A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!
"Are you going to be coming with me?" I asked Arialle.
"No, I've got some stuff that I have to take care of here first." She said to me.
"Alright, I'll catch you later tonight then!" I said to her while walking out of the Adventurer's Guild.
I walked outside of the building, and then I turned towards the direction of the town's gate. While I was walking, I decided to take a look at Orion. I was thinking of having him fight with me.
{Hey Zoe, I've got a question for ya.}
[Alright, what is it?]
{Do you think Orion can help me with my quest?}
[Hmm. . . He might be a little young for it, but I would ask him to see if he wants to or not.]
"Hey Orion."
"Do you want to help me with my quest?"
{{Hmm. . . Not sure what I am able to do, but I would love to help you with it if I am able too!}}
I walked a bit further, and we had just reached the gate. Luckily I didn't have to wait in line at this time, the lines only seem to be for coming into town. After I walked outside of the gate, I started to look around for slimes to kill. Sadly there wasn't any. So I decided to walk back towards the gate and ask for directions.
"Excuse me! I was wondering if you guys knew where I could find some slimes?" I asked them.
"Umm. . . Oh I know where they are! Try walking east of here for about 1 mile, and then you should come upon their spawning grounds!" One of the guards said to me.
"Alright, thank you very much!" I said to the guard while walking away.
While walking east like the guard had said, I decided to look around, and try to spot anything that would be interesting to look at. There was actually quite a few interesting things, like there were beautiful flowers, trees, bushes, animals, etc. I decided to take a closer look at some of the animals, and what I discovered was I can actually view their stats!
┌ Name -- Red-Tailed Rabbit
Level -- 0
Health -- 10/10
Strength -- 1
Dexterity -- 3
Constitution -- 1
Intelligence -- 2
Wisdom -- 1 ┘
┌ Name -- Grey Squirrel
Level -- 0
Health -- 10/10
Strength -- 1
Dexterity -- 3
Constitution -- 1
Intelligence -- 2
Wisdom -- 3 ┘
┌ Name -- Yellow Spotted Deer
Level -- 1
Health -- 50/50
Strength -- 4
Dexterity -- 7
Constitution -- 5
Intelligence -- 5
Wisdom -- 4 ┘
"Wow. . . That is really sad. . ."
[What is?]
{That deer is a higher level than me. . .}
[It happens.]
{Ok, ok. . .}
With a sigh, I decided to keep walking. After a bit, it had taken me about another 20 minutes to walk the rest of the mile due to me looking at everything within my sight. I slowed down because I saw something jumping up and down a little distance away.
{Hmm. . . Must be a slime.}
[I won't help you out this time, I will just watch and give you pointers after you beat it.]
{Alright. . .}
I decided to kneel down that way it was harder for it to see me. Then I looked at it while trying to see its stats.
┌ Name -- Slime
Level -- 1
Health -- 20/20
Strength -- 7
Dexterity -- 9
Constitution -- 2
Intelligence -- 4
Wisdom -- 4 ┘
'Hmm. . . It seems like it is kind of weak.' I thought to myself.
"Are you able to sneak up to it Orion?" I carefully whispered.
{{I am not sure, I can try if you would like.}}
"No, let us not do that until you get bigger. For now I guess I'll make sure it is targeting me and you run up and try biting it, or hitting it with your claws."
{{Will do.}}
I slowly pulled my shortbow off my back, and took an arrow out of my quiver. I notched the arrow to the shortbows' string, then I slowly pulled it back. Then I looked straight at the slime for a few moments, and my targeting system popped up. I was able to see it a lot closer now, and I was able to put my target marker on it. When I made sure I had it targeted, I let go of the arrow and the arrow shot straight out of my shortbow and into the slime.
-15 Health Points!
"Attack it now Orion!"
Orion then jumped off my back and flew towards the slime that was jumping towards me. When the slime noticed Orion it was already too late. Orion took is right claw, and swung it at the slime, it connected with the slime. The slime then turned into water right afterwards.
[Congratulations! You have killed your very first monster! Double Experience Points has now been distributed!]
+15 Experience Points (30 Experience Points due to doubling!)
[Congratulations! You have leveled up to Level 1!]
┌ Name -- Arthrall Pendragon
Race -- Human
Age -- 18
Level -- 1
Health -- 60/60
Mana -- 25/25
Experience -- 25/30 (+30)
Title --
Guild --
Strength -- 8
Dexterity -- 5
Constitution -- 6
Intelligence -- 5
Wisdom -- 4
Talent Points -- 5
Skills -- 0
Professions -- 0 ┘
[Would you like to distribute your Talent Points?]
┌ Name -- Arthrall Pendragon
Race -- Human
Age -- 18
Level -- 1
Health -- 90/90 (+30)
Mana -- 25/25
Experience -- 25/30
Title --
Guild --
Strength -- 10 (+2)
Dexterity -- 5
Constitution -- 9 (+3)
Intelligence -- 5
Wisdom -- 4
Talent Points -- 0
Skills -- 0
Professions -- 0 ┘
"Awesome! I leveled up!"
[Orion is currently growing bigger. Please wait before you do anything else until he is done!]
{Oh he is??}
[Congratulations! Your pet has grown even bigger! It can now receive levels from killing stuff!]
I looked over at Orion after the System told me about him growing.
┌ Name -- Orion Pendragon
Race -- Celestial Dragon
Age -- 9 Hours Old
Level -- 0
Health -- 120/120
Strength -- 6
Dexterity -- 9
Constitution -- 12
Intelligence -- 6
Wisdom -- 5
Talent Points -- 0
Skills -- 0 ┘
"Holy shit!! Your health is so high, and yet you are not level 1 yet. . . What the fuck. . ."
{{Is that a good thing?}}
"Oh my god! Yes it is a very good thing. I've got 90 Health Points at level 1, at Level 0 I had 60 Health Points. You on the other hand have 120 Health Points at level 0. . ."
{Oh ok then.}
". . ."
{{What is wrong?}}
"Nothing. . . Lets just go and kill more slimes. . ."
{{Alright then!}}