinner," ask the president.
"If they went out to dinner, they didn't take me."
"Why do you say that? What happened," ask the president.
"My mother-in-law pulled into an old run down motel just outside of town, The Sleepy Bear, to pick up my father-in-law. But where we were picking him up didn't make sense to me. My in-laws are five star people. They always insist on the best. When I asked my mother-in-law about it, she said the Connoisseur didn't have any vacancies.
She pulled into a space in front of a room. My father-in-law, General Gregory Clifton, stepped out of the room and waved. The children ran to him, hugged him, kissed him and he suggested they play on the motel's playground for a minute, said they had a few minutes. My mother-in-law said she'd watch the children. My father-in-law asked if I could give him a hand with their bags real quick, said he wanted to head out quick in the morning. I said, "Sure," and stepped into the room. He grabbed me from behind, putting a hand over my mouth, pressed something against my neck and everything went black. Then I woke up here last night, and I'm stuck here until the space gate is complete there."
"I'm so sorry, Zeta," President Manhunter apologizes sincerely. "When we arrest your in-laws, who do you want to look after your children?"
"My sister, Mary. She's their legal Godmother. She becomes their legal guardian should anything happen to both me and Bryan. Bryan loved his parents, but neither of us wanted them raising our children."
"Your in-laws have been claiming that you said you needed a break and asked them to look after your children. Is there any truth to that?"
"No, Madam President. I don't know what I would need a break from other than my in-laws. I don't have any financial issues. My home is paid for and I don't have any debt. My parents left me very well off. I don't need the widow's relief check they send twice a month. So it goes straight into a trust fund for our children. My in-laws were the only major stressor in my life."
"Thank you, Zeta," says President Manhunter appreciatively. "Your children will be returned home to your sister tomorrow morning."
"Thank you, Madam President."
"Take care, Zeta. We'll keep in touch."
The screen goes black and Zeta hangs her head sadly. She will be separated from her children for five years.
Anlo tells Zeta, "We will call Mary now. She will be surprised. You were still unconscious when I called the other day.
Mary answers the call not expecting anything special. Then Zeta's face appears on the screen. "Zeta! Zeta!" she says excitedly.
"Mary," tears beginning to streak Zeta's face. "It's me Mary."
"Anlo said they found you after their ship got home," says Mary, "But you still weren't conscious."
"Yeah, I just woke up last night," shares Zeta.
"But you're okay, you're okay," Mary crying.
"I'm okay," assures Zeta. "They'll be bringing the children home to you tomorrow morning. You'll take good care of them for me. I know you will."
"But Zeta, you'll be home soon, won't you," ask Mary.
Zeta shakes her head, "I don't have a way home until the space gate is complete there."
"Zeta, that's supposed to take five years," Mary says distressed. "You're my rock and the children need you."
Zeta assures, "It'll be alright, Mary. It'll go by quicker than you expect."
Mary puts her hand on the screen, "At least, you're alive and well and not lying dead Lord knows where. I was so afraid for you. I was sure those heartless in-laws of yours had killed you and hid your body. I didn't think you'ld ever be found. I left message after message on your voice mail until it was full."
"I don't have my phone, ID or anything except the clothes I was wearing that day," shares Zeta. "I don't know what happened to my phone and ID. I know I had them with me. You just hold down the fort for me."
"I will," Mary nodding her agreement. "Anlo," Mary focusing on him, "you take good care of my sister. You hear me? If you don't, I'll be the first person through that gate to beat the crap out of you."
"Try not to worry, Mary," request Anlo, "I will take good care of Zeta. You just take good care of the children for us. We will call to speak with them tomorrow. Zeta needs many things, so we're taking her to the market."
"I love you, Mary"
"I love you too, Zeta."
"Tomorrow," Anlo tells Mary with a nod. Mary nods her understanding and the screen goes dark. Zeta begins to cry unrestrained.
Anlo holds her. He doesn't have any experience comforting crying women. But holding her seems to be the right thing to do. So he holds her until she quiets.
"Are you alright, Zeta," ask Anlo.
