WebNovelTHE GAMER47.83%


Shaheer started the engine of his bike with a press of a button and put on his helmet. As he rode towards his home, his eyes caught a glimpse of a car going in the opposite direction. Above the car, a text was displayed:


The level caught Shaheer's attention, but it was the title that made him pause. He wondered who could possibly be spying on him, and from which world it could be coming from. But he quickly dismissed the thought, knowing that there were too many variables for him to consider. Instead, he focused on figuring out what he needed to do next to become stronger. As the old man had said, he was still at the starting line in this dangerous world.

As he walked into his house, the smell of curry greeted him and he was greeted by his little sister Javeria, her big round eyes full of energy and her hair in a high ponytail. She was only seven years old, ten years younger than Shaheer.


Shaheer was relieved to see that his sister didn't have any title.

"You didn't buy it, did you?" she asked, pouting.

"What if I did?" Shaheer replied, playfully pinching her cheeks.

"Then I would have given you a star wish of mine," she said, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh, then why don't you bring that to my room?" Shaheer said, pulling out a box containing feathers of pigeons and eagles from his bag.

Javeria's eyes widened in surprise and she started jumping with joy. "Now my project will be completed, thank you brother," she said, hopping towards her room.

As he walked into the kitchen, he found his mother sitting on a stool, staring into a boiling pot. She seemed deep in thought.

SABA USUI (Lv.??) ???

Shaheer was used to seeing this, but he couldn't help but feel concerned. If there were question marks on her level, it could only mean that she was above level 50. And the question marks on her title only added to his confusion. He never would have imagined that his mother could be so strong. She was beautiful and could have been a top model, but she had chosen a career as a beautician. Her ash green hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her snow white face glimmered with beauty. Even in deep thought, she looked like an angel.

"I'm home," Shaheer said, breaking his mother out of her thoughts.

"Hey handsome, you're home early today. Skipping activities again? It's fine to come home early sometimes, but you need to exercise regularly to maintain that physique, okay?" his mother said with a playful grin.

Shaheer nodded and his mother asked him to freshen up before dinner. "I noticed the curry. Would you mind bringing some to my room?" Shaheer asked.

"Sure, anything else, sire?" his mother replied with a mock bow, pretending to take orders from someone with authority. It was all just a playful joke between them, but Shaheer's next words caught her off guard.

"I would like to know you better," Shaheer said with a carefree smile, before turning to walk upstairs to his room.

His mother's expression turned serious as she realized that Shaheer's words were not idle. She knew that her son didn't make pointless remarks.

She looked at her son with playful eyes, but Shaheer could sense a hint of unease in her demeanor. The spicy aroma of the curry wafted through the air as she spoke, "You already know me enough." Shaheer knew that his mother was not one to open up about her personal life, but his question had clearly made her uncomfortable. He didn't want to push her, so he maintained his carefree smile and turned to walk upstairs to his room. The wooden stairs creaked beneath his feet as he made his way to his sanctuary, leaving his mother to deal with her own demons. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to her than what met the eye, but he knew it was not his place to pry.