First day in another world

Noah put the flashlight away as soon as he was ready he light flames on both hands to light up the chamber, he saw three antes near him the size of these ants where of a human adult he focus on the ants and a screen appeared in front of him. ¨Soldier ant level four, the other 2 ants where at level three the stats of the ants range from 6 to 12 with its intelligence stuck at two, with no pause in their movements the ants ran quickly surrounded Noah to attack.

Noah saw the income attacks but the simplicity of the attacks left them open to many counter attacks, Noah summon the sword and covered it with his flame the scorching heat produce by his sword made the ants panic it was an insitual fear of fire but it was to late for them to move back. Noah used his lightning skill technique and made its way to one of the level three ant, since the and was much taller than him he jump and with a flash of his hands he cut the ants head off, a system notification inform him that he had gain some experience points by killing the ant. Noah felt somo energy seeping inside of him restoring somo of his lost stamina, he understood it was the effect of his guatlets.

Noah leap off the dead ant towards the ant on his right it was the closest enemy, he used one hand to block the ants attack and cough the ants arm on his hand the exoskeleton of the ant made a cracking noise as Noah put more force on his grip, the added strength from the guatled showed its might, Noah grinned as he pull the ant towards him but the difference on the weigh shot him toward the ant instead, the ant was slow to react to the quick succession of events. The food standing in front of it was stronger than it had anticipated. Noah extended his sword to pierce the ants thorax, the ant used its other arm to protect its body but it was of no use as the sword pierced both the ants arm and chest the smell of burn insect made its way towards Noah's nostril, he made a disgust expression as he moved his sword to cut the ant in half.

To his surprise there was no notification from the system so noa instantly moved back,just when he moved the ant extended his head to try to bite him. Since he was on a lower level, he could not afford to be bitten by these ants, Noah moved his sword to pierce the ants head and with the flame he burn the ants head to a unrecognisable state. ¨Ding¨ Noah saw how his exp quickly reached 85%, as he turn around to face the other ant, he saw that the ant was fast approaching with an attack aimed at his head, Noah used his sword to parry the ants arm but he was send back these ant was at level four and its strength was 3 points above Noah. Noah stabilise himself and used his lightning skill to move behind the ant he jump to to cut the ants head off he had learned that the weakness of these insects was located at its head. But the ant reaction was fast as it used its leg to puch Noah back.

Noah got annoyed he did not have much time and he saw that another 5 dots where moving towards his location, Noah used his moving technic this time he used his full concentration, in an instant Noah was beside the ant he moved his sword to cut the ant, this time he was successful in cutin tone of the ants legs off.


A deafening sound was made by the ant as its leg was chop of it quickly used its arms to try and catch its prey but the pray banish from its location, as the ant tried to turn around its missing limb made it harder to move an before it completed its movement its head was pierced by sword.

¨Ding, level up¨

Noah stats had an increase of 2 on all of his stats except for his luck, he felt a worm current steam from his inside and to his surprise all of his stamina was restore it sims that one of the effects of leveling up. Noah told the system to put the three states points to his perception, and two to his intelligence, since he got an extra 5 stat point for every level up.

Noah Redfield

Level 2 Human

Strength: 21 (18+3)

Endurance: 16 (13+3)

Perception: 21 (15+3+3)

Agility: 17 (14+3)

Intelligence 16 (11+3+2)

Luck 100

11/100 EXP

¨ Master you have obtain the devastating sword skill would you like to retrieve the skill book ¨ the voice of the system sounded in Noah head it seems that killing these three ants had giving him a level up and a new skill, he nodded his head and a golden book appeared in Noah's hands he quickly open the book to learn the skill, just like the previous time the book disintegrated into light as it pierced his head, bast amounts of knowledge of how to properly grip a sword to the way a sword should be used to kill his opponents appeared in Noah's mind as he memorised every detail of the skill book.

As his eyes open once more he notice that another 5 ants had made its way towards his location this time most of the ants where at level four with one of them at level five. But there was a change since Noah could see the ants silhouette in the darkness the increase in his perception made its usefulness in this situation. Noah dash out toward the ant with a level three above its head since it was the weakest opponent he was in a numerical disadvantage so he could not tardy and let his enemies surround him.

Noah placed himself to one side of the ants by using the momentum of his lightning steps technique he landed a punch on the ants thorax, ¨crack crack¨like a spider web that extended its way on the ant's thorax its exoskeleton was shater blood and organs splatter around the ant. Noah was surprised by the increase of power he had an idea that by combining his lightning steps with his fist technique he could use the added speed to increase the strength of his fist. Noah lit his with his flame to burn the ants inside.


As the ant made its last sound a notification told Noah that his opponent was dead he quickly evaded the attack of the ants, but a leg was thrown at his face with little time to dodge the income attack Noah cover himself with his fist.


Noah was sent flying thankfully most of the damage was absorbed by the gauntlets, still he felt a metallic taste in his mouth ¨cough, cough¨ he cough a mouth full of blood, he was still at a lower level than his opponents it was only thanks to the added points on his endurance and his quick reaction that he did not suffer a deadly wound.