Zeta nods, "I'm fine. I know crying doesn't solve anything, but I just couldn't help it. I just feel so helpless and lost."
"There is nothing wrong with crying," Anlo tells Zeta. "It can be cleansing. Do you feel any better?"
Zeta nods, "A little... At least my in-laws won't be raising my children."
"And they are not going to get away with the crime they committed. Now, let us go. I think you will enjoy the market."
Anlo's fathers stay behind at home, while all of Anlo's brothers go with Anlo, Zeta and Jonina. Jonina makes good use of them by having them carry things they can trade in large deep baskets on their backs. To get to the market, they all pile onto the transport pad in the transport room of the main house. No-no sends them on their way. They materialize on one of many transport pads at the market. Zeta is a little dizzy and disoriented. Anlo and Septimus each take an arm to steady her. Anlo glares at Septimus for a moment.
Anlo shakes his head and focuses on Zeta, "Are you alright," he ask her.
Zeta takes a deep breath, "I'm fine. I just got dizzy for a moment."
Zeta pats Septimus' hand and with a smile tells him, "I'm fine thank you... Doko."
Septimus nods to her as he releases her arm.
"You are not used to traveling this way," Anlo tells Zeta. "It can be disorienting if you are not used to it. But the disorientation passes quickly."
Zeta looks around. They have arrived on a circular platform that has several transport pads on it with people coming and going. It seems to be at the center of a town square that is actually a circle with several streets lined with shops coming off of it. Anlo leads her down off the platform. His mother gives his brothers instructions on trading for things the household needs and they head in different directions.
Zeta feels a bit out of place as she walks with Anlo and his mother. The people of this world are so tall and beautiful wearing beautifully colored clothes. She sees a few people that must be from other planets. And when she sees another woman, she is usually accompanied by at least two men, sometimes three and occasionally four. She can't help feeling frumpy in her old Converse tennis shoes, jeans and t-shirt.
"Here," says Anlo, "this is the hygiene stand. We should be able to get all your hygiene needs here."
They get her a toothbrush, hairbrush, comb, couple of packages of maxi-pads, along with deodorant and a shimmery lotion Anlo picked out for her. His mother does the haggling with the man running the stand.
The hygienic stand's attendant ask, " " The attendant shares, " " "" the attendant asks Anlo.
Anlo answers, " The attendant nods his understanding, " " " Anlo is angry as he tells the shop keeper, " The attendant stammers, ""
" The attendant may technically be a grown man, but he still doesn't want to drag his parents into it and also have to endure chastisement from his parents also. " "Anlo, what's going on," ask Zeta recognizing the tones and gestures of irritated, angry people.
"The shopkeeper made a very rude request in exchange for the items you need," answers Anlo.
"What did he ask for," ask Zeta.
"He wanted to mate with you in exchange for the items," answers Anlo.
Zeta's mouth drops open in shock, "Do I look like a prostitute or something?"
"No, of course not," answers Anlo. Then he explains, "We do not consider it wrong to exchange mating for items needed. But it is the shopper's option to offer, not the shopkeeper's option to ask. It is considered extremely rude for a shopkeeper to make such a request."
Anlo can see Zeta processing the information and decides he better inform her a bit more so she won't be too shocked. "Try not to judge us too harshly. Try to remember this is a world where males outnumber the females more than 13 to 1. That means there are many males here that are desperate to mate."
"I'm not usually judgmental," responds Zeta. "I always do my best to keep an open mind."
"That is a good thing," says Anlo. "But I need to inform you that we do not have privacy."
Zeta gives a slight shake of her head and a slight shrug, "I don't think I understand."
"We do not have a word for privacy," Anlo explains. "And we do not seek privacy for mating. It is considered a natural, normal activity as well as a need. So you will occasionally see mating while we are shopping. It may be males who are brothers sharing a mate, a male sharing his mate with a close friend who has no mate, or a female trading mating for items she needs or wants."
Zeta stares off into space for a few moments as her brain digest this new information. She finally ask, "And the women don't feel used or abused or like they're second class citizens or something...? I don't know, powerless?"
