Prologue (Edit)

"Why...Why do people have evil eyes for others money... Why? I started my factory, and my own friend was stabbing me behind my back. As my business started being successful. The people around me, wanted to kill me and my family."

"You bring this child up in such manner that the child has no greed for money, NEVER. When the child grows up, for the child money should only be colorful paper."

"I will give the child all my property. After me, this child deserves my chair. The king who chooses his heir... while being alive, his kingdom prospers the most."

"Till then the world should not be aware that Benjamin has a child."

27 years later…

Third person's POV :

*** 11th April, California-10:15 In The Morning "Deserted highway 178 in Death Valley California"***

The weather is very beautiful; it's sunny and windy. The highway is center of the forest. And there is no one on the highway except one woman who is driving the luxurious car BMW M760LI. The woman is at her age of 22; she is enjoying her ride and the scenario peacefully.

There 20 km ahead, there are some workers working on the street. Once their work is done, they hide in the forest.

And when the car reaches that place, the car flies away and hit the large tree. Then one of the workers came out from the forest and go near to the car to verify, is the woman alive or death. He places his finger front of her nose but there is no breathing. After that the worker signals someone in the forest that the woman id dead...

***Bangkok- 7:30 In The Evening "Amara Hotel Bangkok"***

There is a man who is at his age of 57, is stand on the balcony of the 25th floor.

He is watching his family picture on is phone. During this time 3 unknown men enter his hotel room and shoot 2 of his bodyguard. After hearing the gun shoot he turns around and face to the 3 unknown men.

One of the three unknown men pick his phone out of his pocket and dial a number, after ringing sometimes there are someone pick the phone and said:

Anonymous 1: "we wanted to eliminate you 30 years ago. Well, the passport was ready, but we did not get the visa. We have eliminated your daughter, in the morning, now it's your turn."

Anonymous 2: "Benjamin, now the time has come, to change the logo of your company. Now your business empire is ours. Do you get it?"

Anonymous 1: "Shoot him"

The man points his gut to Benjamin, and shoot him, and Benjamin fell from the 25th floor.

*** 12th April, England- 9:00 In The Morning "Benson's Mansion"***

Someone ring the doorbell, and the Mistress of the mansion Mrs. Iris Benson open the door. The two policemen came in with a parcel.

Policeman 1: "These things belonged to your daughter and your husband. The police department revived it a while ago."

Mrs. Benson: ...

Policeman 1:"I thought I should personally come and give you all this."

Mrs. Benson: "It was nice of you."

Policeman 1: "Thanks"

After their conversation the Policemen leave from the mansion. And Mrs. Benson opens the parcel and caresses the belonged of her husband and daughter with tearful eyes....

Then she took the phone that belongs to her husband and there she saw a voice recording, when she opens the recording and she heard...

Anonymous 1: "we wanted to eliminate you 30 years ago. Well, the passport was ready, but we did not get the visa. We have eliminated your daughter, in the morning, now it's your turn."

Anonymous 2: "Benjamin, now the time has come, to change the logo of your company. Now your business empire is ours. Do you get it?"

After hearing that, she went to her husband's office room and picks a diary from the table and search for a number. After finding the number, she calls to that number....

Anonymous Woman: "Hello."

Mrs. Benson: "It's time for her to come out."

Anonymous Woman: "It's time for the storm which was lull. She is educated and has become smart. She is awesome academically. Nobody can withstand her, when she fights. In her eyes, there is love and compassion for the poor...and fire for the devil. She is very skillful businesswoman. The doll of glass has turned into steel. I Will Sent Her To You."