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The New Shaheer: A Test of Skills

He was going for the exit after practicing his new-found skills, now he would need one more breathing technique to see the effects of the fusion skill. As he held the handle of the exit door, a sweet but loud voice called out his name and when he turned towards the source of the voice, Maha was running towards him while signaling him to stop.

"Observe," Shaheer mumbled under his breath.



The only daughter of the leader of the Green Snakes sect with her two brothers. The most talented among her siblings, hence the title of captain was granted to her.]

She wasn't the most attractive beauty but a beauty indeed as she was short but chubby in the right areas, with black long hairs and clothing of someone who holds a nick for fashion.

Shaheer waited for her to come while he checked her information. They both exchanged pleasantries as it has been some time since they last met.

"Shaheer, if you can spare some time would you spar with me?" she said while making a begging face.

"You seem pretty confident, have you finally figured out how to defeat me?" Shaheer asked as he could see the confidence hidden those fake expressions.

"Why? Would you not like it if a girl kick your ass once in a while?" Maha said while smirking.

"A bold statement from someone who has never won." Shaheer said with a carefree expression, sprinkling salt in her wounds.

As she was never allowed to go all out with her hidden powers on Shaheer, she had never won a match on a fair ground as she was a straight forward fighter.

"This time the result might be different." She said while she swished her hand and made a fist to encourage herself.

"You should know I'm not the same as I was before." Shaheer was concerned that he might break her confidence but little did he know the fight had already started.

Maha launched herself towards Shaheer, her fists flying with a flurry of punches. Shaheer's senses seemed to increase, allowing him to see the punches in slow motion. He could feel the power behind each strike and knew that Maha was not holding back. He could see the determination in her eyes, and for a moment, he felt a spark of excitement. He dodged and countered with precision, feeling the rush of adrenaline as the two of them fought.

Maha was a skilled fighter, and Shaheer could see her adapting to his moves, trying to find a way to defeat him. But he was one step ahead, his new-found skills giving him an edge in the fight. He could feel the energy flowing through his body, and it was invigorating.

As the fight went on, Maha pulled out a hidden weapon, a boomerang, and launched it at Shaheer. But he was ready, his heightened senses allowing him to react quickly and jump sideways, dodging the boomerang as it swished through the place where his head was moments ago.

Maha was thrown off by Shaheer's speed and agility, and she couldn't believe that he had managed to dodge her attack. But Shaheer was not done yet, he could see the disappointment in her eyes and he knew that she was not going to give up easily.

The fight continued, and Shaheer could feel himself getting stronger, his movements becoming smoother and more powerful. He could feel the energy flowing through his body.

Maha was not one to be underestimated, and she quickly adapted to Shaheer's new found strength. She began to use her boomerang more strategically, throwing it in quick succession to keep Shaheer on his toes. Shaheer, however, was not easily outdone. He had been training for years, and his reflexes were sharp. He dodged each throw with precision and grace, his body moving like a dancer as he weaved through the projectiles.

As the fight raged on, Shaheer could feel the energy coursing through his veins. He was in the zone, his body and mind working in perfect harmony. He saw an opening and took it, lunging towards Maha with a powerful punch. She blocked it with her boomerang, but Shaheer was not deterred. He continued to press the attack, his fists becoming a blur as he landed a series of quick jabs.

Maha was taken aback by Shaheer's new found power and speed. She had never seen him fight like this before. She knew she had to change her tactics if she wanted to win. She feinted to the left, and when Shaheer followed her movement, she swung her boomerang in a wide arc, aiming for his legs.

Shaheer saw the attack coming and quickly jumped over the boomerang, landing behind Maha. He took advantage of her momentary confusion and delivered a powerful kick to her back, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Maha quickly regained her footing, her eyes blazing with determination. She knew she was outmatched, but she was not ready to give up yet. She launched another series of boomerang attacks, her movements becoming more and more frenzied as she tried to find a way to defeat Shaheer.

Shaheer, however, was not to be beaten. He was in complete control of the fight, his body moving with fluid grace as he dodged and parried each of Maha's attacks. He could see the frustration and defeat in her eyes, and he knew that the fight was all but over.

With one final, powerful strike, Shaheer landed a punch square on Maha's jaw, knocking her unconscious. He stood victorious, his body slick with sweat, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He had done it, he had fused the two martial arts styles and had become a stronger, more powerful fighter. He couldn't wait to see what other secrets the Green Snakes sect had to offer.

As he looked down at the unconscious Maha, a sense of triumph and satisfaction filled him. The sweat on his skin glistened in the warm sun, and the grass beneath his feet felt cool and damp against his toes. He had proven himself, and he was ready for whatever came next.

After waking her up, Shaheer said with a carefree smile, "I warned you."

"Nice dodge," a compliment came flying towards Shaheer as he noticed the voice belonged to someone he knew. It was Haroon Afridi, who was standing a few feet away, watching the fight.


Shaheer noticed that Haroon did not have a title, just like any normal person. But his level was not the type Shaheer was used to seeing. Haroon was the youngest of all the siblings, but unlike others, he was not a battle maniac and had never asked to spar with Shaheer before.

"Thank you, I would love to share some pointers with you anytime you want," Shaheer said, already knowing the answer.

"Sure, someday," Haroon said while moving back towards the house. He was definitely escaping.

"I would take my leave now," Shaheer casually said as he exited through the door, leaving a dumbfounded Maha behind. "Hopefully, someday you could fight me without your restrictions."

Shaheer walked away from the training field, feeling the cool breeze on his skin and the sun on his face. He was content, knowing that he had become stronger through this fight and that there were more challenges to come.