"Not that I am aware of," answers Anlo. "They do not have to do anything they do not want to do. And most males here would never harm a woman. Although, we are prone to doing stupid things trying to win a females favor or because the only female we really know is our mother so we are not sure how to conduct ourselves properly when we meet a woman. For the most part, I think females are extremely empowered here. Ika is an Elder and most Elders are female. Females are the heads of households and businesses. When Ika tells one of my fathers to do something, he rushes to do it. They are always eager to please her. And you will find me and my brothers doing whatever is necessary to please you and make you happy."
"But, Anlo, I'm not your wife," responds Zeta, "I'm just an unexpected guest. I wouldn't even be here if my father-in-law hadn't put me in that stasis unit. Please, don't fuss over me."
Anlo touches her cheek, "You may be the closest we ever come to having a mate. It is hard to find a mate for so many brothers."
Zeta's not sure how to respond to that. "Anlo, when the gate is complete at my world, I'm going home to my children."
Anlo leans over and kisses her, "Allow me my little fantasy that you could possibly care for me enough to want to spend your life with me."
Zeta's eyes begin to well up, but she manages to reign in her emotions before a tear can fall. She has already fallen in love with Anlo, and she knows it. Except her children come first, even before her own wants and needs.
"Here," Anlo motioning toward another shop that his mother is stepping into, "Let's pick you out some footwear. We spend most of our time in sandals, athletic shoes are only worn during athletic activities, then we have work shoes and boots depending on the labor required, and you will need winter boots for when the weather turns cold. Our area has for seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn."
"How many hours in a day," ask Zeta.
"Twenty-six," answers Anlo motioning for her to take a seat for the shopkeeper. "The shopkeeper needs to measure your feet." He tells the shopkeeper, " " Anlo confirms, " " " The shopkeeper agrees respectfully, " "Twenty-six," Zeta says to herself thoughtfully. Then she ask Anlo, "How many days in a year?"
"Three hundred eighty-eight," answers Anlo.
Jonina ask Anlo, " " Jonina says impressed, ""
"How many days in a month," Zeta ask next.
"We do not have a month based calendar like your world," Anlo explains, "We go by the season and the year and there are ninety-seven days in a season. For example, today is the thirtieth day of spring of the year 10189."
Zeta nods her understanding as the shopkeeper returns with several pairs of sandals. "Oh, those red ones are really cute."
The shopkeeper ask curious as he pulls off Zeta's shoes and socks to slip sandals on her feet, " "" admits Anlo. " Zeta, how old are you?"
"Fourty," answers Zeta looking at the sandals on her feet.
Anlo informs the shopkeeper and his mother, "Fourty."
"" says the shopkeeper.
"And your age, Anlo," inquires Zeta.
"Fourty-three," answers Anlo.
" Anlo tells his mother, ""
"Anlo," Zeta has another question. "What is the average life expectancy for people here?"
Anlo's a little surprised by the question since his mother just mentioned life expectancy. He answers, "Approximately, two hundred to two hundred fifty years."
"Humans average about one hundred seventy-five to about two hundred twenty," Zeta says thoughtfully. "I don't think that's a huge difference in life expectancies. Besides, no one is promised a set amount of time. You can be perfectly healthy and happy, outside working in the garden with your beloved spouse and have a cargo shuttle crash on you. That's what happened to my parents. My dad was one hundred and my mom was one hundred two, just middle aged, still young and vital, then just gone."
"I am very sorry, Zeta," Anlo tucking a wayward wavy lock of hair behind her ear.
Jonina ask, " " Jonina says sympathetically, " " Jonina steps closer to see their choices, " "The red too, she likes the red ones,>" adds Anlo.
Jonina nods, " The shopkeeper says appreciatively, " " As he's packing up the footwear to take with them, the shopkeeper says, ""
" Zeta waves as they're leaving the shop and calls, " After they are gone, the shoe shopkeeper pulls a whur from the container and pops it in his mouth. He closes his eyes in appreciation as he chews.
