Chapter 10: My Very First Quest!

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



[Hey, time to wake up!]

[Hello??? Wake up Arthrall!!]

{Hmm. . . What??}

[I said, it is time to wake up!]

{Oh, alright. Thank you!}

After my quick wake up call from Zoe, I started to open my eyes slowly. When they started to open, I saw something black lying on my chest.

"Orion?" I asked the black thing on my chest.


"Are you on my chest?" I asked in confusion.

{{Yes, I am currently on your chest. Is that a problem?}}

"No, it isn't." I told him.

I started to look around until my eyes finally focused. Then I saw Arialle sitting next to me sleeping, I decided to let her sleep. I then got up slowly from my bed that I was on, no idea of where I'm at. I got out of bed, and I told Orion to stay and protect Arialle while I was gone. I opened the door and walked outside to the hallway, when I noticed Faylin walking towards me.

"Hi Faylin!" I said to her.

"Oh Arthrall, you are awake! Phillip would like to see you back in the training area inside the building." She told me.

"Alright, thank you!" I thanked her while I was walking towards the training area she mentioned to me.

I had just gotten to the training area when I started to hear people chatting. I walked inside, and I saw Phillip talking with someone I didn't recognize.

"Hey Phillip, I was told you wanted to talk to me?" I asked him.

"Ahh, Arthrall. I wanted to talk to you about your class and what you plan on doing." He said to me.

"Alright!" I exclaimed.

"So as you know, you can shoot a bow, fight with a sword (sort of), and can enchant your weapons with magic. You are not a Battle Mage, but a Battle Ranger. I know it sounds almost the same, but the difference mostly, is the fact you can use magic to enhance any weapon you hold. As in with Battle Mages they can greatly enhance the magic they fight with." He explained to me.

"Oh, alright. I think I understand." I said to him with a little confusion in my voice.

"I can tell you are a little confused, but it is alright! Now to explain what had happened to you earlier. You ended up using all of your mana. Now since you used your ability only one time, I can assume your mana is really low. I wouldn't use that ability again until you are stronger. Cause if you do, you can end up either, hurting yourself, or killing yourself." He said to me very seriously.

"Ohh. . ." I said with a shocked look on my face.

"Yes it can be pretty scary, but you will get stronger and better at this! Now there are other classes out there, but I'm not going to say all of them right now. It would take awhile to tell you all of them, and to explain what they do. Now I've got a question for you. What do you plan on doing now?" He asked me.

"Umm. . . I guess start off with simple and easy quests until I'm positive I can handle something bigger. I also need to get a bow and some arrows in order to fight. I don't really like using the sword. I also need to train Orion." I said after thinking about it for a short moment.

"Hmm, alright. By the way, who is Orion?" He asked.

"Oh, he is my companion, the dragon from earlier." I told him with a smile on my face.

"Where is he?" He then asked me.

"Oh, he is currently protecting Arialle. I told him to show her where I was. Hey, I've actually got a question for you. Am I able to speak to Orion without talking out loud?" I asked him.

"Yes you can, just not at his or your current level." He said.

"Oh, alright then." I said with a little bit of a frown.

"Now, you said you needed a bow correct? You can borrow one from here and same with the arrows, until you make enough money to buy your own." He told me.

"Oh wow!! Thank you!!" I exclaimed.

I then walked over to where the short bow was at and picked it up. I then picked up the quiver and arrows that was sitting on a table next to the bows. There was roughly about 40 arrows inside of the quiver.

"Now, since you have your bow and arrows, I do believe it is time for you to go out front, and receive a badge, or ring stating what rank you are in the Guild." He then told me.

"Alright, thank you again for the test, and help earlier!" I said to him while walking out of the training area. I then turned towards the front of the building, and walked out to the waiting lines. It only took me about 20 minutes to be next in line.

{{She is awake. Heading towards you now!}}

"Hmm. . ."

"Hey there Arthrall!" Said Faylin.

"Hey Faylin, I was told by Phillip to head on up here to reach a badge or ring from you guys." I told her.

"That is correct, only you get to choose whether you want a badge or ring." She told me.

"Do they have anything special about them?" I asked her.

"Not really. For the rank you are there is nothing special about them, but the later ranks you can get perks with them. I will explain to you what those are once you hit the rank that the perks go with." She said to me.

"Ahh ok!" I exclaimed.

"Now for the rank you are currently getting, is called the Copper Rank. You can do Copper Rank quests, and that is it. Once you do a couple of them, you will be promoted up to Bronze Rank. After you hit Bronze Rank, you can do Bronze or Copper Rank quests. They higher you go the more quests you can do from previous ranks." She explained to me.

"Awesome! I guess I will go with a ring for now. Can I change it to a badge later?" I asked her.

"Yes you can, just let one of us know when you want to change it to a badge instead of a ring." She told me.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, then here is your ring, and now go over to the quest board and grab your very first quest!" She said to me with a big smile on her face.

I grabbed the ring, and put it on. It was bigger than my middle finger, but then it shrunk down to the size of my middle finger. I was actually surprised by the magic effect of the ring, I wasn't expecting it. Then I went towards the quest bored. They had quest ranks ranging from Copper Rank all the way to Diamond Rank. Since I was a Copper Rank, I went towards those quests. While I was looking at the quests, Arialle walked into the big room with Orion on her shoulder. I waved at them, and they started walking over towards me. While they were walking, I turned towards the quests. I saw quests that were killing monsters, to collecting berries, collecting money, being a chaperone, and etc. I decided to look at the killing monster quests. There were only 2 types of monsters for the Copper Rank, so I looked at them. There were either slimes or goblins. I decided to look at the slime quests, and they ranged from killing 5 to 25 slimes. I decided to go with killing 15 slimes, I figured that would be a good starting quest.

"Hey Arthrall, how are you feeling?" Arialle asked me once she got to where I was.

"I'm doing alright, I currently just picked out my first quest, and about to take it back to Faylin to start it!" I told her.

"Awesome, I'll follow you to make sure you are able to handle it!" She told me.

"Alright. Orion hop to my shoulder." I told Orion.

Orion then jumped over to my shoulder from hers. Then we walked back over to Faylin, luckily she didn't have anyone in her line.

"Hey Faylin, I decided to go with this quest!" I told her.

"Awesome! Then let me add it to your paperwork here, and then you can be on your way! Arialle you going to watch him for a bit to make sure he figures out how to kill them?" She asked Arialle.

"Yes I will! Don't worry, I will make sure nothing happens to him for now!" Arialle told Faylin.

"That is good! Now that I've added it to your paperwork, I want you to go outside the wall, and kill some slimes!" She told me.

"Alrighty, that sounds like a plan!" I exclaimed to her.