Unlocking Potential

[A new skill has been created]

As Shaheer sat calmly in his seat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through him. He had just discovered a new skill, and he was eager to test it out. The skill, called "Observe," was a vague definition, but as a gamer, Shaheer understood that it was similar to the appraisal skills in games. He decided to test it out on Taqarrub, his longtime rival.

As he focused on Taqarrub, a see-through blue panel appeared in front of him, displaying some information about his classmate. Shaheer read the information displayed on the panel, which read:



[The last of his sect as a war broke out between the black and red dragon tribes. He was safely sent away before the red dragon tribe was annihilated without a single person being spared. Someone has sealed his immense power inside him due to which his true potential is still unknown.]

Shaheer was surprised by the information displayed on the panel. He had never heard of a war in recent years and was not aware of any sects named black or red dragon. This new information made Shaheer's blood boil with excitement. He realized that despite Taqarrub's immense power, he had always been holding back. This meant that Shaheer could finally go all out against him once he unlocks his full potential.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of class, Shaheer couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He had discovered some interesting people and information during the school day. He received a notification that his observe skill had leveled up by +1, but he ignored it, focusing on the task at hand.

As Shaheer and Taqarrub walked out of the classroom, Taqarrub turned to him and said, "So, are you free today? My gramps has been waiting for you to come for ages now." Shaheer was taken aback, as Taqarrub had been inviting him to his house for a long time, but he had always rejected the invitation. But today, to Taqarrub's surprise, Shaheer said yes.

As they rode Shaheer's bike to Taqarrub's house, Shaheer couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness. Taqarrub kept asking him what had changed his mind, but Shaheer was too focused on the task at hand to answer. He had come up with a thousand scenarios in his head of what would happen when he met Taqarrub's gramps.