"Hello," a woman's voice calls. Zeta sees a wave and hears another, "Hello," as a human woman followed by three Nokoto men and a Nokoto woman approaches them.
"Isn't this exciting," the woman says to Zeta taking her hand and pumping it up and down vigorously, "I'm Miranda."
"Nice to meet you, Miranda. I'm Zeta, and this is Anlo and his mother... Anlo, how does your mother prefer to be introduced, as Jonina or Elder Voltrand?"
"Jonina is fine," answers Anlo. He shakes the woman's hand, "Nice to meet you, Miranda." Then he tells his mother, " Anlo's mother shakes her hand.
"An Elder," says Miranda, "you got placed with an important family."
"We are no more important than anyone else," says Anlo. "All families are important here. Who is you your new family?"
"They just picked me up this morning," shares Miranda. "They're House Zypan. This is Rog, Tog and Zog, and their mother, Vander. When they saw what I had with me, they decided to bring me shopping."
"Zeta very small," says one of the men with Miranda.
"I told you I'm really not that short," Miranda tells the man. "I'm about average height for a woman on our world."
" Anlo explains, ""
" "So what made you decide to come here," Miranda ask Zeta.
Zeta having just met Miranda and not wanting to go into detail, simply says, "Just a last minute decision."
"I thought it would be good to have a fresh start," shares Miranda. "I was married once. We even had a baby, a boy we named Tyrone. My husband, Brady, had always been kind of tightly wound and jealous. I just thought it would pass once we'd been married a while. He just came home one night, smothered our son while I was sleeping and then tried to strangle me. I got away, but he slit his wrist before peace officers arrived. Part of me wanted to die. I felt like I should have died, survivor's guilt. My parents kept telling me they knew something was wrong with him and that I never should have married him. His parents blamed me, said I was a bad wife, that a good wife could have kept it from happening. Frankly, I'm okay if I never see any of them ever again. And it's kind of nice having three tall good looking men fall all over themselves for me. So, is he the only man you have to worry about or does he have brothers?"
"Anlo has six brothers," answers Zeta.
Miranda's eyes grow wide, "Wow, that's a lot of men to worry about. Your legs may permanently lock open."
The men with Miranda snicker amused and Zeta is amused too. But Zeta tells her, "The only one I'm currently worried about is Anlo."
"You must be the oldest brother," says Miranda, "As the oldest brother, you get first rights or something like that and can technically get away with not sharing your mate. But they really don't approve of selfish behavior like that here, do they?"
"No," answers Anlo.
" The Zypan mother answers Jonina, " " The Zypan mother nods, " "Since we are all headed in the same direction," Anlo informs Zeta, "they will accompany us for a time."
The next shop they stop at specializes in women's undergarments. There are four brothers running the shop together. Two of the brothers are already occupied with customers. Most of the women of this planet know their sizes, but running this shop is a good way to possibly meet a single female. They usually shop for their own undergarments, often in the company of other female friends, their mother or mother-in-law.
"Here female undergarments are also an accessory," Anlo informs Zeta and Miranda. "Women often drape themselves so a brassiere strap is showing or you get a peek at her underwear on the side."
"What about men and underwear," ask Miranda.
"We rarely wear them," answers Anlo.
"You're kidding," answers Miranda. "Are you seriously standing there with no underwear on?"
Anlo shrugs not sure if he should answer her question.
Miranda can't help herself, she pulls up the back of the skirt of one of her new mates from her new family and finds a bare butt cheek. She quickly lets his skirt fall back into place and puts her hands over his bottom as she says, "Oh, my gosh."
Zeta blushes embarrassed and amused, "I can't believe you just did that."
Miranda and Zeta start laughing, and Miranda's mate that she had partially exposed ask, "What?"
"Why aren't you wearing underwear," ask Miranda.
"I do when needed," he answers.
"Most women here only wear them during their female cycle," shares Anlo.
"That sounds so whorish," says Miranda amused.
Zeta shrugs, "We're on another planet. The rules are different. We both have a lot to learn."
