A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!
"Blue Falcon? Um ok. . . Why that name?" Dj then asked.
"What. . . I can't help thinking that I really enjoyed that show. . ." I commented.
"Show? What is a show?" Arialle that asked.
"A show is something that we could watch, and they used to have back on our world. I used to watch a few, but barely watched one called Blue Falcon." Dj commented.
"Oh ok. . . So basically nothing here." She then said.
"It is like how Faylin watches us through our rings. The difference is we can watch different people at once." I then told her.
"Ohh ok!" Arialle the exclaimed.
"Hmm. . . Oh! I forgot to invite you to my party!" I exclaimed.
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"Would you like to join my party Dj?" I asked him.
"Yes." Dj answered.