

"Ouch!" Lina exclaims as she holds on to her stinging forehead.

She opens her eyes and sees Jia closest to her, she must have slapped her in her sleep. The twins slept with her last night, and they sleep like an octopus wriggling around. As the only way to avoid more physical abuse from her bed mates, Lina got up and changed clothes.

When she went down, her mother and Mrs Grace are by the dining table with so many pictures and other stuff she refused to think about scattered all over the table. She greeted them good morning.

"Nana, how are you feeling?" her mother asked as Lina moved closer. Maria babied Lina for a little bit.

Henry waited for Maria last night by the living room and told her what happened earlier in the day, assuring her that she's okay. When she went up to see her in her room, she was already sleeping, the twins haphazardly sleeping on the bed beside her.

"Go sit by the living room, I'll request for your food to be brought there if you don't want to see these." she tells Lina. "Unless you want to be involved in it?"

"Ha ha, funny mother. I'm not yet hungry, I'll just walk around a bit."

Lina said and stepped out of the door leading to the vast backyard of the house, Sam was there to walk with her.

"Sam!" She happily hugs the guy, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, was just a bit hangover yesterday but I'm 100% now."

"That's good. Do you have any idea on what happened to us?" Lina asked worriedly.

"We're working on it", Sam assures her, "Don't worry. we'll take care of it."

She nodded and they continued on their walk together. Enjoying the morning sun and fresh air. The morning walk should help clear her mind but it keeps going back to Henry and the impending marriage.

She sighed as they reached a big tree in the garden. She leaned against it and closed her eyes. Taking deep breaths, trying to calm her mind.

"Sam, I'm scared." She admitted to her constant companion for the past few years of her life.

With the bond they have created throughout the years. Being together months at a time. Sam knows she's referring to the marriage than what had happened in the club.

"Look Lina, if you don't want to do it, don't do it. We'll take you away if needed. Nobody can force you to do anything." Sam confidently told Lina.

The sky ominously let out a rumble, soft roar of thunder, coming from afar after Sam was done talking. They didn't pay it any attention.

"Should I just do that?" Lina perked up at that idea, she hasn't given it a thought before. "run from it all. I don't want to marry Henry. Not like thi…oomph!"

Boom! Lightning struck the tree she was leaning on and hit a big branch right above her and fell to where she was standing on. With Sam's reflex, she tackled Lina to the side, where they both fell to the ground, but safely avoided the falling tree branch.

'Catalina!" she heard her father call, followed by her stepfathers' call.

"Lina, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Sam was touching Lina's arms, to see for himself if she's hurt. Frantically looking all over her. All of a sudden, he was pushed out of the way.

"Lina, say something, are you hurt?" Henry was there in place of Sam now and checking her over.

When Tomas and Na Donghoon - her stepfather, Maria's husband and the twins' father, reached the trio huddled on the floor, Tomas took over.

"Catalina! Get it together! He tells her loudly, shaking her slightly.

Donghoon slightly slapped her face, "Nana. Nana!"

That woke her up from her shock "The tree…" she pointed out, unable to say anything beyond that.

"We saw, are you hurt?", her father asked.

"No Papa, I don't think so."

They assisted her to stand and Lina winced as soon as she fully stood up.

Donghoon crouched down and looked at her foot, "It's alright, seems like a slight sprain only. She must have twisted it earlier as they fell. Are you okay Sam?" Being a professional football trainer, Donghoon is familiar with injuries, especially sprains.

"Yes, I'm okay." Sam responded. He is still worried about Lina.

Tomas agreed with Donghoon's assessment, being a retired football player himself and now working as a gaffer, he also had his fair share of sprains in his life.

And yes, Lina's mother only likes male athletes, it seems - footballers in particular.

Tomas braced Lina's back with her arms over his shoulder, the group hobbled slowly towards the house. Lina saw how many people are there! Bunch of them!

Her stepmother is there together with his two brothers and grandparents. Henry's entire family is also there. Before Lina can greet anybody, the adrenaline started wearing off of her body and she started shaking. Henry quickly held Lina's shoulders and told everybody in the room. "I'll take her up to her room first."

Lina's youngest brother followed the two of them with a glass of water as they walked up the stairs.

Henry sat Lina in the living room of his suite and pulled the coffee table closer and raised her sprained foot. Mateo, her youngest brother, sat next to her. He placed the cup of water on the side table and asked her, "Are you okay, Nana?"

"I'm fine Mateo. It's just a sprain." She assured him with a smile.

Donghoon came up a little later after them with an ice compress. He placed it on her raised foot and sat next to her. Henry was just standing by the side watching them.

"When did you get here?" she asked her stepfather.

"Well when your mother told me about what was happening when she got here, I thought you might need back up."

"Right. So did you tell her to stop?"

"You know I can only give you moral support Nana, this is your mother we are talking about."

She shared a laugh with her stepfather.

After a few minutes Tomas came in with Henry's father and told Mateo to go down for a bit.

"I don't think I like where this is going." Lina whispered; her stepfather just held her hand.

"It's really hard for me to say this," Tomas started, "but I think we have to give this a try Lina."

She knew it!

"NO!" Lina cried, and buried her face into Donghoon's arms not wanting to look at her father. Crying, she asked her father why.

"Because of this!" he points to Lina's foot raised in the coffee table in front of her.

"I have spoken to your mother about what happened the past few days. Even your stepmom had the same dream, Catalina. What am I supposed to do when I cannot explain any of it?" Tomas helplessly asked his daughter. He did not want to agree to any of it but there's too much coincidences to think of it as a simple matter. She has had multiple accident within 24 hours, that does not bode well on him.

"We cannot take the risk of you getting hurt more.", Donghoon agreed with Tomas as he soothes Lina who is uncontrollably crying her eyes out.

"What if he's the one bringing me bad luck?" Lina asked passionately, pointing to Henry.

As soon as she said that, the glass Mateo placed on the side table earlier fell to the floor and smashed into pieces.

"Ouch!" Lina exclaimed and touched her calf. She is bleeding!