"As do we," says Anlo. "I have learned your language. And I learned a bit about your culture while I was on your world. But there are many things we don't know. All I can tell you is you are wanted here, needed very much. Families like the Zypan's had to qualify to be eligible to receive a human female into their home. They had to have at least one person in the home learn to speak your language fluently was but one requirement. The Zypan's seem to have gone the extra step for you because it seems the whole family has studied your language for you."
Miranda smiles thoughtfully at her new family, "Yeah, they did."
One of the shopkeepers steps over to them, " " " The brother rushes over and tell Anlo and his mother, ""
" " "Hey," Zeta shouts as she grabs his forearms and gives him a shove. Anlo grabs him by the throat.
He insist, ""
" One of the Zypan brothers tells their assistant, " Their assistant begins showing them the styles and colors available in Zeta's size. Zeta tells Anlo, "I like a boy cut like this. They're very comfortable."
Anlo translates to his mother. Jonina tells the assistant, " " Zeta hears Miranda say shocked, "What the hell," and turns to see what's going on. She quickly turns away and says, "Oh my."
"What's going on," ask Miranda, "Is it legal for them to do that in public in front of God and everybody?"
"That is what she has agreed to in trade for the items she wants," one of Miranda's new mates informs her.
"And it is perfectly legal," adds Anlo. "Our laws are not complicated like yours. Our laws are simple. Do not deliberately do harm in any way, shape or form to another. Those that deliberately harm others will be punished. Do your best to amend any accidental harm."
"So she can prostitute herself out in public like that," ask Miranda.
"She may trade whatever she wants for the items she wants or needs," answers Anlo.
"We do not know what prostitute is," says the Zypan mother.
"Is it bad," ask one of the Zypan brothers.
"Yes, it's bad!" Miranda points, "That is bad."
"Mating is bad," ask a Zypan brother confused.
"In public it is," states Miranda.
"I am not sure we understand," says a Zypan brother.
Anlo explains, " "Is it over yet," ask Zeta with her hands over her shut eyes.
"Not yet," answers Anlo.
"Where's that guy that was helping us? When can we get out of here," ask Zeta.
"He went to get the items ika ordered for you," answers Anlo. "Is it really so disturbing?"
Zeta answers, "You have no idea how glad I am my children aren't here right now."
Anlo knows Zeta is a dedicated, loving mother and will always do what she believes is best for them. There are children, mostly boys skittering about, playing games. Parents often bring their children with them to the market. But Zeta wouldn't bring her children here because she wouldn't want them to see anyone mating.
"Anlo," Zeta says with a deep sadness in her voice, "I love you. But when the gate is finished, I can't bring my children here. I can't let them see things like that" Tears begins to race their way down Zeta's cheeks.
" Anlo explains to his mother, " Jonina is not sure what to say to make Anlo feel better. She finally says, " Anlo nods, " " " Jonina tells him, " Anlo thinks he understands as he stands there holding Zeta, waiting for Grie to bring the things his mother requested for Zeta.
Grie returns a minute later with Zeta's bras and panties neatly bundled and tightly tied. They are in black, white, red, green, gold, purple and silver. But when Grie sees how upset Zeta is, he thinks it had something to do with what he did and he gives Jonina a very good deal on the items.
"We are headed to a female wrap shop now," Anlo informs the Zypans. "Please, give us a call later. We would love to have your family over for a visit."
"We would enjoy a visit," responds the Zypan mother. Then she exchanges good-byes with Jonina.
"I'll see ya around, Zeta," calls Miranda.
Zeta gives the Zypans a half-hearted wave good-bye.
In the next shop there is a young woman working with her two brothers. The woman comes over to them and offers her assistance.
Jonina informs the woman, " " " " Zeta nods affirmatively, accepts his kiss and watches him go. Then she stands there as Jonina and the woman hold up different fabrics to her. The fabrics were about two meters wide, several meters long and stunningly beautiful.
" The shopkeeper asks Jonina, " " " Zeta steps closer to the mirror to see herself in the elegant blue cloth. It seems to shimmer in the light like the surface of a crystalline ocean. Zeta has no idea how many lengths of beautifully colored and intricately designed cloth Jonina picks out.
