Separation Anxiety

Lina stood up quickly from the floor before Henry can help her up and stepped back, a few steps from the sofa. Henry was about to stand up to check on her with a worried frown on his face with her jerky movement.

"Stop! Stay there." Lina told him. Followed by, "What did you say, practice? What were you practicing? Porn?"

"No, they were doing it in the movie." Henry explained.

Lina looked towards the movie that is showing the actress being chased by the masked murdered. She went to the player and shut the thing off. The silence was deafening.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked her as she took deep breaths to calm down her heart and mind.

"You said you wouldn't!" Lina accused him, ignoring his question

"I didn't." Henry calmly answered. "Nana, come here so we can talk." He added gently.

Lina walked towards the sofa and sat next to him, with a bit of distance. Henry grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked again.

"No, I'm fine." Lina answered him.

"Did you like not what we just did? Or were you uncomfortable? Were you hurt?"

Blushing with the question he just asked her. "It's okay." Lina whispered, not looking at him.

Henry moved closer to her and raised her head with his hand so she looks at him. "You need to be honest about this, baby. I need to know exactly what you like and don't like."

Lina just nodded in response.

"So, do you mean what we did just now is okay?" Henry pushed.

"Yeah." Lina answered honestly. "But it's different, I'm not sure, it felt weird."

"Bad weird or just weird because it's new for you?"

"I think, it's not bad."

"That's good, baby. I need you to trust me, I won't force you to do things you don't want to so just tell me if you don't like it. If you don't like what I do, tell me to stop. If you're uncomfortable, ask me. I will keep trying to introduce new things and experiences between us. Don't freak out and remember that I will always to take care of you first and that I will listen to you."

Lina nodded again and Henry kissed her on the lips. Just to reassure her and can't help but tease her, "So you liked that, huh?"

Lina pinched his cheek as he laughed and said, "Let's go to bed, its late."

They went up to bed but not long after that, their alarm went off already, they had to fly out early morning from Kulu due to the flight scheduling in the airport, there's only one airport in the island. Used to sleeping in for the past few days, Lina immediately adjusted her seat and slept in the plane until Henry woke her up upon the plane's descent.

Novaly, Anemopolis

Sam and John were at the tarmac waiting for them when they arrived. Only Wang came down with them and got into the cars. Swiftly whisking them inside the tinted cars and drove straight home. Her home.

It's a modern Asian inspired house that makes people feel comfortable and at home immediately. Lina stays in enough pristine and cold hotel rooms as she travels for work. So she made sure her home feels inviting, warm and cozy.

Due to the interest of the public on her personal life, the media and paparazzi is always trying to catch her every move. She's on high demand for any gossip or pictures because she's very private even when doing interviews, she doesn't share anything personal but keeps it about her job only. People have very little knowledge of her personal life which makes them hungry for more. The house is almost blanketed by high trees, completely fenced parameter and high tech security. Even though it's in a gated community, some determined people still find ways and tricks to find where she lives and enter so they have to take every precaution available.

This now comes in handy in hiding her new husband. Whenever Lina is photographed dining or chatting, even simply walking with an unknown person, speculations fly. The headlines will be huge if they see her with the Wu Henry.

When they entered her house, she took the quiet Henry on a quick house tour. He will only be there for a few hours so this is the best they can do so he can be familiar with the house which will also be his house now. She already informed her housekeepers what to prepare for lunch.

When they reached her bedroom, she hesitated but pushed the door open.

"Here's my room, which I guess will also be your room now. Unless you want your own room?" She asked him.

Snickering at her question and following her in, "No chance, baby." He went to check the attached bathroom and the closet.

"I like it. I just need a small space in that closet." He told her and laid down on the bed, on top of the bedding, closing his eyes.

Lina looked at his face, the relaxed aura is gone from him already. The teasing personality that had sweetly tortured her the past 4 days seems to have flown away. He was so serious from the time he woke her up this morning. Even when he said goodbye to Mr and Mrs Lanny, it was stiff and formal.

Lina moved closer to where he's lying down, "Are you feeling okay? Are you sick?" and reached out to touch his forehead.

Henry's hand reached out to grab her hand, pulled her into the bed and crouched over her. Lina lying down, her back on the bed with Henry over her, straddling her hips. His one arm stretched out to lift him up a little bit from her, so he can look at her.

"Let me kiss you some more." he said as he closed the distance and kissed her. This is unlike a kiss they had before. The others were light and sexy. But this kiss feels heavier and darker. With the way he pressed her down and the urgency of his lips and tongue, Lina feels like he wants to absorb her into his soul. And then he broke the kiss, breathing hard, he laid his forehead into her with his eyes closed.

"Three months won't happen." He said as he pushed himself off the bed and pulled her to stand too. And pulled her further to hug her, engulf her in his arms and keep her tight. Kissing her hair, inhaling her, breathing her in.

"We'll be fine." Henry said it in a way that sounds like he's convincing himself more than her.

The knock on the door disturbed the couples quiet moment. "Food is ready." Josie, her housekeeper, calls out from the door.

"We'll be right there." Lina responded, as cool as she can while still being squished in Henry's chest.

"Henry, are you okay?"

"Yes, I just don't want to let you go yet. Let's go and eat." Henry responded but he's still not moving from his position, not letting her go.

After a few more minutes, he loosened his hold on her. Held her face in his hands and kissed her all over her face non-stop which made her giggle. After one last kiss on her lips, he grabbed her hand in his and he led the way downstairs to eat.