¨Damn you insect¨ Noah cursed in his head he did not notice the ants attack until it was almost upon him it seems that it was the strongest ant even when it was at the same level as the other ants it was probably nearing level six. With his anger bubbling inside of him he channel his will towards his lottus core and like gasoline making contact with a spark. ¨Booom¨ Noah was cover with flames even when this would consume more mana than just covering his fist with his flames he did not hesitate with his decision he had not lost himself on his rage, the increase in his intelligence was correlated with his mana pool besides if he did not increase his attacking power he could die under this insects.

Noah imagine his fire covering all of the walls and burning his enemies and just like he imagine his flames quickly extended everywhere, the ants dispersed to evade the fire, Noah was waiting for this exact moment it was difficult to kill an ant when it was surrounded by his allies but once they disperse they became easier to deal with, he made his way toward a level four ant that was farthest from the other ants.


Noah sword easily cut the ants head off with the knowledge he obtain from the skill book, he had a better time decapitating his opponent, the sword in his hand felt more familiar to him it was like he had train with this sword for many years. ¨Two down, three more to go¨ Noah said as the system notify him that the ant was dead, he saw the location of the other ants and quickly chased after them.

swish, swish

Another head was chop off Noah did not know that the ants fear of fire was so massive it practically left them open for any attack as they made their escape it was like they had to warn the others of the impending doom, as Noah was going to chase the other ant he was intercepted by the ant that had send him flying but this time Noah dodge to one side and used his sword to cut one of the ants leg off. The ant did not stop its attack it was intending to dye with this human. ¨Master you cant let the other ant warn the other¨ as the system notify Noah, he was quick to react he grabbed the ants arm and with all of his strength broke them, he jump towards the ants head and with a swift kick the ants head was sent fling.

Noah notice that the last ant was nearing a corner but before the ant left his field of view he threw his sword toward the ants head. The ant had no time to react as the sword speed was faster than the ants.


The ants head was nailed on the wall green blood splatter everywhere ¨ufff,¨ Noah sighted a breath of relief he had no time to chace the ant, losing time chasing after an ant would only lead him deeper into the ant colony. Noah took a look at his mini map and located the tonel that lead to the exit there were 12 more ants on the way of the exit and they were making their way towards him, Noah smiled the fight was far from over but he had quickly learn how to deal with the ant soldiers now he saw them as exp bags.

Noah ran towards the exit he also saw many red dots located underneath him making their way towards his position, he increase his speed and quickly located two ants with level 3 and 4. This time Noah decided to kill the highest level enemy first, he dodge the incoming attacks and placed himself behind the ant, he threw a kick at the ants abdomen, he used the same technique of throwing his sword to deal with the other ant. Green blood rain around Noah, but he only smiled as the system voice rang in his head.

¨Level up¨

¨ Perfect timing,¨ Noah said with a happy tone, he put all 5 attribute point on his agility he had little time so an increase on his speed would make his escapes much smoother. He had another 10 ants to kill on his way out, hopefully the outside of the ant colony is not as dangerous. Noah used his lightning steps technique and noticed a vast improvement with his speed, in no time he was already approaching the remaining ants.

Unfortunately or fortunately these ants were all together guarding the entrance of the colony, one of this ants looked different from the rest it was a level 6 ant, Noah did not put much thought on the matter, but the system warn him ¨ Master every 5 levels a beast goes true a great change so don't look down on that ant since it has surpass level five.¨

Noah took a look at his surroundings and was spotted by the ant with the highest level, it made a sound and like a command the rest of the ants made their way to surround Noah. Noah used his speed as his advantage he dodge all of the attacks but he did not attack he could not afford to get intagle with one ant and get attack by the rest of them besides the ant with the highest level had not made its moved, noah told the system to keep a look at the level six ant with he kill some of the weaker ants.

Noah summoned his sword and started to gush out flames from his body the sudden appearance of the fire send the ants into a frenzy just like last time, Noah used this time to jump and with a swing from his sword the ants head was sent rolling towards the ground, he was quick to chase another ant but before he got the chance to kill the insect, he heard the sound of the level six ant.


The remaining 8 ants halted their retreat, their eyes turn from black to red. Noah notice the change in the ants appearance but the changes did not end there the atmosphere surrounding the ants change, before the battle cry from the ant this opponents where like exp bags but now they look a lot more furrocious, Noah got goosebumps on the back of his neck as he saw the changes on his opponents. As he look once more at the level six ant he notice that the ants size had increase it made the other ants look smaller but the name above the ants head had also changed to.

¨Level 6 Ant Commander¨

¨Dam¨ Noah cursed inside his head he had lost the advantage he had with his flames all because of this show off, ¨Scream all you want,but I will still cut you head off you stupid insect,¨ Noah tough as he made his way toward the exit, it looked like the changes in this ants halted their movements so he took the opportunity to exit the colony.

As Noah was stepping outside he heard the sound of the wind, he moved to one side to evade the income attack. ¨Bam, crack¨a massive fist landed on the floor splitting the rock. ¨Don't worry am not running away am just using the narrow space of the exit to fight you one on one¨ Noah said to the ants commander in a mocking tone.

Noah got ready to kill the opponents and if reinforcements made it before he could kill all of the ants he would just flee there was no need to throw his life away, he still had a lot of time in this dimension to further increase his levels. The only reason he did not run away and stopped to fight was because he had a nagging feeling that if he manage to kill the ant commander he would be heavily rewarded for his efforts.