" Bayden steps up and slips the large deep back basket from his back. It stretched from just behind his knees to just above his head. All seven brothers are carrying an identical basket with items to use for trading for the things they don't grow or make themselves. Jonina quickly goes over the trades he made for her and is pleased. Then she returns to haggling with the woman shopkeeper.
Bayden steps over to Zeta and says, "Zeta," holding out a small bouquet of two lovely fuchsia flowers to her.
Zeta accepts the flowers with a modest smile and says, "Doko, Bayden," thanking him for the flowers.
" Jonina answers, " " Jonina shares, ""
"" says Bayden.
Jonina explains, " " Jonina wants all her sons to be happy, but she doesn't like the thought of one of them moving so far away.
Anlo returns to find all his brothers have returned. Zeta has an arm full of five small bouquets of two to three flowers each and his youngest brother, Septimus, has given her a box of candies. Despite the fact that he thinks they're a silly gesture, Anlo got a flower for her.
As Anlo steps up to them, Bayden says to him, " "" states Septimus. Candies here are usually filled with a buggy treat. And flowers usually come with a lively delectable tidbit as well.
"It does not seem an adequate gesture to express how precious you are to me," Anlo tells Zeta, "But I picked this flower out for you."
Zeta accepts the unique and beautiful flower from Anlo. "Oh, Anlo... It's the most exquisite flower I have ever seen. It must have been expensive."
"Perhaps, slightly expensive," admits Anlo. "But I would trade our whole herd of goto for you."
Zeta pushes up onto her toes and gives Anlo a deep kiss.
" Jonina tells them, " Anlo informs Zeta, "We will stop and eat before we go home."
They walk to an outdoor food court. There are many vendors with many choices. Each vendor has their own set of tables and chairs. Plus, there's a circular area with more tables and chairs for anybody. There are also a few walk in restaurants too.
Jonina suggest, " Anlo's brothers each head to a different stand. Zeta shivers at the sight of someone eating a roasted insect of some kind on a stick. Then she spies a couple of guys walking with a huge animal. For a moment, Zeta flashes on the face of a creature in her face and she takes a few hasty steps backwards.
"What is wrong, Zeta," ask Anlo.
"That thing," she says ready to run. "What is that thing?"
"It is a targe," answers Anlo. "A very useful and popular family pet."
"A pet," says Zeta in disbelief.
"Yes," says Anlo. "Ours is named Krag. I told you about it. It is the pet that hurt you accidentally when my brothers took you from the stasis unit while I was busy talking with the Elders' Council."
"What could something like that possibly be used for," ask Zeta. "Is it like a guard dog?"
"We have a soft spot for them," admits Anlo. "We have an ancestor in common with them. They are actually a cousin to us the way gorillas and chimpanzees are a cousin to you. In the past they have been used to guard families and homes and for hunting. They are good at protecting and herding our herd animals like goto. They are both male and female, but are only able to reproduce with their own kind, yet enjoy mating and will allow any male that is safe for recreational mating to mate with it and will mate with any female that is safe for mating."
"What do you mean safe," ask Zeta. "How does it tell if someone is safe?"
"Or something is safe," adds Anlo. "They have an acute sense of smell and taste. They are susceptible to many of the same diseases as ourselves. Yet they are able to smell if someone is not healthy enough to mate with and can smell diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases or bacteria that could be harmful to us. They were instrumental in helping us detect and eradicate diseases that were problematic for us in the past. Now, we have no sexually transmitted diseases."
"So why do you continue to keep such a thing as a pet," ask Zeta.
"This is a world where there are not enough females," explains Anlo. "Every family that has sons has one. Males need a way to relieve themselves sexually."
Zeta makes a disgusted face, "Oh that's disgusting... Wait. Your family has one of those things... You've had sex with it, haven't you? And then you had sex with me after you've had sex with that..."
