Chapter 69: Blue Enters the World!

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



"Hey Faylin!" I said to her after walking into the Adventurer's Guild.

"Hey Arthrall, welcome back!" She commented.

"Don't you ever go home and sleep? You've been here all day again. . ." I told her.

"Normally yes, but some people are out today, so I stayed to help out. What can I do for you?" She then asked.

"Oh, we are just here for Dj, he is here to grab a quest." I mentioned to her.

"Oh alright, why don't you take him over to the Copper section of the Quest Board. You already know what to tell him about it." She told me.

"Will do, come on Dj. Follow me." I told him.

We walked over towards the wall, and Dj just had a flabbergasted look on his face.

"Why are there so many quests on the board? I thought this was a town, not a city!" He exclaimed.