The 30th anniversary party of the company (Edit)

***One week later Friday 21st April-9:30 In The Morning***

Anna's POV

Hello everyone I'm Anna Cooper and I'm 26 years old, next month July 5th I'll be 27 years old. Today I'm really happy because finally I got the promotion. The next week I will be the personal assistant of one of our board member in design department. The design department is the most popular department at the companies. But the fact is I don't know who will be my new boss. There are many board members in our AB group of companies. I am happy that I'm going to work with one of them but I am also sad because I am going to leave my old department. I'm going to miss my colleagues, my friends and the most important person of my boss.

During last 5 years I worked under his instructions and I learned a lot from him. He is the reason now I am where I am. Today evening we are going to celebrating 30th anniversary of our AB group of companies and this is the last time that I'm going to spend with them.

"So now it's time to get ready for the ceremony..." I said to myself.

***In the evening at the ceremonies***

'There are lots of people here who came to celebrate the anniversary of the company. There are some businessmen; some famous models, famous designers and the employees are here except the owner of the company Mr. Benson and his daughter...

It's been one week that they are dead. His daughter lost her life by a car accident and the next day he takes his life by jumping to the 25th floor. Everybody said that he can't tolerate that his daughter is dead so he suicide. '

'But his wife Mrs. Iris Benson came to celebrate the anniversary. she wear a white, simple but elegant gown, with simple makeup messy bu. She absolutly stunning and beautyful. Even though she lost her daughter and husband, she stayed strong and fighting for her husband's company.

The company needs a new CEO, without CEO the company will fell down. And lots of people want to be the CEO of the company. So the weeks there are a general board meeting to choose a new CEO.'

'I must admit that she is very strong women, in one day she lost her family but She stayed strong and didn't show any kind of sadness and weakness. I really want to be like her, she's my role model.'

At the moment when I am admitted her someone called my name from my behind and when I turn around I saw my boss Mr. John with a big smile.

Anna : "Good evening sir. How do you do?"

Mr. John: "I'm fine, how about you?"

Anna: "I am good. It's just... I am sad and a little nervous for the new journey....that's all."

Mr. John: "You will be great there too. You're one of my best employee; and I am sure your new boss will be very happy with your too."

Anna : "I hope so..."(I said with a fad smile)

Mr. John : "Well I hope your new boss will be Omkar...."

Anna : "Mr. kaison ?!? Who won the national award the last month?" (I say with shock)

Mr. John: "Yes, he worked so hard for this. I knew Omkar would win the award someday; he really got talent....Have you met him before? "

Anna : "Well I only know him by name. There's no one at AB group of companies....Who doesn't know who Omkar Kaison is. And truth to be told, I only saw him once from a distance at company...But his designs are amazing."

Mr. John : "Yes and with him you will learn lots of new things...He is very good, kind and loving person and he is also very talented designer.... And very handsome too" (he said with a smirk)

Anna: "Then it will be a very big problem for me...." (I said that with tenses voice)

Mr. John : "How so ?" (He asked with shock expression)

Anna : "Because if he is that good, loving, kind and very handsome person than he must have a lot of fans and admirateurs .... And if I'll be his assistant than they will be very jalouse of me and causes me trouble... So I hope I have someone else as my new boss..." (I said with laugh)

My boss also laughed with me.


Anna : "Em..Excuse me Sir."

Mr.John: "Sure!"

After I excuse myself, I went to the corridor and answer her call.

Anna : "Hello!"

Aunt : "Next week you are working in that department...right ?"

Anna : "yes!"

Aunt : "Good! I'm proud of you."

Anna : "It's all thank to you."

Aunt : "Be careful!"

Anna : "OK. Don't worry about that. And take care."

Auntie : "You too; bye!"

Anna : "Bye!"

After end her call, I felt somebody bump into me.

Anna: "Aah!"

Anonymous: "Oh...I'm sorry."

Anna : "What do you think you're....?!"

I look up, about to lash out and complain when...I see a man standing there, whose fair sharp and clean-cut face, chestnut brown hair, straight narrow nose ,fair medium straight natural lips with deep brown eyes, he looks into me, expressionless.

'No way! Mr. Kaison!? Here!? Of all places?' (Anna thought with surprise expression)

Anna: "Mr. K-Kaison?"

Omkar : "Shh." (He presses his finger against Angel's lips.)

Anna : "Hm?"

Omkar : "Can you just...stay like this a bit more?" (He says this as he embraces Anna.)