Anlo sighs, "My sincerest apologies, Zeta, that neither I nor my world are perfect like you and your world. We have nearly zero crime, have virtually eliminated nearly all disease, but none of that is good enough."
" " Jonina's voice is calm and chastising at the same time, " Anlo turns and sees Zeta walking away from them. He runs after her. He puts himself in front of her and takes her shoulders gently. She's crying. "Zeta, where are you going?"
"I don't know," she says through her tears. "I realized I was being judgmental like my in-laws... I don't want to be like them. You don't want someone like them around. I'm so sorry, Anlo. I must seem so ignorant and hateful."
"No, no," Anlo hugs her. "You do not hate. This I know, you are not a person who hates. You are just over whelmed. Please forgive me for raising my voice at you. I should not have done that."
"You have every right to be offended and angry," responds Zeta.
"We have been dragging you around for hours. You should of eaten lunch a couple of hours ago. We have not been attentive to your needs. It may be making you irritable. Let us pick you out something to eat."
They each pick out something to eat from a vendor, and rejoin his family to sit down and eat. Everyone has something different so Zeta can try things. Another family with a human woman sits at a set of tables next to them. And this woman has a young daughter she's holding closely to herself. The men all nod greetings to each other.
The woman seems shy, so Zeta introduces herself, "Hi, I'm Zeta. I'm from Northern Utah on the North American continent."
"I'm Lizzy," the woman answers timidly, barely making eye contact with Zeta, "and this is my daughter, Yara."
"She's adorable," Zeta smiling, "How old is she?"
"Four," answers Lizzy.
"She's the same age as my daughter, Jasmine," Zeta says a little sadly.
"I'm Anlo. We are House Voltrand. Do you know your house name yet?"
The woman doesn't answer and won't look at Anlo.
One of the brothers to be sharing her answers, "We are House Marlus. I am Kesus, the eldest brother of four." His English is very good. He studied hard. "I am sorry. I do not think Lizzy meant to be rude. We picked her and Yara up yesterday. Lizzy just appears to be extremely shy."
"Is that it, Lizzy," ask Zeta. "Are you just painfully shy?"
She tells Zeta, "Not as much shy as I am scared... I was married. My husband beat me. He was arrested while I was pregnant with Yara and I was able to file for divorce, and I was granted it quickly... He kept sending me messages, threats promising that when he gets out of prison, he'll find me. He said I can't leave him and he's going to prove it to me. I didn't tell anyone I was doing this because he always manages to pick information from my family, even my own mother.
I'm not sure how I feel about basically having four husbands all of a sudden. But they promised me that I would never be beaten here, that Yara and I will be safe and well cared for." She wipes away some tears with her palm.
"It was very brave of you, Lizzy," compliments Zeta.
"I don't know about brave," says Lizzy, "More like running scared... I just want a better life for Yara."
Kesus sits by Lizzy, gently takes her hand and kisses the back of it. "I promise you, you and Yara are safe here. You are both going to be well cared for."
Lizzy simply smiles weakly and nods.
Anlo tells Kesus, " Kesus nods his understanding to Anlo as his three brothers return with a tray of food for all of them to share. The brother carrying the tray sits it in the middle of the table. Then Lizzy and Yara scream.
" Zeta rushes over to Lizzy and Yara and gets a glimpse of what's on the tray, an assortment of different types of cooked insects and dipping sauce.
" Zeta comforts Lizzy and Yara. "They're all gone now. They didn't mean to scare you. Apparently, they eat insects regularly here. We had an incident this morning at breakfast. I ended up on the other side of the room ready to pee my pants."
Yara giggles, "You're too big to pee your pants."
"Here on this planet, I'm not big at all," Zeta tells Yara with a smile.
"Are you a vegetarian," Zeta ask Lizzy.
"No," answers Lizzy, "Until about ten seconds ago, I would have said I eat everything."
"One of these vendors has a really good stir-fry deal." Zeta tells Anlo, "Tell Kesus which vendor we got that stir-fry for me from."
Anlo talks to Kesus and his brothers about what Zeta has liked and disliked so far.
Septimus adds, " " "