WebNovelTHE GAMER13.04%

The Reveal of Shaheer Usui: A Force to be Reckoned With

"[A new skill has been created]

This notification came into view when they reached their destination. Shaheer sneakily tapped the screen and was not surprised after seeing the skill as it made sense.

[Skill name: Bike Riding (Passive)

Level: 1

Uses: Helps you improve your bike riding skills.]

They entered the house and Shaheer felt like he had broken through a thin invisible barrier. As soon as he entered, a flurry of notifications came into view.


[You have entered the territory of the Green Snakes.]


[You have received the buff of healing. 5% of your base stat INT]


[You have received the buff of speed. 5% of your base stat AGI]


[You are being targeted with the natural element of nature.]


[Your received buffs are cancelled due to the element not recognizing you as a member of the Green Snakes]

Despite the notifications, Shaheer didn't feel any changes in his body, which surprised him. He had always been aware of any changes to his body due to his keen senses and tremendous control over it. This was also the first time he had ever felt the sensation of tearing through a barrier upon entering, despite having been to this house on numerous occasions.

They came to the training grounds where his gramps was training his students. He immediately turned towards them with a cold, sharp glare directed at Shaheer, as if he already knew they were coming. He came forward but never took his eyes off Shaheer. He could feel an unnatural flow around him that hadn't been there before. He even doubted that it was the same person, but still kept his calm.

Shaheer, being respectful of strength, bowed down slightly, similar to Taqarrub as he said.

"Afternoon, old man."

He wasn't simply teasing him by calling him "old man", it was due to his appearance. This old man had a small white beard and wore a green robe with the sides of his head covered in white hairs, while the middle part was bald.

Shaheer already knew how strong he was, as he was a well-known personality in the world of martial arts. Many students would give away all their wealth just to get a single lesson under his wing.

But never had Shaheer witnessed this old man's strength, nor was he able to guess it by looking at him, like others.



Shaheer took a glance and wasn't surprised to see the question marks, as he knew that his ability was somewhat like a game, and if the level difference was too huge, then the level wouldn't show.

The old man shook his hand while still glaring at him, as he ordered Taqarrub to go see his sister, as she needed some help. His intentions were clear that he wanted to talk with Shaheer privately.

'YES SIR!" Taqarrub yelled with a hint of pride in his voice, as he had completed the task of bringing Shaheer home.

As soon as Taqarrub went away, the old man's expression shifted to a stern one as he asked with a cold voice.

"Who are you?" His glare was enough to petrify anyone who stood in his way.

"I am Shaheer Usui," Shaheer declared with a voice that boomed like thunder, his eyes gleaming with confidence and power. He stood tall, his shoulders squared and his chin held high, a carefree smile playing on his lips as if he found the old man's pressure trick amusing. "And I will not be intimidated by your glare, for I am not just anyone. I am a force to be reckoned with, a master of my own destiny, and a true warrior in every sense of the word." He met the old man's gaze with a fierce determination, daring him to question his identity again. This was Shaheer, and he would not be denied.