'W-What is he doing?! It's all to unfamiliar...the scent of his perfume and...The warmth of his finger...I don't even know this guy...!' (Anna thought with embarrasses)

Anna : "Can you let go now?!" (She says this as she pushing him.)

Omkar : "Please, you gotta help me"

After he says that, I chin up and their eyes meet. We are so close that I can feel his breath on my cheek and his eyes are so dreamy, that I get lost in them. Then I hear some noise that coming closer. Omkar looks in that direction and clicks his tongue.

Omkar : "Just listen to me"

Anna : "If it's really that urgent..."

Omkar : "Good." (He whisper, and hold Anna in his arms.)

Anna : "I'm only helping, OK…Don't get the wrong idea."

Omkar : "Of course not. I wouldn't want that to happen either." (He squeeze her even tighter.)

He squeezes me even tighter that I can feel his heartbeat against me. His right arm slips around my waist. I can't move one bit, being held so tight in his arms. I become irritated because I'm unable to move and I'm running wild inside. Whatever this is, she just wants it to end! So I try to move and when I try to move, I hear a chuckle at my ear.

Omkar : "Sorry, it won't be long."

He whisper softly in my ear. And that's when it stops right in front of us...and as she stands behind Mr. Kaison, she takes a deep breath.

Anonymous: "Found you!"

She stares at him with bloodshot eyes...and her angry face completely drains all the beautiful features of it. After a moment I realist that the woman stands behind Mr. Kaison is Susan Mais.

Susan is a fashion model and TV personality, she gaining popularity especially among young, working women.

Omkar: "I don't want you. I'm with her now, so leave."

Susan: "Oh I see how it is. So, you're into girls that are dumb and fake now?!"

'Oh no, she didn't dare to shout at me!'

I look behind me and when I didn't see anyone, I look at her and say….

Anna : "Are You talking to me ?"

Susan : "No, I am talking with the air! OF COURSE I'M TALKING WITH YOU!"

Anna : And do I know you, who are you ?

Susan : "How comes you don't know who I am ? (She asked with shock)

I am the famous Susan Mais."

Anna : "O, ho, ho, ho, so you are that person ?"

Susan : "Yes I am that person." (She said that with proudly and with Diva smile)

Anna : "I have never heard about you."

After hearing my response there is a little laugh skip from Mr. Kaison's lips and Susan became angrier.

Susan : You bitch, how dare you ? How can you talk to me like this and.....

When she starts to scold me and blabbing I took my phone starts video recordings, after some time when she noticed that what I am doing, she stopped and asked me...

Susan : "what are you doing ?"

Anna : "Recording you ! And I really want to know how your fans will react when they saw this video!"

Susan : "Stop that, sto..."

I cut her out and said

Anna : "No you stop. Stop bothering us and leave us alone..... And you keep bothering us, I won't mind to send this video to the internet. Your career will be finished if I send this video."

After my treating she didn't say a word and leave the corridor and leave us behind.

Once again the two of us are alone in the corridor, and sometime after...

Omkar : "Thank You and I am very sorry for the situation I put you in."

Anna : "It's ok but… you need to find a solution for this matter cause I don't think she will let you go that easily."

Omkar : ...

Anna : "Ok goodbye!"

After that I went back to the hall room

Mr. John : "There you are, it's a long call that you got..."

Anna : "Yeah, sorry for make you Waite!"

Mr. John : "It's OK! Hmm, are you wearing perfume today? You smell nice."

Anna :"Oh! 'it's must be Mr. Kaison's perfume' (Anna thought) Uh...I don't think that's me, Sir."

Mr. John : "Hmm...oh?"

Anna: "What is it, Sir?"

Mr. John : "It's gone?"

Anna : "What's gone Sir?

Mr. John points at my neck.

Mr. John : "You know, the locket necklace you said that it's belong to your mother."

Anna : "Oh dame!"

Anna touch her neck after Mr. John pointed it out. 'Dammed, how could I have not noticed?! It's gone! How? Why? (She thought as she can't stop her hands from checking her neck over and over for it.)

I search everywhere on the floor and even asks someone that they have seen any necklace on the floor or not...but couldn't find the necklace.

Anna : "I want to go home Sir..."

Mr. John : "Are you sure? It is important to you, isn't it?"

Anna : "Yes, it is. It was very precious to me. But there's nothing I can do about it, it's gone. I should've realized earlier."

I've finally given up, Mr. John looks at me with warm eyes and smiles slightly. I check the floor again before I nods at him.

Anna : "Allow me!"

And I leaves the ceremony.